Justin Verlander, Trevor Hoffmann and Mariano Rivera | Syracusefan.com

Justin Verlander, Trevor Hoffmann and Mariano Rivera


All Conference
Aug 16, 2011
That's exactly what I want to be listening to at lunch with 3 days to go before the USC game. Hey Lindsley, how about you give us an indepth analysis of the Padres starting rotation tomorrow.

Their new ad should be something like:
The SCORE 1260......Completely out of touch with the local sportsfan

(NOTE: I know there is already another thread started on this shmuck. But his show ticks me off so bad, that it deserves another thread.)
Funny thing is, I streamed Danny Parkins show from Kansas City today (10 to noon). He talked about the KC Chiefs v. Bills, Conference Expansion and the B12. Even though it was a different city and different teams, his show from KC was more relevant to the "Syracuse SportsFan" than Lindsley's was today.
But then why does the local sportsfan listen? You would think if locals don't want to hear about baseball, then Lindsley would be gonzo by now. Best way to get rid of a radio personality you don't like is to not give him or her ratings.
I listened to Bud and the Manchild yesterday for a while, it was almost all Syracuse stuff. They were actually decent. Lindsley came on after, and comically enough, went into some rant about how he didn't think that a "college town" show needed to be 2 hours about just that school, and then was asking listeners to let him know how much or how little NFL they wanted to talk (though he qualified it with "though I'm probably not going to change my format"). He's brutal.
Lindsley is still there because he gets TONS of sponsors. When he's not rambling about useless baseball stuff, he's promoting one of 5,000 local organizations that sponsors his show. Flat out, he brings in $$.

That said, his show is terrible, and the constant sponsor promotions don't help.

Interesting what BlackKnight stated above. That to me means he's getting a lot of flack from listeners and the like about not talking enough SU sports. So he's trying to justify it.
Ok, but don't sponsors typically tend to follow ratings?
Lindsley is still there because he gets TONS of sponsors. When he's not rambling about useless baseball stuff, he's promoting one of 5,000 local organizations that sponsors his show. Flat out, he brings in $$.

As far as I know, his full time gig is sales at the station. Therefore, he does all of the sales for his show.
As far as I know, his full time gig is sales at the station. Therefore, he does all of the sales for his show.

Correct. I can go into inside scoop later
First off - for the record i can't stand him either, but i turned on the radio after lunch today and bascially what i heard was:

"Open lines but no one calling in - will talk about anything people want but no callers" (to paraphrase). If you want to talk about something, call in and bring it up. You cant complain he doesnt talk about what you want if you don't tell him on air.

Not saying i disagree with the frustrations or if it will make a difference, just saying it might prove a better result if you email/call him than post complaints here.

Also, maybe i'm mis-remembering, but originally on Axe's 620 show years ago wasn't he a producer there? if so, he was an Orioles fan, not a yankee's diehard like he proclaims now. Unless that was soemone else?
First off - for the record i can't stand him either, but i turned on the radio after lunch today and bascially what i heard was:

"Open lines but no one calling in - will talk about anything people want but no callers" (to paraphrase). If you want to talk about something, call in and bring it up. You cant complain he doesnt talk about what you want if you don't tell him on air.

Not saying i disagree with the frustrations or if it will make a difference, just saying it might prove a better result if you email/call him than post complaints here.

Also, maybe i'm mis-remembering, but originally on Axe's 620 show years ago wasn't he a producer there? if so, he was an Orioles fan, not a yankee's diehard like he proclaims now. Unless that was soemone else?

That's Ty Doyle, not mike
Lindsley is still there because he gets TONS of sponsors. When he's not rambling about useless baseball stuff, he's promoting one of 5,000 local organizations that sponsors his show. Flat out, he brings in $$.

That said, his show is terrible, and the constant sponsor promotions don't help.

Interesting what BlackKnight stated above. That to me means he's getting a lot of flack from listeners and the like about not talking enough SU sports. So he's trying to justify it.

Or he may be reading this board.
First off - for the record i can't stand him either, but i turned on the radio after lunch today and bascially what i heard was:

"Open lines but no one calling in - will talk about anything people want but no callers" (to paraphrase). If you want to talk about something, call in and bring it up. You cant complain he doesnt talk about what you want if you don't tell him on air.

Not saying i disagree with the frustrations or if it will make a difference, just saying it might prove a better result if you email/call him than post complaints here.

Also, maybe i'm mis-remembering, but originally on Axe's 620 show years ago wasn't he a producer there? if so, he was an Orioles fan, not a yankee's diehard like he proclaims now. Unless that was soemone else?

People don't call because they don't listen. It's also the hosts job to get topics rolling that make the callers want to call in. Not just say call in and we can talk anything. Love him or hate him, Parkins was great at that. He sparked discussion and people either called to agree with him, add something, or tell him he was FOS. Boring doesn't make me want to pick up the phone.
People don't call because they don't listen. It's also the hosts job to get topics rolling that make the callers want to call in. Not just say call in and we can talk anything. Love him or hate him, Parkins was great at that. He sparked discussion and people either called to agree with him, add something, or tell him he was FOS. Boring doesn't make me want to pick up the phone.
Completely agree - the fact that no one calls speaks volumes. Guess i went on a rant beacuse of the multiple threads on him - think we can all agree he stinks so we really dont need to keep talking about it, just like no one calling the show.

Thanks 690 for the clarification too
How much later? It's been 5 hours already.

Haha. Sorry. When 1260 started interviewing candidates to fill Dannys role, Lindsley went in and sold the PD that, if given the spot, he would generate tons more ad revenue than any new name they brought in.

And he did just that. His other hat at 1260 is a sales guy, and as bad as he is at hosting a radio show, he's THAT GOOD at placing ads for the firm. He's fearless in that regard.

But, the problem is how he's chosen to infuse almost a third of his on air minutes with commercial plugs. It doesn't allow the show to have any flow

So, basically he wasn't chosen based on the ratings they thought he would deliver, but rather his ability to raise ad revenue during his off air hours.

That, unfortunately, leaves the daily listener with a below average sports radio product
Haha. Sorry. When 1260 started interviewing candidates to fill Dannys role, Lindsley went in and sold the PD that, if given the spot, he would generate tons more ad revenue than any new name they brought in.

And he did just that. His other hat at 1260 is a sales guy, and as bad as he is at hosting a radio show, he's THAT GOOD at placing ads for the firm. He's fearless in that regard.

But, the problem is how he's chosen to infuse almost a third of his on air minutes with commercial plugs. It doesn't allow the show to have any flow

So, basically he wasn't chosen based on the ratings they thought he would deliver, but rather his ability to raise ad revenue during his off air hours.

That, unfortunately, leaves the daily listener with a below average sports radio product

Completely agree - the fact that no one calls speaks volumes. Guess i went on a rant beacuse of the multiple threads on him - think we can all agree he stinks so we really dont need to keep talking about it, just like no one calling the show.

Mike: Hello folks. We have all the lines open so if you want to call in, we can talk about anything you'd like.
Mike: It looks like line 1 has a caller.
Mike: We have Bee's on the line. Hello Mr. Bee's, how are you today?
Bee's: I'm fine thank you, how about yourself?
Mike: Great Bee's. So what is it you would like to talk about today?
Bee's: I'd love to talk some SU football!
Mike: Sounds great, have at it.
Bee's: Well Mike, what are your thoughts on our game Saturday night against USC and do you think we have a shot at pulling off the upset?
Mike: Well let me tell you Bee's, it's gonna be fun and the players are going to love SoCal. The team leaves tomorrow and that leaves time to see and do some things.
Bee's: That's great. What about the game itself?
Mike: Well, I think we need to go in relaxed. What Coach Marrone should do is take the players to the Dodgers game Friday night. Wow, what an experience for the kids that would be. Have you ever been to a Dodgers home game Bee's? Talk about seeing a real sporting event. I think they play the Pirates that night....click......
Mike: Hello? Hello? Bee's? Well folks, I guess we lost Bee's. He must be on a cell phone and went through some mountains and lost his connection.
Mike: Great call and question from Bee's as we talked some SU football!
Mike: So, we again have all the lines open, so if there is anything you want to talk about, now is a great time to call in.
Mike: Hello folks. We have all the lines open so if you want to call in, we can talk about anything you'd like.
Mike: It looks like line 1 has a caller.
Mike: We have Bee's on the line. Hello Mr. Bee's, how are you today?
Bee's: I'm fine thank you, how about yourself?
Mike: Great to hear, we'll be right back to talk with Bee's.
Mike: We're on the line with Bees. So what is it you would like to talk about today?
Bee's: I'd love to talk some SU football!
Mike: Sounds great, have at it.
Bee's: Well Mike, what are your thoughts on our game Saturday night against USC and do you think we have a shot at pulling off the upset?
Mike: Well let me tell you Bee's, it's gonna be fun and the players are going to love SoCal. The team leaves tomorrow and that leaves time to see and do some things.
Bee's: That's great.
Mike: We'll be back in just a minute to talk some more SU football with Bees.
Mike: This is Mike Lindsley at The Score 1260 and we've been discussing the SU football team's upcoming game with USC. Bees, do you have any additional comments?
Bee's: What about the game itself?
Mike: Well, I think we need to go in relaxed. What Coach Marrone should do is take the players to the Dodgers game Friday night. Wow, what an experience for the kids that would be. Have you ever been to a Dodgers home game Bee's? Talk about seeing a real sporting event. I think they play the Pirates that night....click......
Mike: Hello? Hello? Bee's? Well folks, I guess we lost Bee's. He must be on a cell phone and went through some mountains and lost his connection.
Mike: Great call and question from Bee's as we talked some SU football!
Mike: So, we again have all the lines open, so if there is anything you anyone else wants to talk Dodgers baseball about, now is a great time to call in.

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