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Monster Bug Wars: ACC vs. Big 10/12

When I was bar tending in Alaska the workers would meet every Monday night to play Risk. We had a championship belt and lots of booze n stuff. damn I love that game. Always took Australia if I could get it. Start with a strong border and move into spread out Asia.
I love that this thread was started, because I was joking with someone yesterday that this realignment stuff felt just like playing Risk as a kid.
I was watching Ken Burns' documentary on the Dust Bowl last night and it appears one of the causes was that the farmers, using their new tractors in the 20's, plowed up every inch of land to plant crops and got rid of all the native grass. there was no concept of crop rotation, soil conservation, etc. One survivor of the period described the attitude that prevailed: "What makes money now is good. Anything else is bad". And they wound up with houses being barried in loose soil. The government bought up the abandoned farms and replanted grass. Farmers that kept going we paid not to plant crops in some of their fields. Slowly the natural vegetation returned and the soil stayed in place. Farmers found they could prosper with a better planned approach and are now feeding the country and the world.

It seems to me that the TV executives and the college administrators who will do whatever the TV executives want to get an immediate payout are like the original midwestern farmers who, when they got the technology to do it plowed and planted every inch. If the geographic rivalries and proximity that have always been the topsoil of college sports get plowed up so be it. If we can cash in right now, who cares? At some point the TV networks will find fewer people care and the flow of money will stop. And the Dust Bowl of collegate sports will begin.
I was watching Ken Burn's documentary on the Dust Bowl last night and it appears one of the causes was that the farmers, using their new tractors in the 20's, plowed up every inch of land to plant crops and got rid of all the native grass. there was no concept of crop rotation, soil conservation, etc. One survior of the period said "What makes money now is good. Anyhting else is bad". And they wound up with houses being barried in loose soil. The government bought up the abandoned famrs and replanted grass. Farmers that kept going we paid not to plant crops in some of their fields. Slowly the natural vegetation returned and the soil stayed in place. Farmers foudn they could prosper with a better pkanned approach and are now feeding the coutnry and the world.

It seems to me that the TV executives and the college administrators who will do whatever the TV executives want to get an immediate payout are like the original midwestern farmers who, when they got the technology to do it plowed and planted every inch. If the geographic rivalries and proximity that have always been the topsoil of college sports get plowed up so be it. If we can cash in right now, who cares? At some point the TV networks will find fewer people care and the flow of money will stop. And the Dust Bowl of collegate sports will begin.
Interesting analogy...It will take a while but you could be right.
When I was bar tending in Alaska the workers would meet every Monday night to play Risk. We had a championship belt and lots of booze n stuff. damn I love that game. Always took Australia if I could get it. Start with a strong border and move into spread out Asia. - forgive me for wasting so much of your life

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