Rush Limbaugh is a truly great American. Anyone who doesn't think so has never listened directly to him for any length of time.
Spike Lee deserves to be in jail for what he did by posting that innocent couple's address. That makes him no better than the New Black Panther Party terrorists who intimidated voters in 2008 (all over Youtube) and now who are subverting the criminal justice system by offering a bounty on Hispanic George Zimmerman.
Obama, by not denouncing the bounty, is tacitly approving and encouraging a race war. He has already incited gender wars, religious wars, class wars, so you knew this was coming.
I hope they "do the right thing" and sue Lee for $100,000,000. Seriously.
The whole way the Liberals, from Obama on down, are handling this incident is sickening. But then again, the way Liberals handle everything is sickening.