Lunardi says depleted B12 strongest in Bball, how would B12/BE merged compare? |

Lunardi says depleted B12 strongest in Bball, how would B12/BE merged compare?


Walk On
Sep 24, 2011
Joe Lunardi has said the depleted B12 is nation’s best for hoops.[/url]

So wouldn’t it be even stronger if it added UCONN, Louisville, Cincy and West Virginia and BYU in exchange for A&M and Missouri, with dilution from Rutgers, USF and TCU?

If they could call it B12 in football and BE in Basketball they would be on to something, very competitive with ACC in Bball, just a tad below:

2. Kansas - Syracuse
3. Baylor - Duke a bit of a mismatch
4. Louisville - Pitt

5. Texas - FSU
6. Cincy - Miami
7. West VA - UVA
8. K-State - VA Tech

9. [BYU or Missouri] - Clemson
10. Rutgers - NC State
11. USF - Maryland historically gets the edge, maybe not so much this year
12. Okie St - Wake Forest

13. Oklahoma - GA Tech
14. Iowa State - Boston College, historical edge to BC but really down this year
15 Texas Tech - you pay the price in Bball to have 912 K TV share in football
16. TCU - have to wait and see what ACC comes up with for 15-16

As the saying goes in national politics, it seems as Missouri goes, so goes the nation.

If Katz is right and B12 does lose Mizzou and then goes after BYU, UL and two other BE teams WV and soon to be BE or never was TCU, why not just do a full B12/BE merger and spin off the 8 Bball only schools? - personal opinion only, so no link.

I ask you if super conferences are inevitable, after B12 loses 3 of its top 5 markets in two years (Nebraska, A&M and now maybe Missouri), who is going to join them from P12, from B1G or from ACC, certainly no one from SEC.

So it seems after garnering BYU, UL, WV and TCU, not a lot of choices on eventual road to 16 any better than Rutgers 938K NY/NJ market, UCONN more for its Bball than football, Cincy for a little of both and USF more for its football than Bball.

A B12/BE merger would also avoid litigation and set Cuse and Pitt free next year. As ACC did getting to 14 and a $20 M exit fee, a B12/BE merger would be doing by being the first to get all the way to eventual 16 to establish some temporary stability, especially if the 6 year grant or rights remains a criteria.

I know first impression would be what a mediocre football conference.

But look at this week’s rankings that may even be over reacting to USF and TCU losses. I will use ESPN’s but AP would be very similar

1. SEC is clearly #1 - has 7 in top 25 plus UGA and TN with votes

2. B12 has #3 Oklahoma, #6 Okie St, #11 Texas, #20 K- St, #25 Baylor plus Texas Tech with 25 votes for 6 in top 29.

3. If you then add in #16 West VA, USF with 22 votes for honorary #31 plus TCU who used to be ranked, and Cincy, more than half of the merged B12/BE is ranked, or at least gets votes.

4. By contrast B10 has 4 in top 25, plus Michigan St #26, Penn State with 9 votes and Ohio State will someday get healthy for 7 of 12 versus 9 of 16. I am not sure what two teams of 4 B1G could add would be ranked, maybe Notre Dame some day.

5. ACC has 4 in top 25 plus Pitt got a vote in ESPN, got more votes as did UNC in other poll. Miami is good some years. Again best hope and it is long term for 1 of final 2 added to be a ranked teams is Notre Dame.

6. P12 has just 3 in top 25 plus Washington and USC with votes, and UCLA some years. If SEC takes Missouri, and B12/BE lock in KU and K-St, probably looking at MWC teams to get to 16 someday.

Notre Dame may or may not remain independent and form a new Bball league with Nova, Marquette, G-town, St. John’s, Providence, Seton Hall and DePaul plus some of the Catholic Universities.

Who knows, Notre Dame may someday decide to join either B1G football or ACC football.

I realize UL @ 300K, Cincy @ 323K, TCU @ 371K are all small TV shares relative so Texas 2.25 million, Oklahoma 1.2 million, bigger only than Baylor 210K.

They are still bigger than any of the CUSA schools in Texas SMU(164K), Rice (127K), Houston (100K), or any other CUSA schools except UCF (507K), So, Miss (362K) and ECU (348K), not exactly crown jewels.

Of course all this hinges on who SEC cherry picks for 15-16 even if A&M and Missouri are SEC 13-14.

So Missouri is the first domino to fall and then who is next overall?[/url][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
The Big12 wouldn't take UConn IMO. They would be looking at BYU to get back to 9 then Lville to get to 10. Would they really take 2 more to get to 12? not sure and if so who? WVU and Cinci make better sence geographically. Can't imagine those big12 teams being happy about having to go to Uconn and Newjersey if they went with Uconn and Rutgers.
Disagree with Joe. BE is still top dog. At least for this season
I think top-to-bottom strength, he's right, it's the depleted Big 12.

I don't read anything Lunardi says; that's what I think of his credentials.
I think top-to-bottom strength, he's right, it's the depleted Big 12.

It helps the Big 12 that they have rid themselves of the two weakest BB members (Nebraska/Colorado) in the past year.
The Big12 wouldn't take UConn IMO. They would be looking at BYU to get back to 9 then Lville to get to 10. Would they really take 2 more to get to 12? not sure and if so who? WVU and Cinci make better sence geographically. Can't imagine those big12 teams being happy about having to go to Uconn and Newjersey if they went with Uconn and Rutgers.
You make a good point. It is inconsistent on the one hand to say distance from Penn State to Ohio State and beyond is a problem in B1G, but then gloss over it if B12/BE were to merge.
Though the football team and basketball teams may have chartered flights, a lot of the other olympic sports do not travelk by plane. They have to travel by van, extra time away from studies, etc. Having to drive a long way after a tough match might even contribute to greater chances of accidents, less ability for college students to attend, etc.
You make a good point. It is inconsistent on the one hand to say distance from Penn State to Ohio State and beyond is a problem in B1G, but then gloss over it if B12/BE were to merge.
Though the football team and basketball teams may have chartered flights, a lot of the other olympic sports do not travelk by plane. They have to travel by van, extra time away from studies, etc. Having to drive a long way after a tough match might even contribute to greater chances of accidents, less ability for college students to attend, etc.
Bilas made a very interesting point a couple of weeks ago. He suggested that once the dust clears on the "super conference" re-alignment, the non-revenue sports would be broken up into divisions based upon geography. And there would be little or no inter-divisional play before league championship tournaments in those sports. Those divisions would likely be different from those used by FB and MBB. Makes sense to me.
You make a good point. It is inconsistent on the one hand to say distance from Penn State to Ohio State and beyond is a problem in B1G, but then gloss over it if B12/BE were to merge.
Though the football team and basketball teams may have chartered flights, a lot of the other olympic sports do not travelk by plane. They have to travel by van, extra time away from studies, etc. Having to drive a long way after a tough match might even contribute to greater chances of accidents, less ability for college students to attend, etc.

BTW ACCBballfan what team are you a fan of? Just curious.
BTW ACCBballfan what team are you a fan of? Just curious.
Sure, jardoo. Enjoy your posts, BTW.

I follow all the ACC, but rely mostly on the UNC Rivals board a/k/a Tar Hell Radar (THR) and the three Duke boards Scout, Rivals and Duke Basketball Report (DBR) to keep up with all of other ACC teams. The other UNC board Inside Carolina is too juvenile and macho for my 63 year old blood. Not enough time even after retirement to peruse all 12, now 14, ACC boards and these two do a good job of highlights of others in ACC at least.

I tend to play devil's advocate when the homers over do it, so the UNC fans think I am too pro Duke and the Duke fans think I am too pro UNC. I am the enigma that likes them both and all of ACC as opposed to love one and hate the other like most state of NC people are.

I just recently started posting on the Rivals national board, an accident really when the local rivals board was not working and I tripped on the national board. I had seen some posters refer to it, but never ventured over.

When AlbanyCuse invited us on one of those boards, to visit your site, I thought I would give it a look. I enjoy your Jokes thread, though some are pretty raunchy, but my virgin ears have been pierced before, not literally since I am an old fart not very tolerant of earrings on men.

I am an analytic analystic, formerly an actuary which explains why I worked in Hartford for 17 years, insurance city and all that. So I am getting more interested in conference realignment than I normally am in college football. As my handle suggests I am mostly interested in college Bball and ACC as opposed to UNCFan or DukeFan or TerpsFan etc. though those names are likely already taken anyway.

I was pretty naive when I first started perusing the boards. I actually thought the poster named RayFelton (not RayRayFelton who was a clown) was the player himself and commended him for taking time from his studies to give us insights, not someone who admired him. He (now known as ChapelHillMatt does not post much any more on free boards) could not tell whether I was yanking his chain as a troll or not, but I was not.

I used to live in CT from 1983 to 2000. My son who now lives in San Jose is a big UCONN fan. I actually perefer Geno Auriemma over Jim Calhoun when I lived there, partially because he was speaker at my daughter's Hartford Courant Scholar Athlete awards dinner, and made a good impression even before he started winning with Rebecca Lobo, Kara Wolters, Jennifer Rizzotti et al and the many dynasty teams thereafter.

I lived in Boston from 1975 to 1983 and Philadelpha from 1971 - 1975 before that, grew up in STL in Show-Me state. So good hockey used to follow me around first with STL Blues being one of the more successful expansion teams in late 60's, then Broad street bullies in Philly, then Bobby Orr and Phil Esposito Boston Bruins, then Hartford Whalers were decent a few years before they migrated to NC. No one in sunny Flordia follows hockey so can't really tell you who our NHL team is or how they are doing.

In fact it's all college football here, but I still follow Bball vicariously on message boards, and ESPN, SunSports channel, ESPN3, etc.

I live about an hour and a half due north of Tampa in middle of nowhere but still go to USF every year to see UCONN where each year it alternates betwen Men's (Dec 28th this year) and Women's UCONN Bball. For that game there are more UCONN fans there than USF Bulls fans, the only time they fill the seats.

Tallahassee is 3 hours way and Miami even farther. I think I have been to FSU 3 times (one football game and two Bball games) since I moved here in 2000 just in time for presidential election jokes, the vote counting process, not the candidates.

I'll have to peruse the schedule, may try and get down to USF for men's games with Cuse or Pitt now that we are kinfolk.

Not that much of a women's BBall fan except for UCONN, though I must admit the women's game is more pure basketball than the men's game has become with so many one on ones and dunks. I only watch the NBA when it is Olympics or Team USA.

I do not subscribe to any premium boards as news comes out a few days later anyway and is usually a couple years before they arrive on campus which is soon enough for me. When the old THR board was voluntary contributions and all so-called premium info was available free to all, I did make contributions to Clint Jackson who lives in VA, but since they got acquired and went back to the premium route, I did not follow, just the free boards. I liked the old model a lot since you did not have to apply any judgment to decipher who knew what they were talking about versus who was blowing smoke.
Its nice to have you around for an ACC perspective ACCBballFan.

Don't think I've run across a fan of a specific conference but not any certain team persay.
Lunardi is like the last kid chosen when picking teams for a schoolground pick up basketball game. His opinionated drivel is hardly worth paying attention to in my opinion.
My favorite thing about Lunardi is how every fanbase is convinced he hates their team.
Gotta agree on Lunardi sometimes making picks not based on any real metrics. During the season he seems to switch them around just to have something to say differently. I have always felt he takes too many B12 and P12 teams but does a decent, not great, job on ACC, BE and B1G.

I try to track every team during the season, factor in Pomeroyy, RPI, polls, etc. to predict NCAAT inside and outside bubble, and then violate all I learned by picking an all ACC final 4, whenever brackets make that technically possible.

It's kind of like Dick Vitale who will pick certain schools every year just because of their big name coach regardless of how bad they may be that particular year. I am not referring to UNC or Duke who are good every year, more to Izzo, Pitino, Calipari, Donovan, Huggins, used to be that way with Lute Olsen and of course Robert Montgomery Knight, the General, schtik, schtik.
Gotta agree on Lunardi sometimes making picks not based on any real metrics. During the season he seems to switch them around just to have something to say differently. I have always felt he takes too many B12 and P12 teams but does a decent, not great, job on ACC, BE and B1G.

I think he does use real metrics, it's just that from week to week they aren't always the same ones.

I read his chats most weeks, sometimes he jumps around with why team A got in over Team B, one week its this reason, the next week it's a different one, etc.

I think he does use real metrics, it's just that from week to week they aren't always the same ones.

I read his chats most weeks, sometimes he jumps around with why team A got in over Team B, one week its this reason, the next week it's a different one, etc.
Yeh, I don't subscroibe to ESPN insider but you are probably right, that he changes the metrics to fit his selections rather than his selections to fit consistent metrics.

I do think that regardless of what he says, he has a minimum number of teams for each major conference is only way I can explain away him picking so many P12 picks the last few years., when my metrics has them at 1 or 2.
Not convinced the NCAAT selction committee was not doing the same or paying him too much heed. Reverse East coast bias.

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