Lydon | Page 2 |


He looks super sluggish and two steps slow to the basket this year. His first step is much slower than before.
He looks super sluggish and two steps slow to the basket this year. His first step is much slower than before.
Agreed. The weight has hurt his explosive qualities.
How would we know if he has a back to the basket game? He never gets the ball when he's in position on the block. Never. Why are SU teams so God-awful at feeding the post?

They're only good at feeding the post when they literally have nobody else like when Christmas was here.
We missed at least 10 opportunities to feed the post when their PG was guarding the block. We missed it every time.

Two times really irked me when DC and Lydon both had a mismatch.
I don't know if it's just because things haven't gone as well as expected but Lydon doesn't seem to be enjoying the game as much this year.
Two times really irked me when DC and Lydon both had a mismatch.

It was especially bad the time DC didn't pass to Lydon when he had that little guy just destroyed. Usually bigs are better at finding each other than guards are, but DC just wanted his double double or something. Scratching my head...
How would we know if he has a back to the basket game? He never gets the ball when he's in position on the block. Never. Why are SU teams so God-awful at feeding the post?

Teachers/coaches get what they stress, and they rarely see what they don't impress on students/players as important.
We all know there are multiple issues with the team, but it comes back to Lydon every time for me. He's not the player we expected or need him to be. I know guard play has something to do with that, but he's giving us very little on both ends of the court.

He's not hitting 3's nearly at the clip we all thought he would. He's certainly not rebounding well. His defense is alright but it's not like he's locking anybody down. He can't finish in the paint, like at all. I just don't know what he's giving us right now. He can certainly get back on track, but if he keeps playing like this, he's not only going to come back next season but he'll be back as a senior.

I was in Tyler's corner probably more than anyone going into this season. He's the main reason I thought this team would do so well. With him playing no better than average, we're going to have a lot of ugly offensive performances like this.

How the do you lock someone down in a zone?
I keep reading/hearing about Lydon gaining weight/muscle but I don't see it. He looks exactly the same to me.

Looks more like water weight to me
How the . . . . do you lock someone down in a zone?

A player can lockdown his area of the zone. Since you're generally going to see the same couple players in that area the whole game, it could be said that you're locking down those players.

Why are you being intentionally obtuse on this?
Absolutely. He should have had 5 buckets from the foul line easy. And 4 assists to DC and Roby for dunks. Just like good teams do to us. How do we not get this?
I don't think SU practices offense anymore. I'm not being snarky, I honestly think all the starters do is practice the 2-3 zone. JBs teams used to have very good offenses and they could run the fast break. I haven't seen SU run a decent fast break in a LONG time. When you have a 3-1 or 3-2 break it is inexcusable to not get a dunk or a layup. When we get those situations, the wings jog down and the ball handler is driving the lane against 2 guys. Fundamentals people - teach them and learn them.

As for Lydon, everyone was preaching that all he needed to do in the offseason was to gain 20 lbs. I was chastised then by saying we were asking too much to gain that much lean mass in 6 months (I won't say that what he gained does not look all lean). I said, it can be done, but at the detriment to other aspects, such as working on his game. All I wanted from him was to work his dribble. Looks like he concentrated on weight gain above all else.
Lydon just needs to play hungry. The problem is, I think he might be full from milkshake-and-KFC regimen I'm convinced he must have been on to put on those 20 pounds.

I kid!
A player can lockdown his area of the zone. Since you're generally going to see the same couple players in that area the whole game, it could be said that you're locking down those players.

Why are you being intentionally obtuse on this?

Give the kid a break. HE didn't tell us he was a lottery pick. He didn't nominate himself for pre-season awards. He's slumping, and maybe has lost a little confidence because he didn't start the season hitting from the outside like he expects to. Of all the players we have, he's my smallest concern. We just should maybe temper our expectations. He was a very nice player last year, as a third option, and everyone went wild about the next GWH. Maybe he's just a complementary player? Maybe it will just take him more than one season to become 'the man.' I kinda feel like he's on the cusp. Missed a bunch of shots in the paint, but that's not who he is, so they'll fall soon. He can practically double his production just by making the 'easy ones' he usually makes.

Maybe it is an adjustment to the weight. But, i wouldn't expect that to take all year to resolve. I do wish he would be more decisive on the catch and release. Pump faking from the top of the key when no one is ever going to block that shot? Just BE, Tyler.

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