marrone and clock management |

marrone and clock management


Renowned lacrosse analyst
Aug 15, 2011
I am a huge marrone fan but What's up with his clock and timeout management?

Why in the hell did we not call timeout on that last drive on either third or fourth down?

His timeouts are even more bizarre. Really frustrating
I don't think he has confidence in his offense to drive down for points in 90 seconds. Or he just uber-conservative.
We'd get the ball back with :45 seconds left in the half and NO timeouts left.

A Bailey run up the middle and head for the locker rooms.

trailing big to end the first half clock run out made no sense . and punting in the 4th took away any slim chance we might have had for a win in exchange for a more palatable loss. and then the said punt nets 10 whole yards. yes imo he's playing a bit too conservatively.
1st half punt,punt,punt out the clock.
2nd half punt,punt,punt,punt,to on downs,punt,meaningless score against scrubs.

trailing big to end the first half clock run out made no sense . and punting in the 4th took away any slim chance we might have had for a win in exchange for a more palatable loss. and then the said punt nets 10 whole yards. yes imo he's playing a bit too conservatively.
1st half punt,punt,punt out the clock.
2nd half punt,punt,punt,punt,to on downs,punt,meaningless score against scrubs.

I understand the punt, not that I like it, and I think it just makes us look like little b!tches that coaches should run fake FGs on when the game is well in hand... oops... but I don't get not going for the 2-pt conversion.
I don't get the clock management people.

My old man is guilty party #1, he wouldn't shut up about it after the WVa game, I had to change the subject after the game, it was ridiculous.

I'm like, they just blew that team out, why are you so focused on that, using all their timeouts in the first half didn't make a difference at all. WELL IT WILL. SOMEDAY IT WILL. MARK MY WORDS.

Is it a parental reflex, an I told ya so thing? Help.

Anyway - clock management was the least of our concerns today.
I am a huge marrone fan but What's up with his clock and timeout management?

Why in the hell did we not call timeout on that last drive on either third or fourth down?

His timeouts are even more bizarre. Really frustrating

We got run over today, and you're worried about clock management.

We have many more problems than that.

We need better athletes on offense e.g. love Ryan but he can't make a man-to-man defense pay.
We got run over today, and you're worried about clock management.

We have many more problems than that.

We need better athletes on offense e.g. love Ryan but he can't make a man-to-man defense pay.

I made this post at halftime when it was still actually a game, regardless of how bad we got beat clock and timeout management continue to be an issue with Marrone, its baffling when he does and doesnt use a TO or try to run out the clock.
I made this post at halftime when it was still actually a game, regardless of how bad we got beat clock and timeout management continue to be an issue with Marrone, its baffling when he does and doesnt use a TO or try to run out the clock.

It seems to me that fans always complain that their coach has poor clock management skills.

Who does manage the clock well?

I know that in Philly that is a standard complaint about Andy Reid.
Hey everyone makes mistakes but Marrone's decisions this year and past years have been poor regarding clock management. He just seems to against all fo the unwritten rules for clock management, maybe its just me but it seems baffling.
Marrone totally messed up the end of the half with clock management. You don't allow the clock to run down and then allow Louisville throw a "hail mary" into the endzone. We are lucky Charlie Strong isn't like the other 99% of coaches who would have let the clock run down to 1 or 2 seconds called a timeout and threw a freebie into the endzone. You call timeout with 10 seconds left tell the punt return not to touch it, and go into the locker room. I love Marrone he does an excellent job game planning and has brought us back to respectability, but he makes a lot of dumb decisions during the games. If you are 20+ points down in the last 4 minutes you don't risk your starters health by playing them. You put the backups in and just move on. Also, if you do score and aren't giving up if your down 18 you go for 2 and atleast show your team your playing till the end. Again his clock management skills must improve and they will hopefully with more experience but he cannot make amateur mistakes like the end of the half. If we were facing Paul Johnson, Frank Beamer any coach with experience in the ACC they would have thrown the ball in the endzone and taken advantage of Marrone's blunder.

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