Marrone taking credit where it's not due | Page 2 |

Marrone taking credit where it's not due

See the part about recruits who waiver due to coaching changes e.g. Ray Rice.
Well, maybe not "go get him..." More like "go KEEP him" from the plethora of BCS "offers" he had...:)
(Joke) I kid because I care Dougie...:)
It hardly matters. I'd bet Pugh would say that under Marrone and Atkins he learned how to become a pro prospect.

It's player + willingness to learn + good coaching.

There's enough credit to go around.
It hardly matters. I'd bet Pugh would say that under Marrone and Atkins he learned how to become a pro prospect.

It's player + willingness to learn + good coaching.

There's enough credit to go around.
I won't argue that he got great coaching. As a matter of fact, we might miss Marrone the OL coach more than anything.
I won't argue that he got great coaching. As a matter of fact, we might miss Marrone the OL coach more than anything.
Yes, totally agree... Dougie knows OL, no denying that...
See the part about Zach Allen not having a TCU offer until after Marrone left.
Are you really comparing the interest the 2 had? Zach had multiple BCS offers before his commitment and was publicized as an elite 11 QB. Justin Pugh said that SU was his only D-1 offer.
Pugh had heavy interest from multiple programs as his senior year went on from what I'm told. Remember, he had a great senior senior, capping it off with a dominant performance in the Big 33 game. Had he not remained firm with Syracuse he would have had more offers.
I won't argue that he got great coaching. As a matter of fact, we might miss Marrone the OL coach more than anything.

My point was more - why nit pick the beginning of his career and who gets credit for recruiting him (Marrone could have taken away his scholarship like he did with most everyone else) - when he and his assistants were largely responsible for his growth over the last four years?

It's not a big deal, IMO. Marrone and Robinson are both responsible - or better yet - Syracuse helped produce a 1st rounder.
Are you really comparing the interest the 2 had? Zach had multiple BCS offers before his commitment and was publicized as an elite 11 QB. Justin Pugh said that SU was his only D-1 offer.

No. I am comparing the offers they had previously.

Just because Pugh didn't have a plethora of BCS offers when he committed to Syracuse does not mean that more teams weren't coming in on him if he decommitted.

Case in point, Allen didn't have a TCU offer until the regime change.
My point was more - why nit pick the beginning of his career and who gets credit for recruiting him (Marrone could have taken away his scholarship like he did with most everyone else) - when he and his assistants were largely responsible for his growth over the last four years?

It's not a big deal, IMO. Marrone and Robinson are both responsible - or better yet - Syracuse helped produce a 1st rounder.
Great points. Why try to discredit Marrone or assign all the credit to GRob. We all know that holding on to "commits" or leaners after a change in head coaches is difficult. Just ask Augustus, Zach, and Laray. It happens. It would have been quite a coup if HCSS had held them but understandable that he didn't.
Great points. Why try to discredit Marrone or assign all the credit to GRob. We all know that holding on to "commits" or leaners after a change in head coaches is difficult .

Marrone originally released everyone from their commitment (as you posted yourself earlier in this very thread). He then decided to keep Lemon and Pugh. Pugh had no other D-1 offers. He said so himself on the radio just last week. I am not sure why some people here make everything all or nothing. No one said that Marrone doesn't get credit for developing him. On the contrary, I stated he was excellent at developing OL. All I said was that he didn't discover him-He fell into his lap. If there's one thing G-Rob did right (and there's probably only one), it was bringing in some talented players off the radar, such as Lemon, Pugh, Nassib, Derrell Smith.
Marrone originally released everyone from their commitment. He then decided to keep Lemon and Pugh. Pugh had no other D-1 offers. He said so himself on the radio just last week. I am not sure why some people here make everything all or nothing. No one said that Marrone doesn't get credit for developing on him. On the contrary, I stated he was excellent at developing OL. All I said was that he didn't discover him-He fell into his lap. If there's one thing G-Rob did right (and there's probably only one), it was bringing in some talented players off the radar, such as Lemon, Pugh, Nassib, Derrell Smith.
It's not worth losing your voice over OP, the all or nothing concept is very popular around these parts...:) Trust me, I know...:)

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