Okay, here I go again. It’s not necessarily good for everyone. Although I have seen enough of your posts on the subject, OiG to know we largely agree. But allow me to extend the rationalization. We as a society have lost the concept that education in and itself had merit. Particularly among the lower socio-economic sectors, we favor instant results over education, personal responsibility and hard work. Increasingly, kids are told through cultural signaling that making it to the NBA or the NFL is the goal. For 99.99% of kids that should not be the goal. The goal should be self-improvement and education. Talent in a sport is a means to an end outside of the sport. Unfortunately, that message is not reinforced.
It is my hope that if more kids who have already lost the opportunity to learn this are siphoned off by this new league, it will open doors for kids to see first had the value of the education, and that they in turn will be examples to the younger kids who still have time to learn it.