McDonald's All American game | Page 2 |

McDonald's All American game

There is a meat packing plant not far from where I grew up called Taylor Beef. As part of a nutty 11th grade history teacher's agenda to teach his students about what current production is like vs the old fashioned butcher we visited the plant. I had a hard time eating beef for a long time after that and still prefer to get grass fed organic or go to a local butcher to this day. Scarred for life...
Ronald McDonald is dead to me. Hasn't been the same since he went gangster.

yeah...that little boy looks like you when you lived on cook ave.
If they bring the McLobster back, I'm there!

Side note, how did Kennedy Meeks make the game? Dude is 6'9 and can't dunk, he can't even get up and down the court well.
If they bring the McLobster back, I'm there!

Side note, how did Kennedy Meeks make the game? Dude is 6'9 and can't dunk, he can't even get up and down the court well.
I've seen what you do at woodbury... you sick mother effer.
I'm sure there could be a documentary made on most of the foods that we eat. If I watched them all I would prolly be eating Lettuce and carrots like my wife. I'd rather not watch, and eat happy

HAHAHA @ your new signature!!!:rolling: I'm tearing up over here.
McDonald's has been dead to me since they messed up the Sharock shake. That was the one thing I would go out of my way for every year until they replaced the 3 gallon extra large I would get with the 20 oz clear cups w/ whipped cream and an cherry on top. Charge more and give less? Et tu McDonald's?
I got a shake through the drive thru the other day and was so pi$$ed when I saw my shake was full to the bring with whipped cream and then the cherry was plugging the hole on top where the straw goes. I stopped on my way out still blocking the drivethru window, took the lid off and dumped the whole top of it off, put the lid back on then put the straw in and took a drink. Looked back at the window and the look I got was priceless. I'm hoping the window worker told their boss, "maybe we should skip the cherry and whipped cream through the drive thru?" Not very mature I know but that was the only way I was going to be able to drink my shake and drive, which kind of is the point of the drive through usually. :bang:
The might as well refer to this game as a Kentucky practice. Next year Kentucky will have 8 McDonald's All-Americans. 9 if they get Wiggins.

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