Mental toughness |

Mental toughness


Walk On
Jan 3, 2013
When things are not going their way this team lacks mental toughness go right the ship. Not a huge Scoop fan but he had it and would get the team out of a rut.

Triche - nope
MCW - nope
Southerland - kinda
CJ - yes
Grant - hopeful, seems like he gets it and is able to contribute when things are not going his way
The Bigs - hahaha
I am not bg on reading people's demeanor on the court but at times 4 of our 5 guys on the floor look stoic. You need a real energy guy on every team, kind of like Gardner today.
When things are not going their way this team lacks mental toughness go right the ship. Not a huge Scoop fan but he had it and would get the team out of a rut.

Triche - nope
MCW - nope
Southerland - kinda
CJ - yes
Grant - hopeful, seems like he gets it and is able to contribute when things are not going his way
The Bigs - hahaha

I am really concerned whether or not we can count on Jerami for anything right now...he looked terrified to me tonight.
Go to scorers need confidence and balls. Triche simply doesn't have it. And he is the only way we make a run in the NCAA's.

Sometimes you CAN read body language. And the fact that for four years we have been hearing how the coaches need to tell him how good he can be, blah, blah, blah. That is played out. He doesn't have the constitution to be a lead dog.
Go to scorers need confidence and balls. Triche simply doesn't have it. And he is the only way we make a run in the NCAA's.

Sometimes you CAN read body language. And the fact that for four years we have been hearing how the coaches need to tell him how good he can be, blah, blah, blah. That is played out. He doesn't have the constitution to be a lead dog.

I said this about 45 minutes ago and got ripped to shreds for it.

I spoke about his awful body language, his lackadaisical attitude and his lack of cojones and was lambasted for it.

Thank you for speaking the truth. Triche isn't built to be a leader on this team.
Fr & Soph Scoop was tough to stomach.
Jr & especially Sr Scoop showed cajoles. Sometime it worked, others it didn't but he had the onions to get after it. Our guards don't. Question is will they?
Jerami looks like he's been neutered. All the confidence he gained is gone. JB's fault.

He looks done to me for this year...played as though he thought the ball was laced with C4. He looks totally lost. Just a body out there tonight.
Is this the same Scoop that got blamed for everything during his time here?

Absolutely, but I can tell you one thing I never questioned and that was Scoops heart. Every game he played like it was his last. Once you have someone that makes the same mistakes as scoop and shows 100x less heart its easy to praise Scoop for everything he did. I never questioned his heart or desire, I knew what his end goal was. He wanted to win championships and games for Syracuse University. I cannot say I see that in MCW. It sounds harsh, but all I see is his desire to use Syracuse as a stepping stone. All he wants is to get to the NBA as quick as possible. He does not show that heart that I saw in Scoop. I actually believe his attitude is starting to rub off on Triche. I mean what the hell was Triche doing on that ball that was deflected into that back court. Did you see the hustle from the Marquette player? Not only did he deflect it, he hustled back and almost beat a lackadaisical triche and was bumped to the ground and still got up and dove for the ball before it went out of bounds. Did he get the ball? No, but he gave everything just to get that ball. Same thing happened in the Temple game. Temple was diving all over the floor, trying to get every loose ball. We don't do that. I haven't seen that type of hustle at all this year.
I said this about 45 minutes ago and got ripped to shreds for it.

I spoke about his awful body language, his lackadaisical attitude and his lack of cojones and was lambasted for it.

Thank you for speaking the truth. Triche isn't built to be a leader on this team.

One play late in the game when things slipped away stood out to me...I think Gardner had converted a layup and drew the foul, and there was Brandon - head buried in the padding of the goal post, looking resigned to a loss. You can't be a leader and show defeat.
He looks done to me for this year...played as though he thought the ball was laced with C4. He looks totally lost. Just a body out there tonight.
And that's because he was stripped of his confidence. He EARNED that confidence. It's a shame but he will be a hell of a player next year.
Grant is an example of why I am surprised we still recruit so well. How do you play yourself into meaningful minutes?
Was sophomore Scoop better than sophomore MCW?

hell yea, i think scoop's best season was his soph year, he was tremendous coming off the bench for us that year.
hell yea, i think scoop's best season was his soph year, he was tremendous coming off the bench for us that year.

I would rather have Scoop too. I'm just amazed by how soon we've forgotten how hard he was to watch at times, especially early in his career.
The thing is I could see Triche going into beast mode for a few games and willing us to victory ala Keemba or being in a long funk and an early exit. Nothing at this point surprises me.

Not sure if there is anyone else capable of doing it. Maybe Southerland but really tough to do when all you have is a 3. MCW - i am not seeing it.
I've always wondered how the team would act if they drank Xtreme Energy Shocks. Use to drink them when I worked out and I had so much energy I'd be itching lol.
Grant is an example of why I am surprised we still recruit so well. How do you play yourself into meaningful minutes?

I thought the ball moved better on offense with Grant in the game as compared to when James was on the floor. I'm not saying that James shouldn't play--he offers more offensively overall (though I'm starting to question how much more, really). However, Grant deserves the opportunity to play more than he has recently given how well he played when James was out.

If we want kids to continue to come here, they can't see that their entire freshman season will basically be a wash.

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