MIke and Mike cut Mark Schwarz interview mid sentence | Syracusefan.com

MIke and Mike cut Mark Schwarz interview mid sentence


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Aug 28, 2011
Anyone else catch that? Just happened on the radio. Felt weird.
They just came back and said they ran out of time. Not sure I buy that. IMO it felt like someone was in his ear to go to break. They came back and stuck more to the facts vs. the "alleged" victims account.
Yeah, I honestly its unbelievable how BIAS ESPN is acting on this story. Mark Schwarz is acting like this guy is Mother Theresa while I am disappointed with the story. Schwarz is PISSING ME off greatly its like he is trying to create a name for himself? Dude their was an investigation 5 YEARS ago. up Schwarz yeah the investigation continues and if Fine is cleared I hope Schwarz and ESPN are sued in a civil lawsuit. Don't give me this crap they aren't blood relatives god I am just ripping mad against Schwarz.
Mike & Mike seem to be on JB's side. Schwarz veryyyyy defensive. Everytime Mike & Mike bring up Boeheim's side Schwarz says something like "Well, Lang and Davis werent very close even though their related"...really thats the kind of defense youre going with.

I want Schwarz tarred and feathered if nothing comes of this.

p.s. says its eating Lang up inside about bringing Davis around Fine? Didnt Davis meet Fine selling candy bars??
Mike and Mike said this has a completely different feel than the Penn St deal. The big difference is that Penn St acknowledged this stuff was going on while SU is completely denying it.
Mike & Mike seem to be on JB's side. Schwarz veryyyyy defensive. Everytime Mike & Mike bring up Boeheim's side Schwarz says something like "Well, Lang and Davis werent very close even though their related"...really thats the kind of defense youre going with.

I want Schwarz tarred and feathered if nothing comes of this.

p.s. says its eating Lang up inside about bringing Davis around Fine? Didnt Davis meet Fine selling candy bars??

Of course he's defensive. Schwarz's professional reputation and entire career now lie in the hands of these two accusers.
What the HELL HAS HAPPENED TO JOURNALISM? My god, I was in a Broadcast Journalism and we WERE TAUGHT NEVER PUBLISH A STORY WITHOUT 2 SOURCES. Well Schwarz gets Davis and goes OMG I am sitting on a gold mine I gotta get this scoop I want to be the next Bob Ley omg I will be the most popular man in the ESPN suits mind so he gets the stepbrother of the complaining witness to vouch his story, and doesn't want it to seem bias so its they aren't blood related. THIS GUY IS A JOKE and honestly he is acting like he is part of the story I WANT Bernie to sue these guys and I WILL FREAKING DO IT PRO BONO.
Staking your career on a story that was dismissed after investigated a few years ago and relying on the two shiftiest looking mother$%^&*%$# ive ever seen is not a good career move. Schwarz is trying to bring Boeheim down now, saying he was told Boeheim would "give Bobby a look" when he knocked on his door and he was on Fine's bed...lol, ok whatever you say. Solid reporting bro.
Alsacs, you are so correct. I think Schwarz is really worried about his story because he is indeed acting like hes part of the story. Dude is acting like hes Bobby Davis' lawyer.
Mike & Mike seem to be on JB's side. Schwarz veryyyyy defensive. Everytime Mike & Mike bring up Boeheim's side Schwarz says something like "Well, Lang and Davis werent very close even though their related"...really thats the kind of defense youre going with.

I want Schwarz tarred and feathered if nothing comes of this.

p.s. says its eating Lang up inside about bringing Davis around Fine? Didnt Davis meet Fine selling candy bars??

Lots of holes in this story.

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Do they teach you to take the credibility of the sources into account before you go public with a story and trash a man's reputation? I'm honestly curious since our resident journalism expert indicated last night that two shifty drunken meth addicts were enough to run with a story in his opinion. So ESPN was totally, completely in bounds so far - excellent reporting done here...
Hey Bobby, I want to introduce you to the guy who's been molesting me, you two should hang out. -Mark Lang
As I said in a previous thread I saw the Schwartz thing on ESPN ... and as I said in the previous thread, I said to myself based on his demeanor and story ... "What an a$$hole" ... here is a guy who was tossed a bone and said to himself, "Wow, here is a career maker and how conveniently close to the PSU scandal". He projected no neutrality; no objectivity ... afterall where would his career making story go if the allegations were proven false. I could almost hear him sobbing as he was telling the story ... this guy is sick and far from a competent journalist.
They just came back and said they ran out of time. Not sure I buy that. IMO it felt like someone was in his ear to go to break. They came back and stuck more to the facts vs. the "alleged" victims account.

Yeah, was watching it on ESPN2 and thought it was extremely bizarre the way they cut it off and went to break. I watch and listen to this show a lot, and they never cut off guests.

Marsh---on your post about "Golic looked pissed", did you mean pissed at Schwartz or pissed they cut it off?
From the PS:

After The Post-Standard told Davis in 2003 that it did not plan at that time to publish a story about him, Davis contacted ESPN’s “Outside the Lines.” ESPN investigated Davis’ allegations in 2003 and opted not to broadcast a story about Fine, the network reported Thursday.

In the wake of a sex abuse scandal at Penn State, ESPN said it interviewed Davis. Thursday evening, ESPN broadcast a story about Davis and Fine after a second victim – identified by ESPN as Davis’ step-brother — alleged that Fine had molested him. Shortly after that, Syracuse police confirmed they were investigating child molestation allegations against Fine.
I want the truth out asap and to be honest even if it does come out quickly and Bernie is found completely innocent, Bernie will never get his reputation back, ever. That said if he did abuse this guy and possibly others then he deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law.
journalists, regardless of issues, have promoted their own career from what and how they write and talk their "evidence". Examples range from political, war, financial, and now sexual abuse cases...it appears that Schwarz has "identified with story" and now is all in regardless of what the truth maybe...the story is now part of his being...unfortunately, this will not go away any time soon even if Bernie is innocent
journalists, regardless of issues, have promoted their own career from what and how they write and talk their "evidence". Examples range from political, war, financial, and now sexual abuse cases...it appears that Schwarz has "identified with story" and now is all in regardless of what the truth maybe...the story is now part of his being...unfortunately, this will not go away any time soon even if Bernie is innocent

You're right, if he becomes part of the story and is just worried about proving the accuser as the victim instead of finding out the truth, he is doing all an injustice. Schwartz can not become this mans PR machine.
Hey Bobby, I want to introduce you to the guy who's been molesting me, you two should hang out. -Mark Lang
That is no funny matter. Child predators often use kids to recruit other kids for them. It's easier to seduce a kid when somebody near their age says its ok.
NYC Fan I was thinking the same thing. I listen to them every morning and they always go out of their way to respect a guest and the cut off was abrupt and suspicious. They always give warning and a sign off, this time it was, "really quick tell us about the legal side of this case... " then 15 seconds and cut off.
I hope the story is not true and I respect JB statements to the press last night, I just hope these guys are either backed up or debunked quickly.
Not sure if this is normal or not, but here is the byline info from the bottom of the ESPN story:

"Mark Schwarz is a reporter for ESPN's enterprise unit."

Is that ESPN distancing the mothership from Schwarz, or is that normal bio info?
Not sure if this is normal or not, but here is the byline info from the bottom of the ESPN story:

"Mark Schwarz is a reporter for ESPN's enterprise unit."

Is that ESPN distancing the mothership from Schwarz, or is that normal bio info?

I googled some old articles of his. It looks like that's what they normally say for him.

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