MIke and Mike cut Mark Schwarz interview mid sentence | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

MIke and Mike cut Mark Schwarz interview mid sentence

What the HELL HAS HAPPENED TO JOURNALISM? My god, I was in a Broadcast Journalism and we WERE TAUGHT NEVER PUBLISH A STORY WITHOUT 2 SOURCES. Well Schwarz gets Davis and goes OMG I am sitting on a gold mine I gotta get this scoop I want to be the next Bob Ley omg I will be the most popular man in the ESPN suits mind so he gets the stepbrother of the complaining witness to vouch his story, and doesn't want it to seem bias so its they aren't blood related. THIS GUY IS A JOKE and honestly he is acting like he is part of the story I WANT Bernie to sue these guys and I WILL FREAKING DO IT PRO BONO.

I'm not sure how fair this is. Schwarz had this story 8 years ago and didn't go with it because he only had one source.
I want the truth out asap and to be honest even if it does come out quickly and Bernie is found completely innocent, Bernie will never get his reputation back, ever. That said if he did abuse this guy and possibly others then he deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law.
If innocent, Fine's career is over. His basketball camp won't continue. It just isn't right.

These 2 guys certainly pass the crack test, hopefully their stories are as credible as their appearance.
Mike and Mike havent said one word about this story since they had Schwarz on earlier today. Normally they will bring up topics during the show due to viewer response.
What the HELL HAS HAPPENED TO JOURNALISM? My god, I was in a Broadcast Journalism and we WERE TAUGHT NEVER PUBLISH A STORY WITHOUT 2 SOURCES. Well Schwarz gets Davis and goes OMG I am sitting on a gold mine I gotta get this scoop I want to be the next Bob Ley omg I will be the most popular man in the ESPN suits mind so he gets the stepbrother of the complaining witness to vouch his story, and doesn't want it to seem bias so its they aren't blood related. THIS GUY IS A JOKE and honestly he is acting like he is part of the story I WANT Bernie to sue these guys and I WILL FREAKING DO IT PRO BONO.

Honest question can ESPN taking sides and not reporting facts be used for a law suit against them? And if so can we as alumni sue since this story has devalued our diplomas? I would love to take ESPN down.
Honest question can ESPN taking sides and not reporting facts be used for a law suit against them? And if so can we as alumni sue since this story has devalued our diplomas? I would love to take ESPN down.

Sounds like the TV side is being unfair and the radio side (mike/mike, herd) are being very fair.
Honest question can ESPN taking sides and not reporting facts be used for a law suit against them? And if so can we as alumni sue since this story has devalued our diplomas? I would love to take ESPN down.

We can hire Mike Leach as our lawyer. I have a feeling he'll take the case pro bono.
Anyone else catch that? Just happened on the radio. Felt weird.

It was a legit commercial break. I just went back and listened to it again. Golic says "we have 30 seconds" - and then they ask Schwanker a question - his response was pushing a minute (I timed it) and then they cut mid sentence to commercial. It was legit.
Honest question can ESPN taking sides and not reporting facts be used for a law suit against them? And if so can we as alumni sue since this story has devalued our diplomas? I would love to take ESPN down.
Good question. The fact that they are reporting these things as facts (through Schwartz), is so unprofessional. Schwartz is insuating that Fine is guilty. If if turns out that these "facts" are unfounded, I'd imagine ESPN could face some sort of civil suit by the way that they've (Schwartz) reported this with such a biased tone. This already has tarnished SU's image and SU will not be able to restore their ideal image for a long time. Ignorant people out there will still look at SU like they got away with something.

How you put all of that in monetary terms? I don't have a clue.
Honest question can ESPN taking sides and not reporting facts be used for a law suit against them? And if so can we as alumni sue since this story has devalued our diplomas? I would love to take ESPN down.

It would be pretty difficult to put a damage amount on any perceived devaluation of our diplomas. I don't feel like this has devalued my degree from SU in any way. But it certainly has me feeling very awkward and confused right now about the SU hoops program that I have lived and breathed for 34 years, since I was 9 years old.

I really want to believe that this is all a hoax, but at the same time I don't want to blindly say that the accusers are making it up in the absence of proof that they are. I have a few friends who were sexually abused as kids. I know what they've gone through in their lives and it ain't pretty.

I did not sleep well at all last night and I am mentally all over the place this morning.
With the PSU situation, there was an investigation, then there were 8 victims, 40 indictments, and then the story became public. This creep Davis can't put together a legal case that holds water, so he drums up publicity so he can have someone literate ghost-write a book for him, all the while destroying a man's reputation. As far as Schwartz and journalism, all you have to do is look at our political "reporting" to know objectivity and responsible journalism are dead as doorknobs in this country.
Do they teach you to take the credibility of the sources into account before you go public with a story and trash a man's reputation? I'm honestly curious since our resident journalism expert indicated last night that two shifty drunken meth addicts were enough to run with a story in his opinion. So ESPN was totally, completely in bounds so far - excellent reporting done here...

No doubt, journalistic standards have changed for the worse. With the 24-7 news/sports cycle we now have, these guys can't find enough factual/interesting/different stories to write about, so they go to press with stuff like this, before more fully vetting their sources and the story itself. And if it happens to destroy someone's life and career in the process, so what! It's a cesspool.
Hey Bobby, I want to introduce you to the guy who's been molesting me, you two should hang out. -Mark Lang
I read that in Hank Hill from King of the Hill's voice. I think most would understand why.
Honest question can ESPN taking sides and not reporting facts be used for a law suit against them? And if so can we as alumni sue since this story has devalued our diplomas? I would love to take ESPN down.
Sorry guys I have been super busy today and this is the first time I have checked the board since 7:30ish. Yes, ESPN can be sued for slander or Intentional /Negligent infliction of emotional distress under respondent superior you are responsible for any torts your employees commit. I have been doing some research and plan on starting a draft and sending to Bernie or somebody in the SU offense once he gets cleared. I hope he sues Schwarz personally.

An employer is liable for torts committed by his employees while acting in the scope of their employment; however, they are not liable for torts committed by independent contractors unless the independent contractor was subject to the employer’s control, Employer-Employee Relationship Creation: An employer-employee relationship exists when the employee has agreed to work on behalf of your employer Schwarz works on behalf of ESPN; and to be subject to the master’s control or right to control the physical conduct of the servant. Scope of Employment: Conduct of a employee is within the scope of employment ifThe actions were taken with the purpose of serving the company interests; oran employee acts in a foreseeable manner for which the employer could have taken reasonable preventive measures but failed to do so, the employer is liable for the employee’s actions.

Liability For Actions Out of the Scope of Employment- The employee is not liable unless
The employee intended the conduct; or the employee was negligent or reckless; or the conduct violated a non-delegable duty of the employee; or The servant purported to act on behalf of the master and there was reliance upon apparent authority.
Honest question can ESPN taking sides and not reporting facts be used for a law suit against them? And if so can we as alumni sue since this story has devalued our diplomas? I would love to take ESPN down.
This just in , ESPN is moving there headquarters to Syracuse , N.Y. . We will own them .
It is very, very difficult to sue the media for libel/slander where the subject of the story is a "public figure". BF is a "public figure". Not fair, but the way it is.

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