Mixed feelings | Syracusefan.com

Mixed feelings


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
- I confess I stopped hating Georgetown years ago after Big John left. It stopped being the War against the Evil Empire and just became an old rivalry- one we came to dominate.

- But those two losses to them and Big John's insistence on getting his two cents in made it seem like the old days.

- Rooting for Big East teams is an old habit, even though we aren't one any more. Georgetown is still a team that we played three times and lost to twice. It makes us look bad to see them get blown out.

- But I agree that, especially this year, our reputation is in our own hands. If we do well, it won't matter what the teams we played did.

- But if we don't do well ourselves, it will matter.

- I'm not big on upsets. I want to see confrontations between the teams we've been following all year. The directional teams should have their own equivalent of Division 1AA so they could win a title instead of an upset. They just gum up the works here.

- But every time a 2 loses to a 15, that Richmond game seems longer and longer ago.

- I had Georgetown going to the Final Four on my sheet.

- My sheet is an exploded minefield anyway.

- I kept asking myself: Why didn't they play this way against us?

- Then I asked, "Why didn't we play this way against them?

- Because we are more likely to be ahead, (at least in the early games), and have blown some leads over the years, when a team builds up a big lead and sees it dwindling, I find myself rooting for the team with the lead. Their losing the lead and the game would, (in my mind, anyway), be more painful than the other team coming up short.

- In football, I'm a Bolshevik, wanting to overturn the established order because we are not a part of it. Go underdogs! In basketball, I'm a Romanov because we are a prominent member of the basketball establishment. Each upset reminds me of our own mortality. It could happen to us!

- But it didn't. We're still in it, baby!
Teams that foul a lot and hold the ball for 25 seconds before even trying to score are horrible to watch. Even if they weren't Georgetown, I'd still hate them.
I give this post 1000 likes.

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Never ever ever ever bet on a Hoya. You are old enough to know better.
In past year's I've also rooted for Big East teams to do well in the tourney because I felt that made SU look better by association.
However, with us leaving the Big East and the "thug ball" league the refs have let it become, I'm fully in the "F the Big East" camp this year.
I'd be more than happy if SU was the only Big East team left in the tourney after this weekend.
- But every time a 2 loses to a 15, that Richmond game seems longer and longer ago.

That loss to Richmond still hurts, but I have to admit, it hurts a lot less now seeing those Georgetown thugs suffer the same fate.
Actually worse than ours - at least our game with Richmond was close - G'town let themselves get owned by a 15 seed tonight. Loved it!
I just sit here incredulous. Pitt and Georgetown are two of our three biggest wins this year. And they both got run out of the building. Just dominated by crap teams. How is it even possible? Syracuse didn't even come close to playing that well against either team, even when we beat them. Would FGCU have gone 15-3 in the Big East?? Would they have gone 1-17??
It was always fun rooting for the Big East. I'll root for BC and Pitt in the ACC. The rest? Meh.

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I saw FGCU play once this year against Stetson and thought that they could give the 'Cuse a run for the money. They are a good team but they can be inconsistent.
Our seats by the way were about 6 rows behind the visiting team's bench and only cost $15. The $9 seats would also have been just as good.
This win was not a fluke and it proved one thing and one thing only...that is GEORGETOWN STILL SUCKS!
I just sit here incredulous. Pitt and Georgetown are two of our three biggest wins this year. And they both got run out of the building. Just dominated by crap teams. How is it even possible? Syracuse didn't even come close to playing that well against either team, even when we beat them. Would FGCU have gone 15-3 in the Big East?? Would they have gone 1-17??

Really in my opinion has to do with how fouls are called (or not called) in the big east. Take yourself back to the Arkansas game. Not a great team but tough at home. I enjoyed watching that game. Up and down, final score was 91 to 82. Now think of the Pitt game (either the win or the loss) or the Gtown 3 games. Did you really enjoy watching any of those games? I hate flopping and I like effort on defense. I do not like the way pitt, Gtown, and lately Louisville play defense. Whe refs don't let them get away with it things like today happen.
Like SWC I hate the Hoyas less than I used to. Reason one, JTIII is far less reprehensible than Darth Vader. Reason two, my best friend married a Hoya and I correctly predicted the first time they went out that he would be the best thing that ever happened to her. Which didn't stop me hazing the Hoyas on his timeline after the loss. I'd expect the same if we lost again to a 15 seed.
I'm in LA on business. Watched a guy at Century Plaza hotel bar anguishing over the game. I went up and casually said "amazing game". He says "I went to Georgetown". I put my hand on him and said, "I went to Syracuse". Eww he says. "Enjoy the finish", I said walking away.
I just sit here incredulous. Pitt and Georgetown are two of our three biggest wins this year. And they both got run out of the building. Just dominated by crap teams. How is it even possible? Syracuse didn't even come close to playing that well against either team, even when we beat them. Would FGCU have gone 15-3 in the Big East?? Would they have gone 1-17??

The transitive property doesn't apply in college basketball.
The transitive property doesn't apply in college basketball.

Aww come on I'm not talking about transitive property I'm talking about that the two teams we had the hardest time with this year could not even stay in the game against teams that we feel are totally inferior. It just makes you question what the heck is going on.
I'm on red eye back to DC tonight and I feel like I could get there without the plane I'm so happy.
Well at least we're spared having to watch a Wisconsin-Georgetown sleepfest for a final.-VBOF
- I confess I stopped hating Georgetown years ago after Big John left. It stopped being the War against the Evil Empire and just became an old rivalry- one we came to dominate.

- But those two losses to them and Big John's insistence on getting his two cents in made it seem like the old days.

- Rooting for Big East teams is an old habit, even though we aren't one any more. Georgetown is still a team that we played three times and lost to twice. It makes us look bad to see them get blown out.

- But I agree that, especially this year, our reputation is in our own hands. If we do well, it won't matter what the teams we played did.

- But if we don't do well ourselves, it will matter.

- I'm not big on upsets. I want to see confrontations between the teams we've been following all year. The directional teams should have their own equivalent of Division 1AA so they could win a title instead of an upset. They just gum up the works here.

- But every time a 2 loses to a 15, that Richmond game seems longer and longer ago.

- I had Georgetown going to the Final Four on my sheet.

- My sheet is an exploded minefield anyway.

- I kept asking myself: Why didn't they play this way against us?

- Then I asked, "Why didn't we play this way against them?

- Because we are more likely to be ahead, (at least in the early games), and have blown some leads over the years, when a team builds up a big lead and sees it dwindling, I find myself rooting for the team with the lead. Their losing the lead and the game would, (in my mind, anyway), be more painful than the other team coming up short.

- In football, I'm a Bolshevik, wanting to overturn the established order because we are not a part of it. Go underdogs! In basketball, I'm a Romanov because we are a prominent member of the basketball establishment. Each upset reminds me of our own mortality. It could happen to us!

- But it didn't. We're still in it, baby!
I agree, I didnt hate them as much, but c'mon, they were still georgetown and as they crept into insignificance, I was happy. When JTIII took over, it becsme easier to really hate them again, and now as they go back to being a second tier league, it wont bother me to "kiss them goodbye"
Aww come on I'm not talking about transitive property I'm talking about that the two teams we had the hardest time with this year could not even stay in the game against teams that we feel are totally inferior. It just makes you question what the heck is going on.
Teams play bad games...
Aww come on I'm not talking about transitive property I'm talking about that the two teams we had the hardest time with this year could not even stay in the game against teams that we feel are totally inferior. It just makes you question what the heck is going on.
we had the hardest time against them because the refs in the Big East believe in letting physical teams play- embarassing?sure. inferior? no effin way
I'm in LA on business. Watched a guy at Century Plaza hotel bar anguishing over the game. I went up and casually said "amazing game". He says "I went to Georgetown". I put my hand on him and said, "I went to Syracuse". Eww he says. "Enjoy the finish", I said walking away.

You didn't wipe blue cheese dressing from his beard like that commercial from a few years ago?

I just sit here incredulous. Pitt and Georgetown are two of our three biggest wins this year. And they both got run out of the building. Just dominated by crap teams. How is it even possible? Syracuse didn't even come close to playing that well against either team, even when we beat them. Would FGCU have gone 15-3 in the Big East?? Would they have gone 1-17??

Anything can happen in a one game elimination. Some teams rise to the occasion some cant take the pressure. I'd say they go below .500 in the BE.
- I'm not big on upsets. I want to see confrontations between the teams we've been following all year. The directional teams should have their own equivalent of Division 1AA so they could win a title instead of an upset. They just gum up the works here.

I disagree. The fun in the NCAA tourney is the upsets. The FGCU game may have been the best win to watch in years. How can one not enjoy Brown's excitement toward the end, shaking hands with all the announcers, jumping up and down, and truly having the time of his life? This would never have the same appeal if they had their own tournament. I'm a big picker of lower seeds, LaSalle for one! I would not have the same interest in the tournament if the mid-Majors were excluded. I'm a Miami (Ohio) graduate and what a thrill that was when Wally took over in '99!

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