Mookie Jones |

Mookie Jones


Dion Waiters
Aug 15, 2011
Was doing some research in my google processing head and was thinking if mookie was on uconn how long it would of taken calhoun to show him the door and not offering him a schollie for the next year. My guess one year.
M-O-O-K-I-E!!! It's been a while since we had a Mookie thread!
I feel very badly for Mookie ... highly recruited kid ... comes to Syracuse... and now will do nothing but sit ... again. The worst part is he keeps moving closer to the end of the bench and now will come in before the walk-ons. Can't afford to transfer and willnow just sit.
Mookie can shoot! What else can he do? His ball skills combined with being considered a guard in our system was kind of the kiss of death for him. He has bad ball skills even for a 3 in our system and we are trying to make him a 2.
Almost the start of another year, but same ole same ole about Mookie.
I think his mental toughness is to fragile and his decisions, handling and defense hold him back.
How can a G/F not dribble? How can recruitniks rank a guy so high if he can't dribble. I could see it in the case of raw SF/PF prospect but I think everybody missed on him.
Southerland couldn't dribble at all coming in. Mookie can dribble, he's just not particularly quick, and he's pretty upright when he does.
I think maybe Mookie gets some spots to contribute this year. I hope so. He's a good kid for having hung in there, especially with his emotions so much on public display a few times in the past. I wish him the best.

He is a talented guy, and can give us the occasional microwave off the bench. I can see him getting some minutes as the 1/2 guy, especially if Southerland doesn't rebound again this year. Mookie doesn't have to rebound at the 2 to be a designated shooter, he just has to get out on guys, use his 6-6 height and disrupt some passes.

Southerland has to rebound, and was not up to it last year. The 3rd forward will come down to whether Southerland can get 5 rebounds a game as the 3rd guy. If he can, he gets the 3rd forward spot this year.

If he can't, it will go to Christmas for his rebounding and defense. If Christmas is your 3rd Forward, then I can see where Mookie gets the occasional shot at the 2G. Also depends on MCW's development. IF he can defend at this level as a very skinny frosh (like UConn's 2 kids did last year), then Mookie won't play after December 1.

If MCW and Cooney are not physical enough yet to play Big East defense. then Mookie will be the 4th guard and could see time as a zone buster when the other guys are cold. But we won't play a 4th guard very much at all, unless we have Christmas in the front court rotation along with Fab Melo and Baye Keita. That's just too many guys who can't be counted on to score. That would bring Mookie into the mix, potentially. Boeheim probably trusts him a bit by now. He is a senior, after all.
Southerland couldn't dribble at all coming in. Mookie can dribble, he's just not particularly quick, and he's pretty upright when he does.

Very true. Mookie however was a Top 50-75 guy, no?
LOVE the Mookie threads. Is this one new or did someone just cut and paste a 2009 thread from TOS?
Very true. Mookie however was a Top 50-75 guy, no?

Yes, Mookie was a 4 star recruit, and a 3 time NYS champion.
I think maybe Mookie gets some spots to contribute this year. I hope so. He's a good kid for having hung in there, especially with his emotions so much on public display a few times in the past. I wish him the best.

He is a talented guy, and can give us the occasional microwave off the bench. I can see him getting some minutes as the 1/2 guy, especially if Southerland doesn't rebound again this year. Mookie doesn't have to rebound at the 2 to be a designated shooter, he just has to get out on guys, use his 6-6 height and disrupt some passes.

Southerland has to rebound, and was not up to it last year. The 3rd forward will come down to whether Southerland can get 5 rebounds a game as the 3rd guy. If he can, he gets the 3rd forward spot this year.

If he can't, it will go to Christmas for his rebounding and defense. If Christmas is your 3rd Forward, then I can see where Mookie gets the occasional shot at the 2G. Also depends on MCW's development. IF he can defend at this level as a very skinny frosh (like UConn's 2 kids did last year), then Mookie won't play after December 1.

If MCW and Cooney are not physical enough yet to play Big East defense. then Mookie will be the 4th guard and could see time as a zone buster when the other guys are cold. But we won't play a 4th guard very much at all, unless we have Christmas in the front court rotation along with Fab Melo and Baye Keita. That's just too many guys who can't be counted on to score. That would bring Mookie into the mix, potentially. Boeheim probably trusts him a bit by now. He is a senior, after all.

Good breakdown.
I want Mookie to play some because I believe he offers a skill SU needs with his outside shooting. Ok, he has some other
flaws, but I thought he could still play 10 mins a game. And when discussing his flaws, it's always pointed out that he
doesn't play much in the way of defense. He is following such stellar defenders as GMac, Jonny Flynn, and Eric
Devendorf, so I can understand how that's a concern.

In all seriousness, there are times SU struggles because it can't hit shots. I don't see why the one or two potential
outside shooters on the team didn't get chances last year. Mookie, and Southerland, could immensely help themselves
if they added the ability to feed the post from the wing. Station them on the same side as Fab (assuming he's playing),
and they either get a more wide open shot, or drop the ball down low (second assumption: Fab, or someone, is a
credible inside scoring threat).

No one ever talks about Mookie as a SF. That is where he is most likely to get some minutes. We have 5 guards, all with the ability to score. We only have three forwards that can score. Then there are the three centers, none of them can score away from the basket. Mookie is needed for depth at the three spot. He is big enough to be a big east 3 and he should be quick enough to play in the back of the zone.

There is no room/need for him as a 2 guard on this team but if KJ or CJ are in foul trouble, we are going to need him as a scoring 3.
Always rooted for Mookie and give him credit for sticking it out.

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