My Lineup for Next Season.... |

My Lineup for Next Season....


All Conference
Aug 15, 2011
The back court is too easy - obviously Brandon & MCW start. I think Cooney average 15 to 20 minutes, which is perhaps more run than some others are projecting.

The frontcourt is where things get interesting, but I would go with:

C - DC2 - The only 5 w legit O

PF - CJ - The all around glue guy. I think he will improve some aspect of his game over the summer, hopefully, his shooting/scoring.

SF - Dirty - improving steadily in all aspects from scoring to rebounding top D & has earned a chance to start.

That leaves a bench of Rak, Baye, & Grant. Rak & Baye add some D & size. I have a feeling that Jerami will surprise & get more rotation time than many are predicting. Sure he will get some DNPs, but I think he will average 7 to 10 MPG & show that he can score.

In terms of what Jimmy does, I have a feeling that Rak will start over Dirty.
i think the lineup you posted might end up being our best, end of the game lineup, but i would be shocked if JB doesn't start both Coleman and Christmas. As I've posted before, I suspect, unless we are very fortunate and JB somehow finds a way to get both DC2 and Christmas to play productive minutes together on the floor at the same time, that we'll likely see DC2 and Christmas trading off minutes at the 5, with the other one coming in off the bench. (Rak will also get whatever minutes JB needs to fill at the 4, but only as needed, and I think Keita will get very limited time in tough games, with almost all 40 being split btwn DC2 and RC.) It remains to be seen whether DC2 or Christmas will be the best guy to have in there at end of game situations, but it might depend on whether the game situation calls for our offensive lineup (with DC2 at the 5) or our defensive lineup (with Christmas at the 5.)
i think the lineup you posted might end up being our best, end of the game lineup, but i would be shocked if JB doesn't start both Coleman and Christmas. As I've posted before, I suspect, unless we are very fortunate and JB somehow finds a way to get both DC2 and Christmas to play productive minutes together on the floor at the same time, that we'll likely see DC2 and Christmas trading off minutes at the 5, with the other one coming in off the bench. (Rak will also get whatever minutes JB needs to fill at the 4, but only as needed, and I think Keita will get very limited time in tough games, with almost all 40 being split btwn DC2 and RC.) It remains to be seen whether DC2 or Christmas will be the best guy to have in there at end of game situations, but it might depend on whether the game situation calls for our offensive lineup (with DC2 at the 5) or our defensive lineup (with Christmas at the 5.)
Yes, I agree (and I did mention in my OP) that I expect Jimmy to start Rak over Dirty.

I also agree with the rest of your post except that you may be short changing BMK. There were many times when he outplayed Xmas last season & got more minutes at the five (post-Melo). If BMK could only get a bit stronger & just catch the ball more effectively, he could be very solid. Between XMas & BMK, the lion's share of minutes may well go to whomever improves the most over the summer. As for DC2, he may have some game where he has foul difficulty, but that aside I expect him to average about 25 MPG.

All in all I think we have three solid options for bigs, and that each of them will at various times have their moments in the sun.
oops, yeah, you did say that - which for some reason i forgot about as i got into typing my response.

as for BMK, yes, i might be short changing him a little bit - i agree there were times late in the season where BMK outplayed Rak (and that one Melo-less game in particular - was it WVU or Cincy?) I guess what i'm going on here is largely the noticeable lack of improvement in BMK's game from his first to second year. And contrast that with the tremendous potential Rak has, I think it's realistic to expect at the very least a noticeable step up in Rak's play next year, and him having a breakout year is certainly possible as well. I thought there were times in the ncaa's where Rak looked really good at center, as good or better as any moments BMK has had in his 2 years at SU, and that was with Rak getting very limited time at center all year long. Imagine how much better he could be playing at center if JB decides to dedicate some real minutes in practice to Rak playing the 5 from day one. That center spot is so tough to predict at this point going into next year. But hopefully BMK's lack of progression last year was attributed to the lingering effects of his injury - and he'll continue to get better, stronger, and get more comfortable catching the ball again. That would be a nice problem to have - 3 guys you all want to give time at center to.
I think Rak starts over Dirty, but Dirty starts over Fair.

Wrap your head around that one.

I dont see it Otto. I cant see Fair not starting and would be stunned if he sits for James.
DC2 at the 5: Only legitimate 5 that we have. Rak and BMK will swing to the 5 for breathers and foul trouble
Rak at the 4: I tell you right now ... write it down... Rak is gonna have a great sophomore year.
CJ at the 3: No question. Without a doubt. Dirty backing him and Rak up. Grant is gonna get minutes at least early in the season.
We'll be swinging at the 1 & 2: MCW starts at the 1; BT starts at the 2; When BT swings to the 1 Cooney backs up at the 2. He is gonna see a lot of minutes as well.

Did i leave anybody out/ (Don't say Mookie !!!)
I think its very, very, complicated right now.

1. JB hasn't brought to many seniors off the bench in recent years.
2. Rak started last year Dirty didn't.
3. Do you start your best shotblocker or your senior forward who can put up alot of shots. Usually you would start your shotblocker unless its a pressing shotblocker and use the scorer as a 6th man.
4.In recent years JB has sacrificed the first 4 minutes treating the second 4 as more important.
5. JB likes to go inside to start games which gives DC a edge unless hes clearing the lane for MCW.
6. Rak wasn't a true shotblocker or scoring presence at PF. He really had no upside at PF last year to warrant a earned start.
7. Once Triche moves to point and becomes a pass first option he will be best utilizing DC in the high post(someone who can score off some bumping in the paint). That being said Triche probably won't be starting point. So you could start DC sit him and then bring him back in around the 8 minute mark for Triche at point or move triche to point at the 15 minute mark for DC.
8. James and CJ have the experience to stay out of foul trouble early so we don't need to start a true PF. We don't know if DC will be able to stay out of foul trouble much this year.
9. Starting Dirty over fair would open the paint more early on.
10. MCW might be good enough to clear the paint for which could decide how much we need a high post big. At the same time MCW could surprise and be a true scoring guard which spells more time for Brandon at point.
11. Dirty is a true bomber. We already have one of our 2 best shooters coming off the bench in Cooney. That being said we could go with a spread offense with Dajuan in the high post with Cooney and Southerland on the perimeter at the 15 minute mark.
12. Rak could surprise and be a true scoring presense for us this year.
13. We have Cooney, and Southerland to really spread the defense with thier shooting. We have CJ, DC2 to bring the isolation offense. MCW and Triche will be working harder for their points one on one against their defender at point. That being said you want to bring a shooter and a isolation guy off the bench. Not so sure a Paint filled with rak, DC, CJ without our best two perimeter shooters in is the best way to start a game.
14. JB is going to find the best chemisty for the team according to the gameplan over caring who starts. Really with as much flexibility as this team has it has the potential to start and bring players on/off the bench based on what the opponents mathcup strengths and weaknesses are.
15. JB is going to be pushing DC, Rak and Keita to PF all he can. Our best bet is DC being made to play the four. Its somewhat goofy looking but Rak is the true shotblocker at center.
16. I worry about DC2 and Rak at the four picking up a quick foul early giving Keita a quick sub in. Might be better to get them both on the floor together in the meat of the first half.

Its Very, Very complicated right now. I actually think it would be best that JB didn't make a decision early on and istead based on whats best for the team. And unlike the years where we say if it isn't broke don't fix it I hope JB continues to consider changing the lineup throughout the year because opponents will get better and so could our chemisty over time. We are a very very flexible team especially offensively, getting stuck in one solid starting lineup could hinder our diversity. We have the advantage of surprise this year. Sometimes you got to throw the matchups/best player opionins out and turn to gameplan.

But just for the spirit of speculation I am going with
1 and 2 MCW/Triche
3. CJ
4. Rak
5. DC2 (he boxes out well at center but will be raw rebounding early) start the season. But, JB will realize he can tweak his lineup and will.
Not too complicated. Unless James suddenly magnifies his game by 50%, he doesn't start. Rak and CJ start from day one. I believe the only one who might get more minutes than CJ will be BT.
Not too complicated. Unless James suddenly magnifies his game by 50%, he doesn't start. Rak and CJ start from day one. I believe the only one who might get more minutes than CJ will be BT.
It is possible that CJ plays that many minutes, and also does not start.
I don't see how you trot three guys out in your starting lineup that can't score unless they're within 8-12 feet of the basket.

regardless of who starts, it is going to be a pretty balanced lineup with pretty balanced minutes

2 centers DC2 and BMK will get roughly 20 mpg each
3 forwards Dirty, CJ and Rak will all average over 24MPG and under 30MPG
3 guards BT, MCW and Cooney; ~32 or 33 for the first two, ~15 for the frosh
Not too complicated. Unless James suddenly magnifies his game by 50%, he doesn't start. Rak and CJ start from day one. I believe the only one who might get more minutes than CJ will be BT.
My educated guess is:


There will be a great battle between cj and James for the last starting spot.
Not too complicated. Unless James suddenly magnifies his game by 50%, he doesn't start. Rak and CJ start from day one. I believe the only one who might get more minutes than CJ will be BT.
My hunch is that Southerland has already started to magnify his game. We shall see, but he should go into the season thinking that he can land a starting role, then prove it.
That would be a nice problem to have - 3 guys you all want to give time at center to.
Actually that is not such a great situation. There just aren't enough minutes for 3 players all at center. That is one reason why everyone wants the Rak at pf transformation to work. You can then get 2 good bigs on the floor together.

To the OP, the same reasoning of Rak at pf, is the reason people do not think J Grant will get that many minutes. J Grant will be the 4th forward.

Not only do people think Rak will improve but JB will be more lenient. With DC2 at center there will be some O out there, unlike last year when Rak was at pf that meant 2 of the front line were not real O threats.

Then when JB subs BMK in for DC he can put in the other scoring pf in for Rak and still have 4 scorers on the floor together.
My hunch is that Southerland has already started to magnify his game. We shall see, but he should go into the season thinking that he can land a starting role, then prove it.
I must be one of those poor fans that was grabbing a beer when South drove to the basket, or for that matter even put the ball on the floor to create his own shot. No handle - no start, no chance, no way. No comparison between South and CJ.
DC2 at the 5: Only legitimate 5 that we have. Rak and BMK will swing to the 5 for breathers and foul trouble
Rak at the 4: I tell you right now ... write it down... Rak is gonna have a great sophomore year.
CJ at the 3: No question. Without a doubt. Dirty backing him and Rak up. Grant is gonna get minutes at least early in the season.
We'll be swinging at the 1 & 2: MCW starts at the 1; BT starts at the 2; When BT swings to the 1 Cooney backs up at the 2. He is gonna see a lot of minutes as well.

Did i leave anybody out/ (Don't say Mookie !!!)

This is how I see it and it worries me only for the 12-16ft jumper. Who the hell takes that shot?
i think the lineup you posted might end up being our best, end of the game lineup, but i would be shocked if JB doesn't start both Coleman and Christmas. As I've posted before, I suspect, unless we are very fortunate and JB somehow finds a way to get both DC2 and Christmas to play productive minutes together on the floor at the same time, that we'll likely see DC2 and Christmas trading off minutes at the 5, with the other one coming in off the bench. (Rak will also get whatever minutes JB needs to fill at the 4, but only as needed, and I think Keita will get very limited time in tough games, with almost all 40 being split btwn DC2 and RC.) It remains to be seen whether DC2 or Christmas will be the best guy to have in there at end of game situations, but it might depend on whether the game situation calls for our offensive lineup (with DC2 at the 5) or our defensive lineup (with Christmas at the 5.)

Keita is still going to play 10+minutes a game. Young guys commit fouls. We'll need them all next year.
This is how I see it and it worries me only for the 12-16ft jumper. Who the hell takes that shot?

That's CJ from the baseline, and James from the foul line.
Christmas at the 4 and Coleman starts at the 5. There are essentially 3 bigs (Keita, Christmas, Coleman). At the 3 and 4; Christmas, Southerland, CJ will contend but I see Christmas starting at the 4 and CJ at the 3. Southerland and Grant off the bench. Nice versatility.

SU can go small at the 3 and 4 (CJ and Southerland) or go big with Christmas and CJ/Southerland. I think Coleman will get the shot at the starting 5 spot, with minutes for Christmas and Keita. Nice rotation possibilities. The key will be the off season development of Christmas. He has to hopefully give them big rebounding/shot blocking as well as an improved offensive game. He gave them very little on the offensive end last year. Will Coleman be able to give them quality minutes or be the token starter, a la Christmas last year?

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