My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
The roads were pretty bad driving to the game. When the temperature drops to a certain point, salt stops melting snow so you end up with hard packed snow and slippery slush, with maybe two ruts of asphalt exposed to drive on if you are lucky.

The 6 pm start was really weird, but actually kind of nice in that we got home in plenty of time to do other things.

The NA was sung by a local HS kid who went old school, singing the sung as it was written, with no embellishments or histrionics. She even kept in key the whole way. Bravo.

I really miss the Curley Howard haircut Buzz used to rock. His flamingo pink dress shirt only provide partial consolation. I bet he wanted to whip off his vest and do a calypso dance had the Hokies found a way to win.

I have always associated his teams with gritty blue collar defense. It was strange seeing VT trying to play a fast paced finesse offense and not showing much interest in defense at all. Kind of like we were playing like Buzz's Marquette teams and the Gobblers were playing like Syracuse circa 1982.

Really like that frosh on VT that is a good friend of Oshae. He had a hyphenated last name that had Alexander in it. We probably should be paying more attention to Canada. It is amazing how many quality players are coming out of there.

Thought the controversial trio of refs made some strange calls. Lots of calls away from the ball. One on Paschal was really bad; he was coming off a screen and the VT player extended slightly to make it harder to escape so Chukwu pushed off slightly. It is the kind of contact that happens every possession and something that should never be called. There were a lot of showy, extended foul calls (look at me and how good I am) and more trips to watch replays than I can ever remember. I thought Ted Valentine was banished to the Phantom Zone for life for his crimes against basketball? How did he escape?

As it turned out, the refs didn't affect the game much. Both teams' big.guys got in foul trouble and missed a lot of time, but Marek was much better on defense playing in the middle than earlier in the season and he gives us more on offense too, it helped VT didn't have good bigs.

It was pretty striking last night how quick the Syracuse defenders were and how well they anticipated things VT would try to do on offense. Our guards were outstanding at taking away the 3 from near the top of the key but also denying the ball into the paint near the ACC logo. The forwards are covering huge expanses of court as well and our centers were pretty terrific too. Is our defense really this good or is VT maybe not as good as everyone thought?

Whatever it is, this Syracuse team is more blue collar, more tough and hard working and resilient than any SU team in a long time. They win a ton of 50-50 balls, and hit the floor for loose balls extraordinarily well. Thry rebound like half starved dogs fighting for raw steak. They can be tough to watch on offense, especially in the first halves of most games, but they are a joy to watch play defense, rebound and play offense* (*= in the second half only). They have really bought into the notion that thry can only win by playing this way and it is pretty amazing to watch them continue to win despite the losses of TT, GT and now BS.

I will close out the post with a belated Happy Birthday to cto. Hope the win was a nice present and that the rest of the day was as enjoyable as the game!
I harbor no ill will toward Taurean, but I do wonder, not only what he and his Mom were thinking with their decision to transfer, but what is he is thinking now?

We're 12-2 and playing quite well. I'd bet they thought the team would stink upon his departure, and they'd get the "last laugh" (remember the late transfer announcement?). Moreso Mom, as opposed to TT himself.

Not so much, it appears. TT's on-court mindset (defensive indifference, rebound by convenience only) would not seem to fit this squad's DNA.
I harbor no ill will toward Taurean, but I do wonder, not only what he and his Mom were thinking with their decision to transfer, but what is he is thinking now?

We're 12-2 and playing quite well. I'd bet they thought the team would stink upon his departure, and they'd get the "last laugh" (remember the late transfer announcement?). Moreso Mom, as opposed to TT himself.

Not so much, it appears. TT's on-court mindset (defensive indifference, rebound by convenience only) would not seem to fit this squad's DNA.
I agree. I'm glad he is gone. Absolutely zero effort on defense. Defiantly doesn't fit this team.
Like I said last fall, you can’t win with players like TT. He was lazy and all about himself. So his is mom. If nothing else, JB hasn’t got to deal with her self-serving, selfish attitude. She and her son were a headache for the entire program. It’s probably good not having him around Howard. You can see Frank growing up as the season goes along. He’s handling his mistakes better and is not pointing fingers at his teammates. Seton Hall can have the headache. Have we ever heard that SU gave him his official release?
I wonder how much time TT would be getting with this defense first, second, and third team mindset. I’m guessing Marek would in in before him. PS and BS would have passed him in preseason... assuming TT showed as much inclination toward D as he did last year. Most gifted center Cuse has had in a long time. Hated to see him go but everyone is right, the team is better for it.
I wonder how much time TT would be getting with this defense first, second, and third team mindset. I’m guessing Marek would in in before him. PS and BS would have passed him in preseason... assuming TT showed as much inclination toward D as he did last year. Most gifted center Cuse has had in a long time. Hated to see him go but everyone is right, the team is better for it.

I don't know about that. I have no doubt that TT would have started at the 5 from day 1. And this is coming from the guy who posted that losing TT was addition by subtraction.

For as gifted as TT is on O, we are a much better "team" now than we would have been.
We outplay our talent level when all the players fit the “Syracuse system.” Tall guards, long, rangy forwards, and centers who protect the rim. Every single guy in the rotation fits this mold.

Also, this team has a higher work rate than any Syracuse team I can remember. Everybody contests shots, everybody dives on the floor for loose balls. This is all allowing us to outpunch our weight class. Let’s hope it continues.
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I really miss the Curley Howard haircut Buzz used to rock. His flamingo pink dress shirt only provide partial consolation. I bet he wanted to whip off his vest and do a calypso dance had the Hokies found a way to win.

It baffles me that they never once gave him a warning for being outside the coaches box. What's the sense on having that rule if the refs aren't paying attention to it.
In the first half when we were on offense at the VT end of the court, Buzz was on the playing court with play going on a few feet in front of him. I kept yelling, "Pass it to Buzz and nail him with a technical."
The roads were pretty bad driving to the game. When the temperature drops to a certain point, salt stops melting snow so you end up with hard packed snow and slippery slush, with maybe two ruts of asphalt exposed to drive on if you are lucky.

The 6 pm start was really weird, but actually kind of nice in that we got home in plenty of time to do other things.

The NA was sung by a local HS kid who went old school, singing the sung as it was written, with no embellishments or histrionics. She even kept in key the whole way. Bravo.

I really miss the Curley Howard haircut Buzz used to rock. His flamingo pink dress shirt only provide partial consolation. I bet he wanted to whip off his vest and do a calypso dance had the Hokies found a way to win.

I have always associated his teams with gritty blue collar defense. It was strange seeing VT trying to play a fast paced finesse offense and not showing much interest in defense at all. Kind of like we were playing like Buzz's Marquette teams and the Gobblers were playing like Syracuse circa 1982.

Really like that frosh on VT that is a good friend of Oshae. He had a hyphenated last name that had Alexander in it. We probably should be paying more attention to Canada. It is amazing how many quality players are coming out of there.

Thought the controversial trio of refs made some strange calls. Lots of calls away from the ball. One on Paschal was really bad; he was coming off a screen and the VT player extended slightly to make it harder to escape so Chukwu pushed off slightly. It is the kind of contact that happens every possession and something that should never be called. There were a lot of showy, extended foul calls (look at me and how good I am) and more trips to watch replays than I can ever remember. I thought Ted Valentine was banished to the Phantom Zone for life for his crimes against basketball? How did he escape?

As it turned out, the refs didn't affect the game much. Both teams' big.guys got in foul trouble and missed a lot of time, but Marek was much better on defense playing in the middle than earlier in the season and he gives us more on offense too, it helped VT didn't have good bigs.

It was pretty striking last night how quick the Syracuse defenders were and how well they anticipated things VT would try to do on offense. Our guards were outstanding at taking away the 3 from near the top of the key but also denying the ball into the paint near the ACC logo. The forwards are covering huge expanses of court as well and our centers were pretty terrific too. Is our defense really this good or is VT maybe not as good as everyone thought?

Whatever it is, this Syracuse team is more blue collar, more tough and hard working and resilient than any SU team in a long time. They win a ton of 50-50 balls, and hit the floor for loose balls extraordinarily well. Thry rebound like half starved dogs fighting for raw steak. They can be tough to watch on offense, especially in the first halves of most games, but they are a joy to watch play defense, rebound and play offense* (*= in the second half only). They have really bought into the notion that thry can only win by playing this way and it is pretty amazing to watch them continue to win despite the losses of TT, GT and now BS.

I will close out the post with a belated Happy Birthday to cto. Hope the win was a nice present and that the rest of the day was as enjoyable as the game!

Thanks, Tom. Game was great, and birthday party/NYE party was great. Then, things took a bad turn this morning at the Syracuse airport. I lost my prescription sunglasses somewhere between Hertz lot and JetBlue boarding area — forcing me to exit the security area and retrace my steps all the way back to the Hertz lot. No luck.

When I got back in the security line in a state of total panic, a good-looking young man behind me in line says to me: “Excuse me if this sounds like a weird question, but are you cto?”

“Yes,” I reply, apologizing for my panicked state. “Nice to meet you,” he says. “I’m Osaka Paul.”

As soon as Paul said that, my glasses miraculously re-appeared on the TSA agent’s lecturn! I like to think that my new best friend Paul caused that to happen!
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Thanks, Tom. Game was great, and birtjhday party/NYE party was great. Then, things took a bad turn this morning when I lost my prescription sunglasses somewhere between Hertz lot and JetBlue boarding area — causing me to have to exit security area and retrace my steps all the way back to Hertz lot. No luck.

When I got back in security line in a total state of panic, a good-looking young man says to me: “Excuse me if this sounds like a dumb question, but are you cto?

“Yes,” I reply, apologizing for my panicked state. “Nice to meet you,” he says. “I’m Osaka Paul.”

As soon as Paul said that, my glasses miraculously re-appeared on the TSA agent’s lecture! I like to think that my new best friend Paul caused that to happen!
Wow, what a story. Happy Birthday too.
I agree. I'm glad he is gone. Absolutely zero effort on defense. Defiantly doesn't fit this team.

Read the intro to Axe's recap on It's amazing what can happen when a team WANTS to play defense and rebound.
Thanks, Tom. Game was great, and birtjhday party/NYE party was great. Then, things took a bad turn this morning at airport when I lost my prescription sunglasses somewhere between Hertz lot and JetBlue boarding area — causing me to have to exit security area and retrace my steps all the way back to Hertz lot. No luck.

When I got back in security line in a total state of panic, a good-looking young man says to me: “Excuse me if this sounds like a dumb question, but are you cto?

“Yes,” I reply, apologizing for my panicked state. “Nice to meet you,” he says. “I’m Osaka Paul.”

As soon as Paul said that, my glasses miraculously re-appeared on the TSA agent’s lecturn! I like to think that my new best friend Paul caused that to happen!

This is a CLASSIC cto story. It involves air travel, a fellow SyracuseFan, suspense, and a twist at the end.

The only thing missing is some famous person. ;)

Happy Birthday New Year!
I harbor no ill will toward Taurean, but I do wonder, not only what he and his Mom were thinking with their decision to transfer, but what is he is thinking now?

We're 12-2 and playing quite well. I'd bet they thought the team would stink upon his departure, and they'd get the "last laugh" (remember the late transfer announcement?). Moreso Mom, as opposed to TT himself.

Not so much, it appears. TT's on-court mindset (defensive indifference, rebound by convenience only) would not seem to fit this squad's DNA.

Defense gets you wins. And wins get you to be a first round draft pick. If we truly have an elite defense by March then Battle is going to get drafted middle or high first round. Battle feels like MCW all over again.
Anyone see the great fireworks display near the Inner Harbor right after the SU game? What a nice surprise after such a fun game. I never knew anyone was having fireworks for New Years Eve. It was right next to 81 near Destiny driving home.
One weak link in the zone can render the entire thing ineffective. While there is little doubt that our point totals would go up with TT, our defense and rebounding would most likely be significantly worse as well. Also, with the obvious improvement of PC, I have a feeling that might have ended up being a 50/50 split at the 5, PT wise. which TT would have not have been happy with either.
Thanks, Tom. Game was great, and birtjhday party/NYE party was great. Then, things took a bad turn this morning at airport when I lost my prescription sunglasses somewhere between Hertz lot and JetBlue boarding area — causing me to have to exit security area and retrace my steps all the way back to Hertz lot. No luck.

When I got back in security line in a total state of panic, a good-looking young man behind me in line says to me: “Excuse me if this sounds like a weird question, but are you cto?”

“Yes,” I reply, apologizing for my panicked state. “Nice to meet you,” he says. “I’m Osaka Paul.”

As soon as Paul said that, my glasses miraculously re-appeared on the TSA agent’s lecturn! I like to think that my new best friend Paul caused that to happen!
Of course Paul caused that to happen! It’s synchronicity! :)

What a great story. Happy Birthday!
Great thread. Thanks Sutomcat, as always solid analysis. I for one have always enjoyed Buzz though he can be a thorn in your side, especially when on the sidelines. Loved his comments after the game regarding the toughness of the Syracuse 2/3 or as he calls it 4/1. Regarding TT, to me it is wasted effort to even think about how it would have been this year if he stayed. He is gone, cover is closed on that book and tossed it into the "not interesting bin". I for one would prefer to not even see him mentioned again on this board.
Lets Go Orange!
Anyone see the great fireworks display near the Inner Harbor right after the SU game? What a nice surprise after such a fun game. I never knew anyone was having fireworks for New Years Eve. It was right next to 81 near Destiny driving home.
Yup, Destiny put those on.
Thanks, Tom. Game was great, and birtjhday party/NYE party was great. Then, things took a bad turn this morning at the Syracuse airport. I lost my prescription sunglasses somewhere between Hertz lot and JetBlue boarding area — forcing me to exit the security area and retrace my steps all the way back to the Hertz lot. No luck.

When I got back in security line in a state of total panic, a good-looking young man behind me in line says to me: “Excuse me if this sounds like a weird question, but are you cto?”

“Yes,” I reply, apologizing for my panicked state. “Nice to meet you,” he says. “I’m Osaka Paul.”

As soon as Paul said that, my glasses miraculously re-appeared on the TSA agent’s lecturn! I like to think that my new best friend Paul caused that to happen!
The Most Interesting Woman in the World strikes again. Even a tale about losing a personal effect turns into a small world story with a happy ending, topped off with some hunky dude from Japan.

Even the alternative ending would have featured Kareem Abdul Jabbar in the JetBlue cockpit telling Joyce where he was while she was helping steer Con Ed through the big 1977 blackout.
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The roads were pretty bad driving to the game. When the temperature drops to a certain point, salt stops melting snow so you end up with hard packed snow and slippery slush, with maybe two ruts of asphalt exposed to drive on if you are lucky.

The 6 pm start was really weird, but actually kind of nice in that we got home in plenty of time to do other things.

The NA was sung by a local HS kid who went old school, singing the sung as it was written, with no embellishments or histrionics. She even kept in key the whole way. Bravo.

I really miss the Curley Howard haircut Buzz used to rock. His flamingo pink dress shirt only provide partial consolation. I bet he wanted to whip off his vest and do a calypso dance had the Hokies found a way to win.

I have always associated his teams with gritty blue collar defense. It was strange seeing VT trying to play a fast paced finesse offense and not showing much interest in defense at all. Kind of like we were playing like Buzz's Marquette teams and the Gobblers were playing like Syracuse circa 1982.

Really like that frosh on VT that is a good friend of Oshae. He had a hyphenated last name that had Alexander in it. We probably should be paying more attention to Canada. It is amazing how many quality players are coming out of there.

Thought the controversial trio of refs made some strange calls. Lots of calls away from the ball. One on Paschal was really bad; he was coming off a screen and the VT player extended slightly to make it harder to escape so Chukwu pushed off slightly. It is the kind of contact that happens every possession and something that should never be called. There were a lot of showy, extended foul calls (look at me and how good I am) and more trips to watch replays than I can ever remember. I thought Ted Valentine was banished to the Phantom Zone for life for his crimes against basketball? How did he escape?

As it turned out, the refs didn't affect the game much. Both teams' big.guys got in foul trouble and missed a lot of time, but Marek was much better on defense playing in the middle than earlier in the season and he gives us more on offense too, it helped VT didn't have good bigs.

It was pretty striking last night how quick the Syracuse defenders were and how well they anticipated things VT would try to do on offense. Our guards were outstanding at taking away the 3 from near the top of the key but also denying the ball into the paint near the ACC logo. The forwards are covering huge expanses of court as well and our centers were pretty terrific too. Is our defense really this good or is VT maybe not as good as everyone thought?

Whatever it is, this Syracuse team is more blue collar, more tough and hard working and resilient than any SU team in a long time. They win a ton of 50-50 balls, and hit the floor for loose balls extraordinarily well. Thry rebound like half starved dogs fighting for raw steak. They can be tough to watch on offense, especially in the first halves of most games, but they are a joy to watch play defense, rebound and play offense* (*= in the second half only). They have really bought into the notion that thry can only win by playing this way and it is pretty amazing to watch them continue to win despite the losses of TT, GT and now BS.

I will close out the post with a belated Happy Birthday to cto. Hope the win was a nice present and that the rest of the day was as enjoyable as the game!
Outstanding work here, Tom. Extra props for the Ted Valentine/Phantom Zone reference, and for the remark about half-starved dogs fighting for raw steak. Here's hoping our guys can continue to show that grit and pluck that we sometimes still see from those feisty little UConn fellas. Except from a major program.

Thanks as always for the excellent recaps!

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