My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Watched the game from courtside tickets, ala Spike Lee and the Metro Mattress King. Many thanks to my mysterious not so secret benefactor.

I guess the first thing to point out is the obvious one...the opponent was Colgate, a bad program we have beaten 46? times in a row, some ridiculous number that might be the longest active winning streak against an opponent. Anyway, I don't think you should take too much from a game against this level of opponent.

That being said...

Was a little disappointed with the defense in the 1st half. We of course played the 2-3 zone, mixed in with a little full court press. Like last year, JB likes to put on the press in conjunction with bringing Keita into the game. I think this is in part due to his extreme mobility, and in part to insulate Christmas and Coleman from the foul trouble pressing often encourages in big guys while pressing.

Thought the man was pretty weak early, Colgate got it in the paint and kicked it outside a couple of times for easy threes. JB was not pleased, especially with Christmas, who doubled down low instead of covering one of the respected Red Raider shooters. This drove an early 2011-12 type exit for Rak in the first half.

Anyway, I thought we were a little sluggish and lackadaisical out there. Last year, I thought the effort on the defensive end was consistently strong. This is a concern, this isn't the first time this has happened this year. After getting chewed out by JB a couple of times, things improved and I was happy, actually really happy with the defense the last 30 minutes or so. There were manyColgate possessions where they worked the ball for 35 seconds and just could not get a decent look. Heck, they struggled to even get the ball into the 3 point circle at times. Great to see this team can be really good defensively when they want to. I just want to see consistency here.

After last season, it was clear to me MCW would be wonderful running the fast break on the offense. I wasn't so sure in the half court setting. He didn't look nearly as comfortable or confident in the half court setting. Thought he started off somewhat shaky there this season as well. Might have been looking for his shot a little too much, maybe forced the issue too quickly.

As the season has progressed, I feel a lot better on this. MCW is doing a masterful job attacking half court defenses. He gets the ball inside when possible, and is a master of getting the ball to our outside shooters in a good position to score as well. 13 assists today and it could have been closer to 20 if we finished a little better. He has sacrificed his own scoring for the team and appears to be bending over backwards trying to set up his teammates for easy baskets. At times, I have been concerned over our ability to score points, especially in half court settings, but I think we are getting better here. That being said, if James did not have a white hot day today, the score at halftime would have been pretty close...I am pretty sure they would have been within 10 points.

Colgate played a mix of man and zone. Neither were successful, but they ended up playing more zone, mostly I think, to try and keep out of foul trouble. Last year, we ran a lot. The running is more restrained this year...not as many fast break baskets. Part of it is the loss of Scoop and Dion. Both loved to run and would try a convert a fast break even with 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 situations. KJ also loved to run and ran the court as well as any 3 in the country. Losing those 3 has affected things. Brandon and MCW both seem more committed to helping on the defensive boards this year as well.

When we get fast break points, a lot of times it is from a drive in the paint in an unsettled situation and kick out to someone for a 3. Just as effective, just different.

DC had his first double figure scoring game. Looked a lot more relaxed and confident, but it was against some undersized Colgate centers who he could physically dominate. And he did. He is going to have to make the adjustment to D1 college ball all HS players need to do, where they are no longer the tallest, most athletic player on the court, and it is going to take time. On the positive side, it looks like he is rebounding really well even now. His defense is the biggest concern. When he is in, opposing players drive to the hoop for uncontested scores with disturbing frequency. Nothing makes JB more angry than major defensive lapses, and if this continues, he is going to be big man #4. Would love to see him either a) start drawing fouls on charges or b) foul someone attacking the hoop hard, using all his strength. That old school DeJuan Blair type move sends a strong message.

Thought Triche played decently. Nothng spectucular, solid floor play.

Trevor got a lot of playing time. It was a good chance to get off the snide and gain a lot of confidence. He had a lot of good looks with open 3s and didn't hit them. Wasn't even close on a lot of them. Looks really tight, looks like he is rushing his shot. Complete night and day what he does in practice and what he does in games. It has to be hard after sitting out a year but it is time to put aside early nerves and start playing like he can. I like his hustle on defense. Did a nice job attacking the hoop on a fast break (drew a foul, made both FTs). He is more than just a shooter. But at some point, he needs to start hitting his outside shots. I hope it starts soon. With only 3 guards, it will be tough if he cannot produce in big games.

Grant also got more PT than he has been getting. I hate to be repetitive but the story also seems the same with Jerami. He is fundamentally sound. Almost never makes mental errors. Really impressive player who has a high ceiling. Playing time is going to be hard to come back this season; he is in very much the same position that MCW was last season. But it is good to have him around and there will be some games this year, big games, where I think he will play a big role for us.

CJ had another quiet game. He isn't really looking for his points right now. Letting the game come to him, taking what the defense gives him, getting rebounds, playing good defense. I am not concerned he is not scoring a lot against these bad teams. Old Reliable will be fine, and will be better than fine when we need him most.

James had another explosive game, burning white hot from off the bench in the first half. At one point, despite not even starting, I believe the score was Colgate 20, James 16. While his game is built around the perimeter jumper, he can and does score in many other ways. Has become far more comfortable in the paint than he was in previous years. Noticably better on defense and rebounding too. Fun player to watch.

I guess you have to say MCW is the most improved player on the team (though he was very good in limited minutes last season) but Christmas is right there with him. Way more comfortable on offense, if he gets the ball within 8 feet of the basket these daysx, he is going to score. Using his improved strength well on the blocks rebounding, plays good defense (at least when he is at the 5; the 4 is still what I would term a work in progress).

That leaves Keita, who played quite well in somewhat limited minutes. Think JB is really trying to get DC some confidence by playing him extended minutes, often at the expense of Baye. But Baye is better on offense, and a little tougher and stronger on the boards and on defense this season. Seems to have at least one crazy good block every game; these seem to really affect the enthusiasm of the opposition to come inside and challenge him.

The NA was sung beautifully by a barber shop quartet. Again, someone is doing a fine job selecting the singers.

Almost no students, maybe 18K actually there. No SSS, but Otto was there, along with 30 or 40 cheerleaders and the dance team.

Good news on the ribbon board front. They are using it to show real time stats like team totals for steals, rebounds, 3 point shooting %, FT shooting % and FG shooting %. That is great. Didn't see any out of town scores, they still need to do a better job on this front.

The food in the VIP area was good, much improved from the botched efforts of recent years.

Otto's costume is badly faded and is in dire need of replacement.

I think Colgate is not a bad team...they have some shooters and a few good athletes. Really need a couple more big guys but I expect they will finish above 500 in their league and wish them well there.

Fun watching the team develop and players find their roles. So far, so good. Arkansas will be a real challenge. Their press is going to wear down MCW and BT. I hope they will not get worn down and hope TC can play some quality minutes to give them both a rest. It will be really hard to try and play JS or CJ at guard against a pressing team on the road. Don't expect to see JB try that except in an extreme emergency.
I think one of MCW's most underrated strengths is that it seems like all of his passes hit teammates stepping into their shots. It seems like he hits them in rhythm every time. He's truly a great player. I honestly think he will end up being the best pro we've had since Carmelo.
Just got home from the game--I have made all three home games thus far. I looked to see who was in the "seats" today but had a bad angle from section 114. If I had seen you, I would have tried to get across the guard line to say hello.
Trevor was hitting most everything in warm-ups. I think he needs to do what James needed last year--to take and make a 10-12 footer before taking a three. His defensive hustle looks good anyway. Meanwhile, James is doing just about everything right, especially on defense. If he had played more in the second half, he might have hit 30 on offense. I liked JB's strategy for the latter half of the second half--giving Brandon time at point guard with Trevor at 2 and Baye at 5. They need some minutes and tuning to prepare for later games. I loved Baye's blocked shot, catch and pass ahead for a fast break.
As I recall Otto's suit is virtually brand spanking new. Last year or maybe the year before , it was replaced for the first time in many many years. Bad news that it is already fading.
As I recall Otto's suit is virtually brand spanking new. Last year or maybe the year before , it was replaced for the first time in many many years. Bad news that it is already fading.
New last year. Otto came onto the court in a closed carriage of some sort and then emerged.
I think one of MCW's most underrated strengths is that it seems like all of his passes hit teammates stepping into their shots. It seems like he hits them in rhythm every time. He's truly a great player. I honestly think he will end up being the best pro we've had since Carmelo.

but he is not a PG:p
MCW's gone, once he shows his offense he's gonna shoot up the draft charts.
Nice recap Tom. Was happy to see Coleman not bringing the ball down and/or attempt to dribble like he had been on offense. He's very raw offensively right now - he hasn't really displayed any real hops so he relies on power moves and is having trouble transferring the power he's using to get his shot off to the softer touch he needs to actually make the shot. It will come - he's still a work in progress and we've all seen the improvements our bigs make at SU.

Looking forward to watching Cooney develop and get more comfortable- only good things happen to those who work so hard on defense. I think if he becomes more active on offense, moving, setting and rubbing off screens etc - he'll be more at ease.

MCW - great game getting everyone involved. The pick and roll he's run with Baye has been nice to see too. Rak has made big improvements and is so much more aggressive than last year. What can one say about James but wow - his raw physical talent impresses me so much. He has so much talent- he could be such a force on the boards with his height, hops and physique... Hope he realizes and works on
being a real factor in games even if they take away his outside shot or he's off.

Other than James , everyone's outside shot seems off. Hope we find more consistent outside shooting to help the spacing for our big men so we have a consistent inside/outside threat. It is fun to watch young teams and players develop and watch the chess match being played out to mesh the team.

Just a question - was there a no-cut policy for cheerleaders this year? Not complaining but something has changed -we can barely fit all the cheerleader on the court now. One advantage though -there are enough cheerleaders to have full squads under each basket now.
Christmas really looks good on offense. We're only four games in, but it's looking like he'll be serving up some hearty portions of crow to a number of Syracuse followers this season. I still maintain that he'll be our best four since Wallace.
Nice recap Tom. Was happy to see Coleman not bringing the ball down and/or attempt to dribble like he had been on offense. He's very raw offensively right now - he hasn't really displayed any real hops so he relies on power moves and is having trouble transferring the power he's using to get his shot off to the softer touch he needs to actually make the shot. It will come - he's still a work in progress and we've all seen the improvements our bigs make at SU.

Just a question - was there a no-cut policy for cheerleaders this year? Not complaining but something has changed -we can barely fit all the cheerleader on the court now. One advantage though -there are enough cheerleaders to have full squads under each basket now.

We've been making that joke about the cheerleaders since last season, but it's probably not a joke. This must be a no-cut team, no? There's over 40 people out there. Don't know what the point of that is.

Great to see Coleman decisively take that baseline jumper to open the game today. No worries about dribbling, dropping a shoulder, or getting blocked. Just launch a makeable shot (and make it). Would be good to see more of that going forward. He'll make more of those than he'll miss (though one would have predicted the same about his free throws only two short weeks ago). It's also nice that Boeheim is looking to get Coleman the first shot of the game so often this year.
Watched the game from courtside tickets, ala Spike Lee and the Metro Mattress King. Many thanks to my mysterious not so secret benefactor.

I guess the first thing to point out is the obvious one...the opponent was Colgate, a bad program we have beaten 46? times in a row, some ridiculous number that might be the longest active winning streak against an opponent. Anyway, I don't think you should take too much from a game against this level of opponent.

That being said...

Was a little disappointed with the defense in the 1st half. We of course played the 2-3 zone, mixed in with a little full court press. Like last year, JB likes to put on the press in conjunction with bringing Keita into the game. I think this is in part due to his extreme mobility, and in part to insulate Christmas and Coleman from the foul trouble pressing often encourages in big guys while pressing.

Thought the man was pretty weak early, Colgate got it in the paint and kicked it outside a couple of times for easy threes. JB was not pleased, especially with Christmas, who doubled down low instead of covering one of the respected Red Raider shooters. This drove an early 2011-12 type exit for Rak in the first half.

Anyway, I thought we were a little sluggish and lackadaisical out there. Last year, I thought the effort on the defensive end was consistently strong. This is a concern, this isn't the first time this has happened this year. After getting chewed out by JB a couple of times, things improved and I was happy, actually really happy with the defense the last 30 minutes or so. There were manyColgate possessions where they worked the ball for 35 seconds and just could not get a decent look. Heck, they struggled to even get the ball into the 3 point circle at times. Great to see this team can be really good defensively when they want to. I just want to see consistency here.

After last season, it was clear to me MCW would be wonderful running the fast break on the offense. I wasn't so sure in the half court setting. He didn't look nearly as comfortable or confident in the half court setting. Thought he started off somewhat shaky there this season as well. Might have been looking for his shot a little too much, maybe forced the issue too quickly.

As the season has progressed, I feel a lot better on this. MCW is doing a masterful job attacking half court defenses. He gets the ball inside when possible, and is a master of getting the ball to our outside shooters in a good position to score as well. 13 assists today and it could have been closer to 20 if we finished a little better. He has sacrificed his own scoring for the team and appears to be bending over backwards trying to set up his teammates for easy baskets. At times, I have been concerned over our ability to score points, especially in half court settings, but I think we are getting better here. That being said, if James did not have a white hot day today, the score at halftime would have been pretty close...I am pretty sure they would have been within 10 points.

Colgate played a mix of man and zone. Neither were successful, but they ended up playing more zone, mostly I think, to try and keep out of foul trouble. Last year, we ran a lot. The running is more restrained this year...not as many fast break baskets. Part of it is the loss of Scoop and Dion. Both loved to run and would try a convert a fast break even with 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 situations. KJ also loved to run and ran the court as well as any 3 in the country. Losing those 3 has affected things. Brandon and MCW both seem more committed to helping on the defensive boards this year as well.

When we get fast break points, a lot of times it is from a drive in the paint in an unsettled situation and kick out to someone for a 3. Just as effective, just different.

DC had his first double figure scoring game. Looked a lot more relaxed and confident, but it was against some undersized Colgate centers who he could physically dominate. And he did. He is going to have to make the adjustment to D1 college ball all HS players need to do, where they are no longer the tallest, most athletic player on the court, and it is going to take time. On the positive side, it looks like he is rebounding really well even now. His defense is the biggest concern. When he is in, opposing players drive to the hoop for uncontested scores with disturbing frequency. Nothing makes JB more angry than major defensive lapses, and if this continues, he is going to be big man #4. Would love to see him either a) start drawing fouls on charges or b) foul someone attacking the hoop hard, using all his strength. That old school DeJuan Blair type move sends a strong message.

Thought Triche played decently. Nothng spectucular, solid floor play.

Trevor got a lot of playing time. It was a good chance to get off the snide and gain a lot of confidence. He had a lot of good looks with open 3s and didn't hit them. Wasn't even close on a lot of them. Looks really tight, looks like he is rushing his shot. Complete night and day what he does in practice and what he does in games. It has to be hard after sitting out a year but it is time to put aside early nerves and start playing like he can. I like his hustle on defense. Did a nice job attacking the hoop on a fast break (drew a foul, made both FTs). He is more than just a shooter. But at some point, he needs to start hitting his outside shots. I hope it starts soon. With only 3 guards, it will be tough if he cannot produce in big games.

Grant also got more PT than he has been getting. I hate to be repetitive but the story also seems the same with Jerami. He is fundamentally sound. Almost never makes mental errors. Really impressive player who has a high ceiling. Playing time is going to be hard to come back this season; he is in very much the same position that MCW was last season. But it is good to have him around and there will be some games this year, big games, where I think he will play a big role for us.

CJ had another quiet game. He isn't really looking for his points right now. Letting the game come to him, taking what the defense gives him, getting rebounds, playing good defense. I am not concerned he is not scoring a lot against these bad teams. Old Reliable will be fine, and will be better than fine when we need him most.

James had another explosive game, burning white hot from off the bench in the first half. At one point, despite not even starting, I believe the score was Colgate 20, James 16. While his game is built around the perimeter jumper, he can and does score in many other ways. Has become far more comfortable in the paint than he was in previous years. Noticably better on defense and rebounding too. Fun player to watch.

I guess you have to say MCW is the most improved player on the team (though he was very good in limited minutes last season) but Christmas is right there with him. Way more comfortable on offense, if he gets the ball within 8 feet of the basket these daysx, he is going to score. Using his improved strength well on the blocks rebounding, plays good defense (at least when he is at the 5; the 4 is still what I would term a work in progress).

That leaves Keita, who played quite well in somewhat limited minutes. Think JB is really trying to get DC some confidence by playing him extended minutes, often at the expense of Baye. But Baye is better on offense, and a little tougher and stronger on the boards and on defense this season. Seems to have at least one crazy good block every game; these seem to really affect the enthusiasm of the opposition to come inside and challenge him.

The NA was sung beautifully by a barber shop quartet. Again, someone is doing a fine job selecting the singers.

Almost no students, maybe 18K actually there. No SSS, but Otto was there, along with 30 or 40 cheerleaders and the dance team.

Good news on the ribbon board front. They are using it to show real time stats like team totals for steals, rebounds, 3 point shooting %, FT shooting % and FG shooting %. That is great. Didn't see any out of town scores, they still need to do a better job on this front.

The food in the VIP area was good, much improved from the botched efforts of recent years.

Otto's costume is badly faded and is in dire need of replacement.

I think Colgate is not a bad team...they have some shooters and a few good athletes. Really need a couple more big guys but I expect they will finish above 500 in their league and wish them well there.

Fun watching the team develop and players find their roles. So far, so good. Arkansas will be a real challenge. Their press is going to wear down MCW and BT. I hope they will not get worn down and hope TC can play some quality minutes to give them both a rest. It will be really hard to try and play JS or CJ at guard against a pressing team on the road. Don't expect to see JB try that except in an extreme emergency.

Colgate's centers were far from undersized. They started a 6-11, 260 senior, brought a 6-9 245 junior off the bench, and had a 6-9 transfer from Virginia at PF. This was not the days of Nick Pascale at center. They were big enough to match up with the bottom half of the Big East.
Nice recap Tom. Was happy to see Coleman not bringing the ball down and/or attempt to dribble like he had been on offense. He's very raw offensively right now - he hasn't really displayed any real hops so he relies on power moves and is having trouble transferring the power he's using to get his shot off to the softer touch he needs to actually make the shot. It will come - he's still a work in progress and we've all seen the improvements our bigs make at SU.

Looking forward to watching Cooney develop and get more comfortable- only good things happen to those who work so hard on defense. I think if he becomes more active on offense, moving, setting and rubbing off screens etc - he'll be more at ease.

MCW - great game getting everyone involved. The pick and roll he's run with Baye has been nice to see too. Rak has made big improvements and is so much more aggressive than last year. What can one say about James but wow - his raw physical talent impresses me so much. He has so much talent- he could be such a force on the boards with his height, hops and physique... Hope he realizes and works on
being a real factor in games even if they take away his outside shot or he's off.

Other than James , everyone's outside shot seems off. Hope we find more consistent outside shooting to help the spacing for our big men so we have a consistent inside/outside threat. It is fun to watch young teams and players develop and watch the chess match being played out to mesh the team.

Just a question - was there a no-cut policy for cheerleaders this year? Not complaining but something has changed -we can barely fit all the cheerleader on the court now. One advantage though -there are enough cheerleaders to have full squads under each basket now.

I wouldn't call Coleman offensively raw, Cherie. I think he's just rushing things a bit, getting used to the speed of the game. Coleman has more of a post game than either Baye or Rakeem. He's just got to slow down a bit more.
I wouldn't call Coleman offensively raw, Cherie. I think he's just rushing things a bit, getting used to the speed of the game. Coleman has more of a post game than either Baye or Rakeem. He's just got to slow down a bit more.
It's all there, he just needs to slow down as you say. The low power dribbles aren't working now and most certainly won't work come conference time.
I wouldn't call Coleman offensively raw, Cherie. I think he's just rushing things a bit, getting used to the speed of the game. Coleman has more of a post game than either Baye or Rakeem. He's just got to slow down a bit more.

Yup, he's far from raw offensively, he's got solid post moves. Just needs to relax, freshman jitters
Gonna be a very good one, sooner than later.

Sent from my SCH-R720 using Tapatalk 2
Colgate played a mix of man and zone. Neither were successful, but they ended up playing more zone, mostly I think, to try and keep out of foul trouble. Last year, we ran a lot. The running is more restrained this year...not as many fast break baskets. Part of it is the loss of Scoop and Dion. Both loved to run and would try a convert a fast break even with 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 situations. KJ also loved to run and ran the court as well as any 3 in the country. Losing those 3 has affected things. Brandon and MCW both seem more committed to helping on the defensive boards this year as well.

Sounds like a fun place to sit, and a good recap.

This observation doesn't trouble me too much provided it is because Triche and/or CJ & James are trying to rebound. I think at times last year (and in many years) several of SU's players would sneak out for a break only to watch the opponent collect an offensive rebound. If the guys are making an effort to rebound then a little less running game is ok. I won't mention the alternative.

I wouldn't call Coleman offensively raw, Cherie. I think he's just rushing things a bit, getting used to the speed of the game. Coleman has more of a post game than either Baye or Rakeem. He's just got to slow down a bit more.
I think he has to learn that he cannot go over D-I big men to score because of his lack of hops. What he can do is use that huge physique to carve out room so that he can operate on the offensive end. I think his use of his bulk on the defensive boards is quite good already, so maybe he can convert the technique to the other end of the court.

On the other hand, he seems to consistently go for ball fakes, which opens up the lane to many easy drives. Stay on your feet, DaJuan!
Christmas really looks good on offense. We're only four games in, but it's looking like he'll be serving up some hearty portions of crow to a number of Syracuse followers this season. I still maintain that he'll be our best four since Wallace.
Hak was a first team AA his senior year. Long way to go for Rak.
Hak was a first team AA his senior year. Long way to go for Rak.

Long way indeed, and perhaps he won't stick around for four years, as Hak did. Hope we get a chance to see all that Christmas can do before he leaves.

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