My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Thought the huge crowd did a good job. They were not helped by the poor play of the Syracuse players but they were enthusiastic and loud when appropriate. The most noise was probably made during the halftime ceremony where Melo's jersey was retired. That ceremony was handled well and Melo made a nice little speech. He has come a long way since his freshman year at Syracuse.

The NA was sung by the student section, who were respectful and sang with enthusiasm, accompanied ably by the Sour Sitrus Society (7 sousaphones strong Saturday). I really like having the students sing the NA, hope it happens again in the future.

I ripped the students for their poor support of the program for most of the year. Well, they showed up today and I want to credit them for that. Credit the regular fans too. Still find it amazing people will sometimes play $40 to watch a game from 80 yards from the court.

Regarding the game, I think this was a similar one to the UConn game. GTown packed the lane on defense, was willing to give SU open 3s pretty much anytime they wanted. This effectively limited the ability of the SU players to drive the ball into the paint and score, When SU is not hitting its outside shots, this style of defense will shut down the SU offense unless they do a tremendous job forcing turnovers or hitting the offensive boards. Neither of these things happened today, hence the awful showing on offense.

The Hoyas mixed up man and zone. SU was more effective against the man defense. Once Gtown switched to the 2-3, the Orange struggled to get a decent shot and took a lot of time doing it as well. Props to Georgetown for playing good defense and limiting their turnovers as well.

Gtown also struggled on offense. They had their share of open looks from the outside as well, but were awful from there in the 1st half. In the 2nd, they made a few but the story of the game, the difference between these offensively challenged teams, was Otto Porter.

Porter was easily the best player on the court. He dominated almost every aspect of the game and everytime the Hoyas needed a basket, he was there to rescue them. He can shoot, score from the paint and the perimeter, he can rebound, he can pass and he can defend. That was one of the most impressive performances I have seen from an opposing player in the last 10 years and I have to give him credit for doing a great job. He was close to outscoring the Syracuse team by himself even late into the game. If he isn't the MVP of the league this season, something is seriously wrong with the selection process.

With teams daring us to shoot from the outside like this, our fortunes rise and fall with the success of Triche and Southerland have shooting from the outside (and to a lesser extent TC and MCW). Triche picked a really bad day to shoot the ball poorly. He really did.

We continue to get almost nothing from our centers offensively, which exaserbates our offensive challenges. Our half court offense at this point is essentially an exercise in playing 4 against 5. No wonder we can't score. If JB can't find answers, the season is in serious jeopardy.

I expect to see more of the same defensively from Marquette come Monday night. I don't think this was a case of SU being outcoached by was more a case of not performing on the court.

On the defensive side of the ball, here are my thoughts:

The SU 2-3 zone normally is very effective taking the leading scorer on the opposing team out of the play, severely limiting their ability to get and make quality shots.

That didn't happen today. Georgetown did a really nice job running a single play over and over late in their possessions, where they would get the ball to the right baseline, get penetration, get the zone to rotate and then kick the ball across the paint to the opposite wing, where Otto Porter had just rotated, to get a quick, open look at the basket with a second or two left on the shot clock, Porter inevitably scored on this. SU did not do a good job staying disciplined here, kept leaving Porer to provide help and their lack of ability to make adjustments effectively cost them the game.

No one else on the Hoyas was effective offensively. This win was achieved on the back of one player; Otto Porter. This should be impossible. Of all the disappointments I have with the game (the poor shooting, the awful defensive rebounding, the general lack of hustle), the biggest by far was our inability to locate and stay with Porter consistently for entire possession. We did a good job for 28 or 30 seconds but consistently let him get open late, and credit to the Georgetown role players, especially Nate WhateverHimNameIs, did a fine job getting him the ball then,

The game against Marquette just got a lot more important. I hope the team is ready. Vander Blue and company will be. That team plays hard.
Great analysis, Tom. At least someone was on their game today.

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Triche 1-7, Southy 3-9, MCW 0-2, Fair 0-1, Cooney 0-1.

We had plenty of open looks from 3, but 4-20 ain't going to cut it ... especially when Porter is 5-10 by himself.
4 of 20 against Gtown and 4-23 against UConn. Not gonna do it.

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Nice writeup as usual. I feel like JB's handling of Rak has failed completely. Yanking him for one mistake and then allowing BMK to stay in there and just swing away at balls he should be rebounding is not working. He pulled Rak at one point in the second half and Gtown went on an 8-0 run or pretty close to it. BMK has no business on the floor when playing a team that uses a zone defense. He doesn't help at all.

And yes, I know there were a myriad of things wrong, but just had to comment on this one aspect.
Triche picked a really bad day to shoot the ball poorly. He really did.

Triche has been a below average shooter this season. I think what you meant to say was that we needed him to shoot above his percentages given the way they were begging him to shoot.

The SU 2-3 zone did not do a good job staying disciplined, leaving Porer to provide help and their lack of ability to make adjustments effectively cost them the game. No one else on the Hoyas was effective offensively.

Aside from Porter, who else would we want from that team? Nobody. Let that sink in. It's shameful to lose and not even be competitive when you consider that. The scouting report was that they are a one-man team, and it looked like they had no clue about this.

We continue to get almost nothing from our centers offensively, which exaserbates our offensive challenges. Our half court offense at this point is essentially an exercise in playing 4 against 5. No wonder we can't score. If JB can't find answers, the season is in serious jeopardy.

Grant needs to eat up all of Keita's minutes and most of Xmas' minutes or this season is shot. What exactly are we losing in that tradeoff? Rebounds? Points? Blocks? Pounds of muscle? It's blockhead coaching to think that we need a true "center" in the lineup at all times. Just like punting on 4th and 2 when you're almost in field goal range. Just blockhead.
It's a sad day when I agree with BlueCurtain.
Triche has been a below average shooter this season. I think what you meant to say was that we needed him to shoot above his percentages given the way they were begging him to shoot.

Aside from Porter, who else would we want from that team? Nobody. Let that sink in. It's shameful to lose and not even be competitive when you consider that. The scouting report was that they are a one-man team, and it looked like they had no clue about this.

Grant needs to eat up all of Keita's minutes and most of Xmas' minutes or this season is shot. What exactly are we losing in that tradeoff? Rebounds? Points? Blocks? Pounds of muscle? It's blockhead coaching to think that we need a true "center" in the lineup at all times. Just like punting on 4th and 2 when you're almost in field goal range. Just blockhead.

I actually complete agree with all of your points. You'll get flamed here most likely, just because of your post history, and people will ignore the premise of your current post.
We get nothing from our centers on offense but please tell me when they get the ball on the offensive end? I mean they might get it 3-4 times a game on a lob that is it. How are they suppose to have an impact on the offensive end when they do not get the ball and our offense is fire up any three any time...

My biggest take in this game is that our "lottery" player needs to actually play like a "lottery" player on the biggest stages. Wake me up when he actually takes over a game on the biggest stage. This was his time to shine but instead he took a back seat to G-Towns best player. Sad day but he needs to step up his game in a big way for this team to be successful.
Went and watched a high school game a few weeks ago. Coach for one of the teams has a very JB like hook. I sat behind their bench and was just amazed to see how many kids would immediately look over to the bench after they screwed up to see if someone is getting up to replace them, even while the play was still going on. I get the feeling Rak is very much like this and it's totally messed him up. Some guys this might work with but it just doesn't with him. Makes him too tentative and he just doesn't go out there and play ball.

And now I'll let it go.
We get nothing from our centers on offense but please tell me when they get the ball on the offensive end? I mean they might get it 3-4 times a game on a lob that is it. How are they suppose to have an impact on the offensive end when they do not get the ball and our offense is fire up any three any time...

My biggest take in this game is that our "lottery" player needs to actually play like a "lottery" player on the biggest stages. Wake me up when he actually takes over a game on the biggest stage. This was his time to shine but instead he took a back seat to G-Towns best player. Sad day but he needs to step up his game in a big way for this team to be successful.

Would be nice if Roc could finish an easy bucket.
One last observation from me on CJ playing against a zone. I would rather he not be the guy who gets the ball at the foul line on a pass/lob from the guards. Seems to me you really want a guy who will turn and 1) shoot that shot or 2) look to pass inside or opposite to a wing. CJ always turns to his left and looks to drive the ball in that situation, completely destroying #2 previously mentioned. I'd love to see that spot be either Grant or Southerland. They both can hit and then you would have CJ as an option to pass to as a wing or cutting underneath.
I have said from day one that this team lacks true shooters and scorers with the exception of CJ who is a scorer but not a true shooter. GT just showed the rest of the country how to beat Syracuse. From here on out Syracuse is going to be forced to beat teams with the jumper. If we had even shot 35-40% we would have won the game. There were multiple stretches in the first half that we could have put them away. I think at one point we missed something like 13-16 shots in a row and still we are up at the half. If we make even a third of those shots we walk away in this game. Yes we have a very athletic and talented team but unfortunately you still have to put the ball in the basket to win.
Nice writeup as usual. I feel like JB's handling of Rak has failed completely. Yanking him for one mistake and then allowing BMK to stay in there and just swing away at balls he should be rebounding is not working. He pulled Rak at one point in the second half and Gtown went on an 8-0 run or pretty close to it. BMK has no business on the floor when playing a team that uses a zone defense. He doesn't help at all.

And yes, I know there were a myriad of things wrong, but just had to comment on this one aspect.

Love Baye. Great person, great teammate. Very good option for a reserve.

His presence out there killed us today. Rakeem got pulled with 16 and change on the clock and stayed out for seven minutes. That was when Georgetown took a back-and-forth game to a 39-31 lead. Second chances led to threes, the baseline was left open, and we continued to play 4-on-5 on offense.

Yeah, Boeheim's handling of substitutions at that position is baffling.
Would be nice if Roc could finish an easy bucket.

No doubt he's missed some chippies.

But this is like the chicken and the egg. There are so many times when he's got his man sealed and is calling for the ball and Mike ignores him. That's not doing anything for the offense. Might as well give him 15 touches and see what he does before quitting on him and resigning ourselves to playing 4-on-5 for the rest of the season.
Love Baye. Great person, great teammate. Very good option for a reserve.

His presence out there killed us today. Rakeem got pulled with 16 and change on the clock and stayed out for seven minutes. That was when Georgetown took a back-and-forth game to a 39-31 lead. Second chances led to threes, the baseline was left open, and we continued to play 4-on-5 on offense.

Yeah, Boeheim's handling of substitutions at that position is baffling.

That's exactly the stretch I was thinking of and it was the whole game if you ask me. Even if you don't sub, why not take a TO to settle things down? But Baye shouldn't have played nearly as much as he did today.

Rak didn't help his own case by getting blocked like that though. He HAS to slam it down in that situation, even if it meant taking a dribble.
Triche has been a below average shooter this season. I think what you meant to say was that we needed him to shoot above his percentages given the way they were begging him to shoot.

Aside from Porter, who else would we want from that team? Nobody. Let that sink in. It's shameful to lose and not even be competitive when you consider that. The scouting report was that they are a one-man team, and it looked like they had no clue about this.

Grant needs to eat up all of Keita's minutes and most of Xmas' minutes or this season is shot. What exactly are we losing in that tradeoff? Rebounds? Points? Blocks? Pounds of muscle? It's blockhead coaching to think that we need a true "center" in the lineup at all times. Just like punting on 4th and 2 when you're almost in field goal range. Just blockhead.

That's true. And that stinks.
That's exactly the stretch I was thinking of and it was the whole game if you ask me. Even if you don't sub, why not take a TO to settle things down? But Baye shouldn't have played nearly as much as he did today.

Rak didn't help his own case by getting blocked like that though. He HAS to slam it down in that situation, even if it meant taking a dribble.

That absolutely was the whole game - at that pace, down 8 with 9 to go meant things were virtually wrapped up. It was unbelievable that Rak stayed glued to the bench during that run.

I'd like to check a replay of the hook that got blocked. Most around us thought it was on the way down and that he rushed it as the clock was expiring.

Either way, he does have a bad habit of turning 2-footers into 4-footers. Hope someone's working on that with him...
That absolutely was the whole game - at that pace, down 8 with 9 to go meant things were virtually wrapped up. It was unbelievable that Rak stayed glued to the bench during that run.

I'd like to check a replay of the hook that got blocked. Most around us thought it was on the way down and that he rushed it as the clock was expiring.

Either way, he does have a bad habit of turning 2-footers into 4-footers. Hope someone's working on that with him...
it was a clean block. I do agree he rushed it as the clock was expiring.

I'm baffled at how little Syracuse even tries to involve Rak. He has a nice enough touch. He's clearly not a 1 or 2 option, but when the team gets so insanely perimeter oriented, just having Rak as a viable threat to need to think twice about defending would open up so much. The guards don't even pretend to glance in his direction.
it was a clean block. I do agree he rushed it as the clock was expiring.

I'm baffled at how little Syracuse even tries to involve Rak. He has a nice enough touch. He's clearly not a 1 or 2 option, but when the team gets so insanely perimeter oriented, just having Rak as a viable threat to need to think twice about defending would open up so much. The guards don't even pretend to glance in his direction.

Watching on tv, he looked like he did not want the ball at that time; he was wide open to go back up with a power move... instead he looked like he was trying to do a finger roll from four feet away... I found myself yelling at the tv... "don't you like to score?"
I'm as frustrated with the play of our two big men as everyone else. Yet if I'm Rak I really don't know what to do. Every time he attempts a shot and misses JB hauls him out. When Rak was called for a moving screen today JB pulled him right out and screamed at him. Yet Keita must lead the conference in getting whistled for moving screens. I think whatever coaching the bigs are getting is not working. They show zero improvement. The coaching of the bigs needs a total review after the season and something has to change.
Two mcd all American centers and they get pulled for a guy who just gets outmuscled down low and is about as big a threat on offense as Nolan hart.

Not a knock on Baye, he is who he is.
One last observation from me on CJ playing against a zone. I would rather he not be the guy who gets the ball at the foul line on a pass/lob from the guards. Seems to me you really want a guy who will turn and 1) shoot that shot or 2) look to pass inside or opposite to a wing. CJ always turns to his left and looks to drive the ball in that situation, completely destroying #2 previously mentioned. I'd love to see that spot be either Grant or Southerland. They both can hit and then you would have CJ as an option to pass to as a wing or cutting underneath.

Yeah, I agree. The ball sticks in all of our players' hands too long but with CJ there it really does. He dosn't really make quick decisions there and rarely makes a quick, crisp pass out of there.

Without any post scoring or easy baskets CLOSE to the hoop in the halfcourt; our offense vs zones has simply come to chucking jumpers contested or not and hope they go in.
The reason mcw doesnt dump the ball into rak is because rak is prone to fumble balls out of bounds. Ive never seen a guy have the ball slip through his hands so many times on oop passes or on easy would be dunk put backs.

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