My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Nice turnout at the tailgate. New faces keep showing up each week. Mike, Jeremy and Craig did sterling jobs delivering hot food. Tailgating has never been better at Syracuse. There were some WVU fans near by that were having a ball getting lit up playing drinking games. Just as an aside, I find the WVU fans the classiest group in the BE, by a large margin, and if we never play them again, I will miss seeing and interacting with them. Knowledgeable, fun loving, easy going, they love their team, support it with everything they have...I have great respect for them. Good luck wherever they end up. I hope it is the Big 12 and that they will do well there.

Retro called the upset at the tailgate. Of course, he predicts a big win for SU as part of every tailgate, so it wasn't quite as impressive as it might seem on the surface. But well done Retro. And the trimmed, clearly non WVU beard worked.

It was nice to see the Dome almost full again. Even with 30 or 35K it is a loud venue, but when you get up near 45K (I am guessing there were 42 or 43K in the stands), it makes a difference. Even with the students dispersed throughout the Dome, the crowd was loud and the atmosphere electric even before the game started. As the game ensued and it became clear Syracuse was going to be competitive, it just kept getting louder. Props to everyone who attended on doing a nice job making noise. Smith had problems getting plays in all night long.

I don't know who sang the NA, but he had a solid voice. Impressive.

As for the game, it looked to me from the start that SU was really ready to play. They came out far more aggressively than they have all year. They hit WVU hard all game long on defense and they punished the Mountaineer defense as well. WVU has long had a reputation as a physical team. They weren't last night and I think it played a big part in the final outcome.

Was surprised at the lack of arm strength from Smith. His long throws were thrown way up in the air, gave the defense time to catch up with receivers, he underthrew WRs a lot, missed some throws and rarely showed the ability to zing a hard throw when it was needed. Like last year, we were able to get some hits on him early and like last year, he looked shaken and scared most of the game, rushing throws and struggling to get up after getting popped. I don't think he is going to feel very good this morning. He really took a beating.

I thought the game plans on offense and defense were well conceived. But what really blew me away was the execution. I think we had a hold on Hay and a costly offsides against Ball and that was it in terms of penalties (I guess the OB KO could count too). Almost no breakdowns all game long with the OL in terms of run blocking (no one got penetration all game long) and pass blocking. This was the best effort pass blocking an SU OL has had in a long time.

As with the Tulane game, Dorian Graham made major contributions in somewhat limited playing time. The kid has an unbelievable blend of power and speed and it is great to him finding ways to translate his talent into production on the field. I think it was Dave Rahme who compared him to The Missle recently. He surely has that ability to turn any play he touches the ball into a touchdown but he is quite a bit stronger and more physical than Q was. Nice to have a real playmaker on the field. I look forward to the day when we have 2 or 3 out there every play, like say WVU did last night.

WVU tried to take the slants away and play a lot if bump coverage but I think the SU receivers stepped up and played more physical than they have, catching a lot of balls that have been knocked away in recent games. Lemon made a nice play early on a bad throw, switching to DB to break up a possible interception, then ended up catching the deflection and getting a nice gain. Maybe that helped set the tone. But Lemon, Chew, Provo and West all made tough catches with WVU played draped all over them. This was something that needed to change and it was good to see.

Also happy with way we attacked WVU's press coverage, spreading the field some (we ran out of a 3 wide formation with success a number of times), and with a heavy emphasis on quick passes to the TE. We had two routes that seemed to work almost everytime we tried them...the quick sprint route over the middle Provo runs so well and the play where the TE is split wide left with a WR, the WR breaks inside and the TE sprints down the sideline. We got a lot out of those plays last night, and like DM said, they were not afraid to keep going to the well with them.

The other thing I was really happy about was the greatly improved pass rush. There was an urgency last night I had not seen since the WF game. The DL really pressed the QB hard...too many times this year I have seen the DL go through the motions on passing plays, just looking to keep contain, instead of putting real pressure on the QB. With all the playmakers on WVU, we couldn't possibly win without a pass rush and that strong rush, coupled with the effect it had on Smith, was probably the biggest reason we won. Lots of blitz action in there, Shafer brought just about everyone at one time or the other. Fun to watch.

Was really impressed by Bailey, the small WVU WR who burned us a lot and did serious damage with the chance he got to catch the ball. We caught a break when McCartney, a great young player, got hurt early (Lyn, another Miramar player, was covering him on the play). We caught a few breaks last night...had some penalties called or not called that helped us. Every once in a while almost everything goes right in a game. Last night was one of those nights.

Was also impressed by the WVU punter, who had a great leg. They have some problems with LBs and safeties in pass coverage. And one of their CBs could not cover anyone, and got picked on all night long (Miller I think).

I really liked what Jerome Smith brought to the table. Good to see a RB move the pile. Ant played a solid game and made better choices, less tentativeness and more north south than earlier in the year. I thought Lyn played well in bump coverage, Scott did too for the most part. Wilkes and Diabate, pressed into action because of injuries, had major contributions. Great to see Chandler attacking the QB and knocking down balls with his huge wingspan again.

Great effort on both sides of the ball. DM and his staff really abused a young coach last night. I believe he is now 6-1 in games where SU has had more than a week to prepare for a game. That is a pretty good indicator to me that they know what they are is easier to compensate for less talent with good coaching if you have some extra time to get your team ready.

Great night that got even better hearing RU lost to UL. I would much rather play UL after a big win for them than a tough loss. Would be great to be bowl eligible in October...
Also not impressed with Smith's arm strength. He may have some gaudy numbers but he is no leader. The body language was so telling.

As far as Holgerson - does anyone else see a little Quinn Snyder in this guy?

As far as Luck - dude you are s hit out of it.
Nice turnout at the tailgate. New faces keep showing up each week. Mike, Jeremy and Craig did sterling jobs delivering hot food. Tailgating has never been better at Syracuse. There were some WVU fans near by that were having a ball getting lit up playing drinking games. Just as an aside, I find the WVU fans the classiest group in the BE, by a large margin, and if we never play them again, I will miss seeing and interacting with them. Knowledgeable, fun loving, easy going, they love their team, support it with everything they have...I have great respect for them. Good luck wherever they end up. I hope it is the Big 12 and that they will do well there.

Retro called the upset at the tailgate. Of course, he predicts a big win for SU as part of every tailgate, so it wasn't quite as impressive as it might seem on the surface. But well done Retro. And the trimmed, clearly non WVU beard worked.

It was nice to see the Dome almost full again. Even with 30 or 35K it is a loud venue, but when you get up near 45K (I am guessing there were 42 or 43K in the stands), it makes a difference. Even with the students dispersed throughout the Dome, the crowd was loud and the atmosphere electric even before the game started. As the game ensued and it became clear Syracuse was going to be competitive, it just kept getting louder. Props to everyone who attended on doing a nice job making noise. Smith had problems getting plays in all night long.

I don't know who sang the NA, but he had a solid voice. Impressive.

As for the game, it looked to me from the start that SU was really ready to play. They came out far more aggressively than they have all year. They hit WVU hard all game long on defense and they punished the Mountaineer defense as well. WVU has long had a reputation as a physical team. They weren't last night and I think it played a big part in the final outcome.

Was surprised at the lack of arm strength from Smith. His long throws were thrown way up in the air, gave the defense time to catch up with receivers, he underthrew WRs a lot, missed some throws and rarely showed the ability to zing a hard throw when it was needed. Like last year, we were able to get some hits on him early and like last year, he looked shaken and scared most of the game, rushing throws and struggling to get up after getting popped. I don't think he is going to feel very good this morning. He really took a beating.

I thought the game plans on offense and defense were well conceived. But what really blew me away was the execution. I think we had a hold on Hay and a costly offsides against Ball and that was it in terms of penalties (I guess the OB KO could count too). Almost no breakdowns all game long with the OL in terms of run blocking (no one got penetration all game long) and pass blocking. This was the best effort pass blocking an SU OL has had in a long time.

As with the Tulane game, Dorian Graham made major contributions in somewhat limited playing time. The kid has an unbelievable blend of power and speed and it is great to him finding ways to translate his talent into production on the field. I think it was Dave Rahme who compared him to The Missle recently. He surely has that ability to turn any play he touches the ball into a touchdown but he is quite a bit stronger and more physical than Q was. Nice to have a real playmaker on the field. I look forward to the day when we have 2 or 3 out there every play, like say WVU did last night.

WVU tried to take the slants away and play a lot if bump coverage but I think the SU receivers stepped up and played more physical than they have, catching a lot of balls that have been knocked away in recent games. Lemon made a nice play early on a bad throw, switching to DB to break up a possible interception, then ended up catching the deflection and getting a nice gain. Maybe that helped set the tone. But Lemon, Chew, Provo and West all made tough catches with WVU played draped all over them. This was something that needed to change and it was good to see.

Also happy with way we attacked WVU's press coverage, spreading the field some (we ran out of a 3 wide formation with success a number of times), and with a heavy emphasis on quick passes to the TE. We had two routes that seemed to work almost everytime we tried them...the quick sprint route over the middle Provo runs so well and the play where the TE is split wide left with a WR, the WR breaks inside and the TE sprints down the sideline. We got a lot out of those plays last night, and like DM said, they were not afraid to keep going to the well with them.

The other thing I was really happy about was the greatly improved pass rush. There was an urgency last night I had not seen since the WF game. The DL really pressed the QB hard...too many times this year I have seen the DL go through the motions on passing plays, just looking to keep contain, instead of putting real pressure on the QB. With all the playmakers on WVU, we couldn't possibly win without a pass rush and that strong rush, coupled with the effect it had on Smith, was probably the biggest reason we won. Lots of blitz action in there, Shafer brought just about everyone at one time or the other. Fun to watch.

Was really impressed by Bailey, the small WVU WR who burned us a lot and did serious damage with the chance he got to catch the ball. We caught a break when McCartney, a great young player, got hurt early (Lyn, another Miramar player, was covering him on the play). We caught a few breaks last night...had some penalties called or not called that helped us. Every once in a while almost everything goes right in a game. Last night was one of those nights.

Was also impressed by the WVU punter, who had a great leg. They have some problems with LBs and safeties in pass coverage. And one of their CBs could not cover anyone, and got picked on all night long (Miller I think).

I really liked what Jerome Smith brought to the table. Good to see a RB move the pile. Ant played a solid game and made better choices, less tentativeness and more north south than earlier in the year. I thought Lyn played well in bump coverage, Scott did too for the most part. Wilkes and Diabate, pressed into action because of injuries, had major contributions. Great to see Chandler attacking the QB and knocking down balls with his huge wingspan again.

Great effort on both sides of the ball. DM and his staff really abused a young coach last night. I believe he is now 6-1 in games where SU has had more than a week to prepare for a game. That is a pretty good indicator to me that they know what they are is easier to compensate for less talent with good coaching if you have some extra time to get your team ready.

Great night that got even better hearing RU lost to UL. I would much rather play UL after a big win for them than a tough loss. Would be great to be bowl eligible in October...

Very nice compilation of what took place last night...lots of time and effort in your analysis and obviously you watched the game closely from all perspectives...what I will remember is the announcers to the game said...'Cuse is back like years before...on the rise...going to a great conference...PROUD NIGHT FOR THE can we continue this season with this intensity?!!!
As far as Holgerson - does anyone else see a little Quinn Snyder in this guy?

I think Holgerson kinda looks like this guy.

I really like how we utilized Smith and Moore to compliment Bailey, and not just in predictable short yardage situations. Harris delivered some crushing lead blocks as well.
That was our own Jake Flarety that sang the national anthem. He did a great job.
Great night that got even better hearing RU lost to UL. I would much rather play UL after a big win for them than a tough loss. Would be great to be bowl eligible in October...
Also, WVa will be out to prove themselves when they visit RU next weekend.
Jake Flaherty sung national anthem. It was huge that we were able to break "the curse of Jake". (Last time he sang, I believe we got drilled.). Agree he has great voice.

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Jake Flaherty sung national anthem. It was huge that we were able to break "the curse of Jake". (Last time he sang, I believe we got drilled.). Agree he has great voice.

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whatever game he did it before last night, he was great. just about the best i ever heard. talented guy
Great write-up, as usual, tomcat.
Dorian Graham is a very nice story; took some time to develop, now along with Bailey gives us a weapon.
You covered lots of bases, but underplayed the impact of Chandler Jones. Chandler made a huge difference in the pass rush.
TEs were a huge factor for us.
The biggest differences in the teams: West Virginia turned it over twice at key points; we got the big special teams play on Graham's runback; we got consistent pressure on the QB and sacked him 4 times, while our OL gave up no sacks.
SU had to keep that WVa offense off the field, and did by playing smart football. We rarely got into second and long or third and long. Third down efficiency (65% or so) was a telling stat -- how long has it been since SU hit that mark against a real opponent?
One area for improvement: WVa got great field position off our kick-offs. We gave them one on an out of bounds kick-off, but they took advantage of other kicks that did not reach the 5 yd line and their returners consistently made some people miss. We did just fine in other phases of the game, and it isn't a bad thing when your kick off group gets a lot of reps.
Nice turnout at the tailgate. New faces keep showing up each week. Mike, Jeremy and Craig did sterling jobs delivering hot food. Tailgating has never been better at Syracuse. There were some WVU fans near by that were having a ball getting lit up playing drinking games. Just as an aside, I find the WVU fans the classiest group in the BE, by a large margin, and if we never play them again, I will miss seeing and interacting with them. Knowledgeable, fun loving, easy going, they love their team, support it with everything they have...I have great respect for them. Good luck wherever they end up. I hope it is the Big 12 and that they will do well there.

Retro called the upset at the tailgate. Of course, he predicts a big win for SU as part of every tailgate, so it wasn't quite as impressive as it might seem on the surface. But well done Retro. And the trimmed, clearly non WVU beard worked.

It was nice to see the Dome almost full again. Even with 30 or 35K it is a loud venue, but when you get up near 45K (I am guessing there were 42 or 43K in the stands), it makes a difference. Even with the students dispersed throughout the Dome, the crowd was loud and the atmosphere electric even before the game started. As the game ensued and it became clear Syracuse was going to be competitive, it just kept getting louder. Props to everyone who attended on doing a nice job making noise. Smith had problems getting plays in all night long.

I don't know who sang the NA, but he had a solid voice. Impressive.

As for the game, it looked to me from the start that SU was really ready to play. They came out far more aggressively than they have all year. They hit WVU hard all game long on defense and they punished the Mountaineer defense as well. WVU has long had a reputation as a physical team. They weren't last night and I think it played a big part in the final outcome.

Was surprised at the lack of arm strength from Smith. His long throws were thrown way up in the air, gave the defense time to catch up with receivers, he underthrew WRs a lot, missed some throws and rarely showed the ability to zing a hard throw when it was needed. Like last year, we were able to get some hits on him early and like last year, he looked shaken and scared most of the game, rushing throws and struggling to get up after getting popped. I don't think he is going to feel very good this morning. He really took a beating.

I thought the game plans on offense and defense were well conceived. But what really blew me away was the execution. I think we had a hold on Hay and a costly offsides against Ball and that was it in terms of penalties (I guess the OB KO could count too). Almost no breakdowns all game long with the OL in terms of run blocking (no one got penetration all game long) and pass blocking. This was the best effort pass blocking an SU OL has had in a long time.

As with the Tulane game, Dorian Graham made major contributions in somewhat limited playing time. The kid has an unbelievable blend of power and speed and it is great to him finding ways to translate his talent into production on the field. I think it was Dave Rahme who compared him to The Missle recently. He surely has that ability to turn any play he touches the ball into a touchdown but he is quite a bit stronger and more physical than Q was. Nice to have a real playmaker on the field. I look forward to the day when we have 2 or 3 out there every play, like say WVU did last night.

WVU tried to take the slants away and play a lot if bump coverage but I think the SU receivers stepped up and played more physical than they have, catching a lot of balls that have been knocked away in recent games. Lemon made a nice play early on a bad throw, switching to DB to break up a possible interception, then ended up catching the deflection and getting a nice gain. Maybe that helped set the tone. But Lemon, Chew, Provo and West all made tough catches with WVU played draped all over them. This was something that needed to change and it was good to see.

Also happy with way we attacked WVU's press coverage, spreading the field some (we ran out of a 3 wide formation with success a number of times), and with a heavy emphasis on quick passes to the TE. We had two routes that seemed to work almost everytime we tried them...the quick sprint route over the middle Provo runs so well and the play where the TE is split wide left with a WR, the WR breaks inside and the TE sprints down the sideline. We got a lot out of those plays last night, and like DM said, they were not afraid to keep going to the well with them.

The other thing I was really happy about was the greatly improved pass rush. There was an urgency last night I had not seen since the WF game. The DL really pressed the QB hard...too many times this year I have seen the DL go through the motions on passing plays, just looking to keep contain, instead of putting real pressure on the QB. With all the playmakers on WVU, we couldn't possibly win without a pass rush and that strong rush, coupled with the effect it had on Smith, was probably the biggest reason we won. Lots of blitz action in there, Shafer brought just about everyone at one time or the other. Fun to watch.

Was really impressed by Bailey, the small WVU WR who burned us a lot and did serious damage with the chance he got to catch the ball. We caught a break when McCartney, a great young player, got hurt early (Lyn, another Miramar player, was covering him on the play). We caught a few breaks last night...had some penalties called or not called that helped us. Every once in a while almost everything goes right in a game. Last night was one of those nights.

Was also impressed by the WVU punter, who had a great leg. They have some problems with LBs and safeties in pass coverage. And one of their CBs could not cover anyone, and got picked on all night long (Miller I think).

I really liked what Jerome Smith brought to the table. Good to see a RB move the pile. Ant played a solid game and made better choices, less tentativeness and more north south than earlier in the year. I thought Lyn played well in bump coverage, Scott did too for the most part. Wilkes and Diabate, pressed into action because of injuries, had major contributions. Great to see Chandler attacking the QB and knocking down balls with his huge wingspan again.

Great effort on both sides of the ball. DM and his staff really abused a young coach last night. I believe he is now 6-1 in games where SU has had more than a week to prepare for a game. That is a pretty good indicator to me that they know what they are is easier to compensate for less talent with good coaching if you have some extra time to get your team ready.

Great night that got even better hearing RU lost to UL. I would much rather play UL after a big win for them than a tough loss. Would be great to be bowl eligible in October...
Good write-up Tomcat. It was nice to see the team click on all cylinders. I think the week off help rest some of the guys who were dinged up and I think that is more than everyone realizes. I do hope R. Krautman (or another kicker) is abled to strenghten his leg so kick-offs land inside the 5. There was at least one that was fielded at the 12. The WVU kicked put at least one into the end-zone. SU band had a nice ovation from the crowd. I don't know what they were playing at the end (we were on the opposite side) but the crowd liked it. Too bad the WVU band didn't make it. It don't follow college bands much but they happen to be one of my favorites. I was out at a farmers market in Rochester this morning wearing a Syracuse sweatshirt and I had a least three vendors mention last nights game, ended up spending an extra 15 minutes talking about last night. That has NEVER happened. Big win on national TV on a Friday night was huge and will benefit SU all week, maybe longer if the keep it up.
As usual love the summary. Nassib going to the TEs reminded me a little of Andrew Luck! The 3 RB rotation is fun- Smith ran well last night and Moore has a knack for picking up extra yards. Ant is quietly having a great season. The Oline played great. I thought WVU would blitz more, and I'm glad they didn't. The L'ville win is icing on the cake, and I agree that I'd rather them be coming off a win going into next week. They have a young team, and they may lose focus after a win-maybe not. WVU lost focus. The time off last weekend for the WVU players was a questionable move.
Great write-up!!!

I was thoroughly impressed with the team's play, last night. The thing that stuck out with me, was they're ability to convert on 3rd down.
Was amazed Rene held on to that one punt. He got popped. At that stage of the game a TO would have been a huge momentum swing to wVU. Needed to fair catch it. But just glad he held on.
Was amazed Rene held on to that one punt. He got popped. At that stage of the game a TO would have been a huge momentum swing to wVU. Needed to fair catch it. But just glad he held on.
I hate to pick nits after a great overall effort, but that showed a lack of judgement. I think Rene was trying to leave his mark on an evening of big plays by his teammates, and just got caught-up in the moment.
Great post Tom, as usual. Nice to see former LB Jake Flaherty do such a great job with the National anthem. Hope to see more of him, maybe start another tradition?

Glad someone mentioned the band. It looks like they have put in alot of work and put on a really nice show at Hendricks including the baton twirler adding fire to the performance. Despite all the early complaints, I really liked the 8:00pm Friday start time. Great crowd, many people coming straight from work(which kept some of the Orange color down from the crowd) and the weekend is free to rake those leaves -;)

The game was special. We had 3 WVU fans strangely amongst the section with players parents , they were good but totally frustrated - nice to see.

Ok I laughed but was shocked by the normally politically correct crew on the hill allowing Otto playing Deliverance on the banjo during a timeout. Funny. Another thing anyone notice that replays finally showed most of the contraversial re-plays on the big screens. Really liked that since I think the paying customers at the dome should see the replays that fans who sit on their duffs at home see. Fun evening and Happy Birthday TOL.
That's a really good point about Geno's arm strength. He threw plenty of passes with zip on them but he threw a lot of slow, floating rainbows too. It worked to some degree when Kevyn Scott mistimed his leap to defend, but that type of passing isn't going to work against top-20 teams and definitely won't be worth a damn in the NFL.
He seemed to have plenty of opportunities to run the ball last night. If he ran it more, it seems like he'd be a more dangerous QB.
First time this year that I can remember the OL and DL really blowing people off the ball. It was a mismatch at the lines from the first snap. REally really impressed by their play last night.

Dorian's play really snuffed out any comeback hopes. Nothing like a kick return to ruin your day.

When Nassib gets time, that dude can really spin it. He has one of the best arms I can remember at SU.

For those that have said in the past few weeks that Marrone is not the guy to take us all the way back...what say you now? This guy is perfect for this University.

Apart from the game, I think something needs to be said for Gross. That dude has done a ton of good stuff on the tradition front and I dont think any of that can be overlooked. We might have one of the best ADs in the NCAAs...
At a small diner in Canastota this morning, three different tables were discussing the game around me. All of them non-locals. I can't tell you how long it's been or how happy I was to hear it.
Ok I laughed but was shocked by the normally politically correct crew on the hill allowing Otto playing Deliverance on the banjo during a timeout. Funny.

I know! Couldn't believe it, lol

Another thing anyone notice that replays finally showed most of the contraversial re-plays on the big screens. Really liked that since I think the paying customers at the dome should see the replays that fans who sit on their duffs at home see.

I've always been aggravated by this; glad to not have to call or text someone watching on TV to get an assessment.

Fun evening and Happy Birthday TOL.

It was a good one.

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