My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Props again to our fans in the Winston-Salem area for coming out and supporting the team. Great to see Syracuse differentiating themselves from a school like BC as they make their way through the venues of the ACC. Not all schools from the North have no fan base. Anyone willing to make a call on what the breakdown was of Wake fans to SU fans? On TV, it looked like 67% Wake to 33% SU but that was based on limited view of the lower sections. Based on sound, we must have had a lot of fans in the upper levels.

Thought Wake played good defense. The refs let quite a bit of contact go most of the game, which helped the Demons stay in the game. They did a good job initiating contact and drawing fouls whenever possible, especially in transition. Their half court offense was not very good; they shot the ball horribly from the outside and seemed to get most of their shot attempts in the paint blocked. Didn't even shoot their FTs well. Hence major problems scoring.

SU didn't shoot the ball well from the outside, didn't hit mid range jumpers much either. CJ, JG and TE all did a good job getting in the paint and drawing fouls. Couple that with SU's dominance on the offensive boards, solid job on the defensive boards and there was enough offense to take the game. BMK got 4 in 20 minutes, continuing a recent trend here, which is great to see. I think that rebound/follow dunk was the first one he has done as an Orangeman. JG had 7 offensive rebounds, which is pretty extraordinary. When he rebounds (and he has been rebounding well pretty consistently since league play began), SU is tough to beat. He seems to have regressed somewhat on offense in recent weeks though. Not hitting or even trying that 15 footer and his drives to the hoop are becoming a 'lower your head, palm the ball' and make a wild rush to the hoop/pull up to it with a weak finger roll. RC and CJ were also excellent on the boards. Devin Thomas and Cavanaugh were man handled underneath. Both looked like they wanted to be somewhere else most of the game.

Speaking of Tyler Cavanaugh, SU actually offered him, which could have resulted in 3 Tylers on the same team (along with ACC announcer fave Trevor/Tyler). I think it was best he did not come to SU. Good player, would have been a great fit playing for someone like Beilein at Michigan, where a big guy who likes to play on the perimeter would thrive. But at SU, he is not quick enough to play a wing in the 2-3 and is not athletic enough to play center (really need to have quick feet and shot blocking ability to excel at C in the SU zone). I think he might have had 4 or 5 shots blocked in a row...was not in his element playing against SU level athletes.

Ugly game. TE and CJ are both, in my mind, making strong cases for first team all conference, with JG just a little behind them. Both have been excellent in crunch time, especially Tyler. This was a good win, that arena is a tough place to get a win, and there is no question WF and their fans were very hyped for the game. Wild scene in the locker room before the game.
Great write-up as usual - but you can't let this little nugget pass - "Wild scene in the locker room before the game."

care to elaborate ?

Exactly my question, too.
I think OP is referring to the video early in the broadcast of the WF team getting pumped with a ridiculous chant outside their locker room.
Great write-up as usual - but you can't let this little nugget pass - "Wild scene in the locker room before the game."

care to elaborate ?

What OrangeYaGladi said.

Also, unlike teams in the past few years, where SU won by running teams out of the gym through transition offense, this team is like a glacier: slowly, relentlessly grinding down opponents until they quit. The last few minutes of games are just dreadful for opponents. The zone seems more swarming and the SU guards start scoring at will against forwards that are either tired or in foul trouble or both. Then it's just a mercy killing.
Good points, Tomcat. I saw only the second half which, given the numbers, had to be better than the first. While it wasn't pretty, I never felt the impression it was in danger of becoming the first L of the season. What happens during a game is less important than what you do about it. Neither team shot well, SU rebounded well, WF didn't, and that was pretty much the story. You take the game the way you find it, or rather, you play the game you find yourself in, and games like that are going to happen. Ennis was continually the answer to several WF second half mini-runs, the entire team continued to play tough D and rebound well, and Cooney proved once again "it's not how many, but when." And WF just plain played tough D. I keep thinking back to Adolph Rupp's line in Road To Glory, when during a time-out in the final he asked, "Are you surprised they came to play hard?" Well, SU hasn't seemed surprised by that in any of the games I've seen.

You can't hit the NCAA's without having faced and dealt with some adversity, which SU has done without incurring a loss. I'm okay with that, even though a few L's aren't a problem. Besides, they give you something to work on in practice. As far as a couple of players seeming to "slow down" a little from previous levels, I'd bet the "awesome specter" of what they're doing may finally be upon them. I think they knew they were going to be a good team, but nobody anticipated 20-0/#2. There's a lot of attention on them now, which only Fair has seen before, even though he wasn't a leader then.

This has been a very entertaining run, looking forward to Saturday. Both teams will be ready, and it should be a delight. :)
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Great write-up as usual - but you can't let this little nugget pass - "Wild scene in the locker room before the game."

care to elaborate ?

It was on TV. You know how James Southerland used to do his wiggle dance in the middle of a circle of the players before the game? Well Devin Harris was doing something like that, with lots of swagger, yelling about eating oranges and whatnot. They were foaming at the mouth before tip off.
it went something like this
sqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqquaaaaashhhh!! Squassssssshhhhh!!!
Thets eat Squash!!! I love to eat orange and Squash!!!
It tates just like a big squash AAAAHHHHHH!!!
Thets eat Squash!!!
Thats our Squash!!!
something like Thets get out a night like this squash

When they come to syracuse next winter we could have Dajuan yell..

Tuuuuuuuuuuuurkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkey!! Turrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkey!!!
Thets Eat Turkey I love to eat Deacons they taste like Turrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkeeeyyy!!
Thets Eat Turky!!!
Thats our Turrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkey!!!
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JG had 7 offensive rebounds, which is pretty extraordinary. When he rebounds (and he has been rebounding well pretty consistently since league play began), SU is tough to beat. He seems to have regressed somewhat on offense in recent weeks though. Not hitting or even trying that 15 footer and his drives to the hoop are becoming a 'lower your head, palm the ball' and make a wild rush to the hoop/pull up to it with a weak finger roll. them.
Both have been excellent in crunch time, especially Tyler. This was a good win, that arena is a tough place to get a win, and there is no question WF and their fans were very hyped for the game. Wild scene in the locker room before the game.
I think the JG slight change may be by design. I could understand if JB is somehow influencing Grant's shot selection. Grant is an athlectic freak, a tier above on the college level. WF could not stop him, they were fouling him with regularity.

I agree that it often looks like a "lower your head" uncontrolled thing. But how many charges or palms were/have been called on him? Pretty much none, that I can think of. If I were JB I would want him contiuing that strategy. I think Grant was responsible for a lot of the foul problems that WF had. I do not think it is regressing, but instead Grant is more efficient.

I also think JB is increasing, and working in, TC for more crunch time duties. And it has worked well so far. The last two games, TC has been involved towards the end, moreso than before. This time he added a late bucket in an unsettled situation and also came through, by design, in FTs.
I also think JB is increasing, and working in, TC for more crunch time duties. And it has worked well so far. The last two games, TC has been involved towards the end, moreso than before. This time he added a late bucket in an unsettled situation and also came through, by design, in FTs.

Cooney has been quietly impressive late in tight games. Every team knows by now that Ennis will be "the engineer" coming down the stretch, and Cooney plays the support role perfectly. He doesn't shirk from it. He reads Ennis and the play, gets open at the right time, comes to meet the ball, and doesn't handle it like it's on fire or that he can't wait to get rid of it. And he's made shots in that position, too.
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it went something like this
sqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqquaaaaashhhh!! Squassssssshhhhh!!!
Thets eat Squash!!! I love to eat orange and Squash!!!
It tates just like a big squash AAAAHHHHHH!!!
Thets eat Squash!!!
Thats our Squash!!!
something like Thets get out a night like this squash

When they come to syracuse next winter we could have Dajuan yell..

Tuuuuuuuuuuuurkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkey!! Turrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkey!!!
Thets Eat Turkey I love to eat Deacons they taste like Turrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkeeeyyy!!
Thets Eat Turky!!!
Thats our Turrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkey!!!

Those Ray Lewis style antics always make me chuckle. I mean, I can accept it in football, but that game requires a different approach. Football, especially on D, is malice on the fringe of control. Basketball is different. You can't just throw the ball up on the rim and have the biggest thugs you can find rip heads off getting to it (although Pitt tried that for a few years). Basketball is a transitional, and thus more cerebral, game in that you have to play both D and O, and O requires timing and finesse while continually reading on the fly. It's a different type of focus. Now I can see something like Harris' rant once in a while, I guess, to shake things up, maybe. But if you need that kind of thing regularly to get up for a basketball game, your career will be shorter than you'd like. Just IMHO.
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Seemed like WF was not too concerned about Cooney when he was missing. All game he had pretty much wide open shots. I would like to see him get a few 2pt baskets early, get a little confidence , then go for the bombs.
Good points, Tomcat. I saw only the second half which, given the numbers, had to be better than the first. While it wasn't pretty, I never felt the impression it was in danger of becoming the first L of the season. What happens during a game is less important than what you do about it. Neither team shot well, SU rebounded well, WF didn't, and that was pretty much the story. You take the game the way you find it, or rather, you play the game you find yourself in, and games like that are going to happen. Ennis was continually the answer to several WF second half mini-runs, the entire team continued to play tough D and rebound well, and Cooney proved once again "it's not how many, but when." And WF just plain played tough D. I keep thinking back to Adolph Rupp's line in Road To Glory, when during a time-out in the final, "Are you surprised they came to play hard?" Well, SU hasn't seemed surprised by that in any of the games I've seen.

You can't hit the NCAA's without having faced and dealt with some adversity, which SU has done without incurring a loss. I'm okay with that, even though a few L's aren't a problem. Besides, they give you something to work on in practice. As far as a couple of players seeming to "slow down" a little from previous levels, I'd bet the "awesome specter" of what they're doing may finally be upon them. I think they knew they were going to be a good team, but nobody anticipated 20-0/#2. There's a lot of attention on them now, which only Fair has seen before, even though he wasn't a leader then.

This has been a very entertaining run, looking forward to Saturday. Both teams will be ready, and it should be a delight. :)
Wonderful writeup and great perspective. especially liked the part of Adolph Rupp's quote "Are you surprised they came to play hard?".

Many on this board should try to learn a lot from that one statement when they feel SU should destroy every opponent within minutes of tip off. SU has one huge target on their back's and they have met every single d*mn challenge to date. This takes a mental as well as a physical toll, yet we have not cracked yet. We may/will crack. If/when that happens we will see what kind of resiliency these guys have. I suspect they will be just fine given what they have done in so many games this year already.

Again - great post.
Their mental toughness is what sets them apart, IMO. Even if they lose to Duke this Saturday (God forbid!) I think they'll just keep trucking along. They're going for a championship and they all know it. I don't believe they will doubt themselves when they lose, and I don't doubt them, either. It is very refreshing for me!

Because we've won so many close ones, and haven't always looked impressive, people can't help but look at the first loss as a symptom of a flawed team that just "happens" to be undefeated. It's human nature. But we have a damn fine team. We had one in November, we have one now, and we will have one in March. I'm a believer!
Props again to our fans in the Winston-Salem area for coming out and supporting the team. Great to see Syracuse differentiating themselves from a school like BC as they make their way through the venues of the ACC. Not all schools from the North have no fan base. Anyone willing to make a call on what the breakdown was of Wake fans to SU fans? On TV, it looked like 67% Wake to 33% SU but that was based on limited view of the lower sections. Based on sound, we must have had a lot of fans in the upper levels.

Thought Wake played good defense. The refs let quite a bit of contact go most of the game, which helped the Demons stay in the game. They did a good job initiating contact and drawing fouls whenever possible, especially in transition. Their half court offense was not very good; they shot the ball horribly from the outside and seemed to get most of their shot attempts in the paint blocked. Didn't even shoot their FTs well. Hence major problems scoring.

SU didn't shoot the ball well from the outside, didn't hit mid range jumpers much either. CJ, JG and TE all did a good job getting in the paint and drawing fouls. Couple that with SU's dominance on the offensive boards, solid job on the defensive boards and there was enough offense to take the game. BMK got 4 in 20 minutes, continuing a recent trend here, which is great to see. I think that rebound/follow dunk was the first one he has done as an Orangeman. JG had 7 offensive rebounds, which is pretty extraordinary. When he rebounds (and he has been rebounding well pretty consistently since league play began), SU is tough to beat. He seems to have regressed somewhat on offense in recent weeks though. Not hitting or even trying that 15 footer and his drives to the hoop are becoming a 'lower your head, palm the ball' and make a wild rush to the hoop/pull up to it with a weak finger roll. RC and CJ were also excellent on the boards. Devin Thomas and Cavanaugh were man handled underneath. Both looked like they wanted to be somewhere else most of the game.

Speaking of Tyler Cavanaugh, SU actually offered him, which could have resulted in 3 Tylers on the same team (along with ACC announcer fave Trevor/Tyler). I think it was best he did not come to SU. Good player, would have been a great fit playing for someone like Beilein at Michigan, where a big guy who likes to play on the perimeter would thrive. But at SU, he is not quick enough to play a wing in the 2-3 and is not athletic enough to play center (really need to have quick feet and shot blocking ability to excel at C in the SU zone). I think he might have had 4 or 5 shots blocked in a row...was not in his element playing against SU level athletes.

Ugly game. TE and CJ are both, in my mind, making strong cases for first team all conference, with JG just a little behind them. Both have been excellent in crunch time, especially Tyler. This was a good win, that arena is a tough place to get a win, and there is no question WF and their fans were very hyped for the game. Wild scene in the locker room before the game.
I want to see Ennis take more shots. He could IMO be a 20 pt/gm scorer if he wanted to. I get that he wants to be a distributor first and I respect that but if he is scoring more the D will focus even more on him and open up for others. C'mon TE, stop being so unselfish! Stop being so Canadian! Sorry. Sorry.
The Game stunk,both teams stunk and SU won , No excuse to make the 1st foul shot and miss the 2nd,Awfull,Plain Awfull,The last 2 Minutes was it,How in the World did that team beat Duke. I turned on the UCONN-Game When Red Autry had his best Game against Donyell Marshell,Fair and I Guy whose name was Hmmm! let me think Ray Allen another lost year for Dom Perno
I regard to TC anyone else notice towards the end of the game several times he brought the ball up instead of TE
it went something like this
sqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqquaaaaashhhh!! Squassssssshhhhh!!!
Thets eat Squash!!! I love to eat orange and Squash!!!
It tates just like a big squash AAAAHHHHHH!!!
Thets eat Squash!!!
Thats our Squash!!!
something like Thets get out a night like this squash

And then they had to face the reality of the 2-3 Orange Squeeze.

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