My two cents |

My two cents


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Im posting tonight vs tomorrow morning as i usually do because i want to while it is still fresh to express what i believe is extremely important about tonight's win.
Two things.
First, it doesn't matter what any of us think or have been told. The kids love Dino. Period. They put it all on the line for him. Shrader can barley raise his right arm above his shoulder. Wore restrictive straps and gave his body up to do whatever he could to win for his coach. Bleitch was in constant pain the whole game and so many other kids gutted it out. Special effort because they care about their coach and each other.
Second. Beck showed his brilliance. What he was able to pull off today was amazing.
So regardless what we all think today for me proved that the kids truly respect their coach and Beck is who we all hoped and thought he was.
Im not sure how this season will end or if Dino will be back but what i do know is that for me this game was very special.
Im happy for Dino, his staff, and the kids. This is a game i will always remember.
More tomorrow with an emphasis on leadership.
What a great win for Dino and the kids.
Im posting tonight vs tomorrow morning as i usually do because i want to while it is still fresh to express what i believe is extremely important about tonight's win.
Two things.
First, it doesn't matter what any of us think or have been told. The kids love Dino. Period. They put it all on the line for him. Shrader can barley raise his right arm above his shoulder. Wore restrictive straps and gave his body up to do whatever he could to win for his coach. Bleitch was in constant pain the whole game and so many other kids gutted it out. Special effort because they care about their coach and each other.
Second. Beck showed his brilliance. What he was able to pull off today was amazing.
So regardless what we all think today for me proved that the kids truly respect their coach and Beck is who we all hoped and thought he was.
Im not sure how this season will end or if Dino will be back but what i do know is that for me this game was very special.
Im happy for Dino, his staff, and the kids. This is a game i will always remember.
More tomorrow with an emphasis on leadership.
What a great win for Dino and the kids.
If the team wins another game and gets to a bowl, after what the players showed today you keep Dino.
The kids dominated the line of scrimmage, something that hasn't been done in a long time.
Im posting tonight vs tomorrow morning as i usually do because i want to while it is still fresh to express what i believe is extremely important about tonight's win.
Two things.
First, it doesn't matter what any of us think or have been told. The kids love Dino. Period. They put it all on the line for him. Shrader can barley raise his right arm above his shoulder. Wore restrictive straps and gave his body up to do whatever he could to win for his coach. Bleitch was in constant pain the whole game and so many other kids gutted it out. Special effort because they care about their coach and each other.
Second. Beck showed his brilliance. What he was able to pull off today was amazing.
So regardless what we all think today for me proved that the kids truly respect their coach and Beck is who we all hoped and thought he was.
Im not sure how this season will end or if Dino will be back but what i do know is that for me this game was very special.
Im happy for Dino, his staff, and the kids. This is a game i will always remember.
More tomorrow with an emphasis on leadership.
What a great win for Dino and the kids.

Im posting tonight vs tomorrow morning as i usually do because i want to while it is still fresh to express what i believe is extremely important about tonight's win.
Two things.
First, it doesn't matter what any of us think or have been told. The kids love Dino. Period. They put it all on the line for him. Shrader can barley raise his right arm above his shoulder. Wore restrictive straps and gave his body up to do whatever he could to win for his coach. Bleitch was in constant pain the whole game and so many other kids gutted it out. Special effort because they care about their coach and each other.
Second. Beck showed his brilliance. What he was able to pull off today was amazing.
So regardless what we all think today for me proved that the kids truly respect their coach and Beck is who we all hoped and thought he was.
Im not sure how this season will end or if Dino will be back but what i do know is that for me this game was very special.
Im happy for Dino, his staff, and the kids. This is a game i will always remember.
More tomorrow with an emphasis on leadership.
What a great win for Dino and the kids.
This could end up being similar to Greg Robinson's going away moment he had with the win at Notre Dame. Winning on the road at Notre Dame vs a team that wasn't as bad as this years Pitt team may be more impressive, but still a nice going away memory for Dino and the team.
The OL got to play downhill. The blocking scheme was simpler. Lots to be taken by the staff from last night. Shrader was critical a few weeks back saying we lacked an offensive identity. He was correct. Last night we had an identity. In sports and business doing less but doing it well is usually a winning formula. Great team win. Dan pulled a Diamond Ferri last night. Epic performance and on his home turf. Awesome.
In any group, there’s always some percentage of the underlings who can’t stand the leader; in the best of times that’s maybe 10%. The majority -maybe 60-80% - are good “followers”, who are just looking for guidance. They are following the designated leader because they are supposed to - but can be convinced to follow someone else.

When times get tough, the 10% malcontents - who are always trying to persuade others that the leader is a clown - start getting enough real world examples to gain some traction with the 60-80%, and the number of people unsatisfied with the leader grows.

My guess is the ranks of the unsatisfied grew over the last month to more than 10% - but the 10% (maybe 15%) “leaders” of the team that still was 100% behind Dino (and their teammates) put it all on the line yesterday and successfully thinned the ranks of the unsatisfied for at least a day or two.

It’s always a dynamic situation, and I don’t think yesterday has any big picture significance. At this point we have a good feel for who Dino is, and what he’s capable of - and it’s not enough to justify keeping him on as a coach after this year. But one of the fears being expressed about letting Dino go is that we’ll see a mass exodus of players - what I think yesterday means is there’s enough of a core group here to possibly prevent that. If a new coach can quickly identify the 10-15% of “leaders” and win them over, those guys can help convince some of the 60-80% of “followers” to stay. They’ll also know who the 10% who won’t ever be happy are, and won’t put any time into convincing malcontents to stay.

(It can happen that the 10% of leaders turn on the leader - at that point it turns into a highly entertaining trainwreck which is impossible to miss. Urban in Jacksonville is an example of that; that’s not what we are seeing, or could have even thought we were seeing before yesterday).
Again i have no idea what the administration is going to do if Dino makes a bowl. None.
My guess is they will restructure his deal with an emphasis on a performance based compensation package and a low buyout.
As to yesterday and only yesterday's game i give Dino and the staff a ton of credit. Forget Pittsburgh record. They have played a lot of teams close including FSU and to beat them without the ability to throw the ball was really something.
Today feels good and im sure the kids and staff are re-energized for the last two games.
I expect to see a similar offense, with some additional trick plays, next Saturday (in person).
Could be interesting...
No doubt they will be working on adding a few trick over the top passing plays and improving the 137 different gadget plays we already tried.
No doubt they will be working on adding a few trick over the top passing plays and improving the 137 different gadget plays we already tried.
The motion was a key and it worked. I thought that Dan made some great reads and his feet and vision for a big buy are really good. Dan is a QB who was converted to a TE. He doesnt have a great arm but he can obviously throw the ball. I expect us to pass more next week and i expect to see more of the two back set as well.
Im posting tonight vs tomorrow morning as i usually do because i want to while it is still fresh to express what i believe is extremely important about tonight's win.
Two things.
First, it doesn't matter what any of us think or have been told. The kids love Dino. Period. They put it all on the line for him. Shrader can barley raise his right arm above his shoulder. Wore restrictive straps and gave his body up to do whatever he could to win for his coach. Bleitch was in constant pain the whole game and so many other kids gutted it out. Special effort because they care about their coach and each other.
Second. Beck showed his brilliance. What he was able to pull off today was amazing.
So regardless what we all think today for me proved that the kids truly respect their coach and Beck is who we all hoped and thought he was.
Im not sure how this season will end or if Dino will be back but what i do know is that for me this game was very special.
Im happy for Dino, his staff, and the kids. This is a game i will always remember.
More tomorrow with an emphasis on leadership.
What a great win for Dino and the kids.
I don’t know how one good win erases the ugliness of those 5 losses. I do wonder if the team is playing more spirited because the coaches finally made quarterback changes that made sense.
The motion was a key and it worked. I thought that Dan made some great reads and his feet and vision for a big buy are really good. Dan is a QB who was converted to a TE. He doesnt have a great arm but he can obviously throw the ball. I expect us to pass more next week and i expect to see more of the two back set as well.
He clearly has a good enough arm.
In any group, there’s always some percentage of the underlings who can’t stand the leader; in the best of times that’s maybe 10%. The majority -maybe 60-80% - are good “followers”, who are just looking for guidance. They are following the designated leader because they are supposed to - but can be convinced to follow someone else.

When times get tough, the 10% malcontents - who are always trying to persuade others that the leader is a clown - start getting enough real world examples to gain some traction with the 60-80%, and the number of people unsatisfied with the leader grows.

My guess is the ranks of the unsatisfied grew over the last month to more than 10% - but the 10% (maybe 15%) “leaders” of the team that still was 100% behind Dino (and their teammates) put it all on the line yesterday and successfully thinned the ranks of the unsatisfied for at least a day or two.

It’s always a dynamic situation, and I don’t think yesterday has any big picture significance. At this point we have a good feel for who Dino is, and what he’s capable of - and it’s not enough to justify keeping him on as a coach after this year. But one of the fears being expressed about letting Dino go is that we’ll see a mass exodus of players - what I think yesterday means is there’s enough of a core group here to possibly prevent that. If a new coach can quickly identify the 10-15% of “leaders” and win them over, those guys can help convince some of the 60-80% of “followers” to stay. They’ll also know who the 10% who won’t ever be happy are, and won’t put any time into convincing malcontents to stay.

(It can happen that the 10% of leaders turn on the leader - at that point it turns into a highly entertaining trainwreck which is impossible to miss. Urban in Jacksonville is an example of that; that’s not what we are seeing, or could have even thought we were seeing before yesterday).
It’s the same on sports message boards. Typically it isn’t as difficult to recognize the 10% however.
Again i have no idea what the administration is going to do if Dino makes a bowl. None.
My guess is they will restructure his deal with an emphasis on a performance based compensation package and a low buyout.
As to yesterday and only yesterday's game i give Dino and the staff a ton of credit. Forget Pittsburgh record. They have played a lot of teams close including FSU and to beat them without the ability to throw the ball was really something.
Today feels good and im sure the kids and staff are re-energized for the last two games.
Rarely do I feel the need to just come on the board and post; it typically is in response to another post. In any event after yesterday's game I feel I really was encouraged to do this.

First and foremost, I also want to give a huge congratulations and thanks to Dino Babers and staff for literarily coming up with this game plan on the fly. There was so much trickery and formations to keep the Pitt defense from truly keying in out runners, almost like what Paul Johnson, I believe, used to run at maybe Georgia Tech. Ferocious and brutal. For Dino to do this on the fly with Beck is amazing. If you did not notice, a lot of the RPO formations were from Dungey's senior year. He knew Schrader had to be a decoy and involved because our other young quarterback, simply would not have been able to do this in my opinion from an RPO standpoint. Villari was the quarterback, Schrader was the decoy and tertiary runner. Truly brilliant with LA keeping the defense honest.

So for all of the Naysayers saying that Dino cannot coach I tell them to watch this game. Will it work again, probably not without more trickery unless we can truly physically dominate which we actually did. Secondarily, DB obviously new that Garrett could not even lift his arm, I suspect that happened before the Clemson game, I certainly could speculate medically no need. What a teamate, like I said before Dino overestimated his ability to recruit, specifically a more talented first-line especially at WR, OL , however depth positions throughout. All coaches have warts. His are more evident because of the dearth of depth.

Lastly, no matter what occurs, I appreciate DB as a human being. So much has been said, however, his kids never gave up and fought for him. I honestly find it so challenging personally to read what specific writers verbalize about Dino in their paper and then come into a press conference and still be treated with dignity, certainly not perfection, but dignity. I honestly have heard Brent Axe talk about how he would give his approval or disapproval in relation to certain aspects of this team in relation to game planning, play calling. Then, literarily, attempt to assassinate someone's intellect. I know more about football that he ever dreamed, I assure you. Babers is a brilliant mind, he however obviously has some challenges... I trust, all were able to see the primary quarterback is literarily incapable of throwing the ball, his running even prior to yesterday was compromised. Our backup was used with significant challenges in relation to incorporation, he is young, also with receivers having difficulty creating any separation off of the line. Axe acknowledges none of this, he is not capable, He however in my opinion is an absolute vulture of a human being. From an ethical standpoint morally corrupt, and I personally feel he is not fit to write for the local town newspaper. I strongly believe he should be removed from his job with censorship secondary to his deficiencies in all regards. That is his constitutional right? Yes how would we do it? How about boycotting that paper, I encourage you to write the post standard about his blatant disregard for what is supposed to be held in regard. I am not interested in his editorials that are entirely misinformed with minimal insider knowledge. Dear Brent, how about writing about the culture Dino has attempted to establish in a difficult environment, how his kids would not quit on him, and most importantly tell us what you think about this game plan as as it regarded Pittsburgh, essentially on the fly, I do not expect to hear anything good from you, ever. As you have Liberty, so do I, you are a poor human. You seek weakness and pounce. I would be concerned about your entire life, that sounds about right... Then just stop clicking and reading, poor Emily, as well. You seemed a little torn initially, sadly it seems to be a little easier for you now. I actually feel sorry for you, that is a tough job. I am done. Now on to the most important thing.

Lastly, no matter what I believe, the truly invested people are fighting for this program, we now know we cannot lie about what it is going to take to play competitive, potentially not elite football. I truly wish the commitment that is there now was there in year 1, I think we would see much different results with better positioning to stay competitive in the NIL age. I could say so much more, I appreciate all of the kind, good-hearted Syracuse sports fans that realize that Syracuse University is truly a special place for all. Go Orange
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I don’t know how one good win erases the ugliness of those 5 losses. I do wonder if the team is playing more spirited because the coaches finally made quarterback changes that made sense.
Kinda like a small sorbet after eating a 10 pound plate of Shiite. Still satisfying, however once you mind crush the entree.
Rarely do I feel the need to just come on the board and post; it typically is in response to another post. In any event after yesterday's game I feel I really was encouraged to do this.

First and foremost, I also want to give a huge congratulations and thanks to Dino Babers and staff for literarily coming up with this game plan on the fly. There was so much trickery and formations to keep the Pitt defense from truly keying in out runners, almost like what Paul Johnson, I believe, used to run at maybe Georgia Tech. Ferocious and brutal. For Dino to do this on the fly with Beck is amazing. If you did not notice, a lot of the RPO formations were from Dungey's senior year. He knew Schrader had to be a decoy and involved because our other young quarterback, simply would not have been able to do this in my opinion from an RPO standpoint. Villari was the quarterback, Schrader was the decoy and tertiary runner. Truly brilliant with LA keeping the defense honest.

So for all of the Naysayers saying that Dino cannot coach I tell them to watch this game. Will it work again, probably not without more trickery unless we can truly physically dominate which we actually did. Secondarily, DB obviously new that Garrett could not even lift his arm, I suspect that happened before the Clemson game, I certainly could speculate medically no need. What a teamate, like I said before Dino overestimated his ability to recruit, specifically a more talented first-line especially at WR, OL , however depth positions throughout. All coaches have warts. His are more evident because of the dearth of depth.

Lastly, no matter what occurs, I appreciate DB as a human being. So much has been said, however, his kids never gave up and fought for him. I honestly find it so challenging personally to read what specific writers verbalize about Dino in their paper and then come into a press conference and still be treated with dignity, certainly not perfection, but dignity. I honestly have heard Brent Axe talk about how he would give his approval or disapproval in relation to certain aspects of this team in relation to game planning, play calling. Then, literarily, attempt to assassinate someone's intellect. I know more about football that he ever dreamed, I assure you. Babers is a brilliant mind, he however obviously has some challenges... I trust, all were able to see the primary quarterback is literarily incapable of throwing the ball, his running even prior to yesterday was compromised. Our backup was used with significant challenges in relation to incorporation, he is young, also with receivers having difficulty creating any separation off of the line. Axe acknowledges none of this, he is not capable, He however in my opinion is an absolute vulture of a human being. From an ethical standpoint morally corrupt, and I personally feel he is not fit to write for the local town newspaper. I strongly believe he should be removed from his job with censorship secondary to his deficiencies in all regards. That is his constitutional right? Yes how would we do it? How about boycotting that paper, I encourage you to write the post standard about his blatant disregard for what is supposed to be held in regard. I am not interested in his editorials that are entirely misinformed with minimal insider knowledge. Dear Brent, how about writing about the culture Dino has attempted to establish in a difficult environment, how his kids would not quit on him, and most importantly tell us what you think about this game plan as as it regarded Pittsburgh, essentially on the fly, I do not expect to hear anything good from you, ever. As you have Liberty, so do I, you are a poor human. You seek weakness and pounce. I would be concerned about your entire life, that sounds about right... Then just stop clicking and reading, poor Emily, as well. You seemed a little torn initially, sadly it seems to be a little easier for you now. I actually feel sorry for you, that is a tough job. I am done. Now on to the most important thing.

Lastly, no matter what I believe, the truly invested people are fighting for this program, we now know we cannot lie about what it is going to take to play competitive, potentially not elite football. I truly wish the commitment that is there now was there in year 1, I think we would see much different results with better positioning to stay competitive in the NIL age. I could say so much more, I appreciate all of the kind, good-hearted Syracuse sports fans that realize that Syracuse University is truly a special place for all. Go Orange
I like Axe and will continue to listen to his podcast

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