my two cents |

my two cents


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
Yesterday was a great win and a fantastic send off for Coach Babers. I have posted in the past that my two cents was that Dino was an excellent CEO, but an overall poor football coach. Yesterday didn't prove that but the post-game interviews certainly did. The way that the players and coach camp spoke about Dino was fantastic to hear. It is obvious that the reason Dino was given so much time, such an opportunity to be successful at Syracuse was because of the culture that he built and the bond that he has with the players and the staff. Dino is a good guy and other than not winning enough he has left the program in very good shape for the next coach. So, hats off to Dino and his family for all that they did to help the kids they coached become as he would say better people and future fathers.

As to the game I thought that the kids and the coaches were fantastic. They laid it all on the line and come up with big plays when they needed them. That last stand by the D was really special. one that will go down as being extremely important for the future. Going to a bowl this year is very significant for lots of reasons. The obvious and the not so obvious in that it provides time for as Shrader said to provide an opportunity for the players to catch their breath and have the patience to make a good choice about their futures. Time to think vs react. Time to learn who their new coaches are going to be and time to enjoy each other and refresh. This was a huge win for the program and that last stand will go down as being very important as SU moves forward.

This has been a rollercoaster of a year. I truly believe that if not for the injuries early on that we would have won 8 or more games and Dino would have been extended. I was extremely impressed with Coach Camp, and I hope that the next coach retains him as he is special. I'm sure that coach Beck will as most of them will land on their feet and go on to do good things.

This transition is much different than the last two in that Syracuse as coach Camp said is trending up. We have much to be thankful for and excited about. Our facilities will be as good if not better than our pier schools, same with our NIL. The fact that the administration is stepping up puts to rest the negative narrative about them not caring about football. As to the fans, we don't need fancy seats, Wi-Fi, gourmet food or private toilets. Just give this town a competitive team and we will show up and support.

Today is a new day a new dawn for Syracuse football and I'm extremely excited and positive about our future.

Let's support the new coach and the kids as I'm sure JW is going to make a good choice between what looks like a solid list of candidates.

Go Orange!

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