My Wacky Exercise of the Day |

My Wacky Exercise of the Day



So, who here has played Dungeons and Dragons and remembers the concept of "alignment"? I sure do. Here's the drill. Preferably by style of play, personality on and off the court, of the current roster, who's who? And please, add yourself to the mix as well if you like.

  • Lawful Good - Think Yoda, Superman, etc.
  • Lawful Evil - That sneaky guy that has other intentions. He is deceptive and watch your back! Bill Laimbeer comes to mind. He might not be law abiding, but point of this character type is, he does wrong and gets away with it.
  • Lawful Neutral - Meh. I abide by the rules, but I'm indifferent.
  • Chaotic Good - Big heart, intentions are good but wild and full of energy
  • Chaotic Evil - Darth Sidius/Emperor/Chancellor Palpatine. Also Darth Vader until the last scene of episode VI.
  • Chaotic Neutral - That guy that Braveheart didn't trust at first but hooked it up by killing the real traitor.
  • Neutral or Neutral Neutral as we used to say in the biz
  • Neutral Evil
  • Neutral Good
Here's the first shot at it.
Tyler Ennis - Lawful Good
Trevor Cooney - Chaotic Neutral
CJ - Lawful Good
Jerami Grant - Chaotic Good
Christmas - Lawful Neutral
Keita - Lawful Good
Mike G - Neutral Neutral
Roberson - Lawful Neutral
DC2 - Chaotic Good
BJ - Neutral Good
Buss - Chaotic Neutral
Chino - Lawful Good
Me - Chaotic Good

Notice that I didn't have one evil on my list. What can I say, I'm a huge fan.

This was tough to begin with, but it might be fun hear from a fan of the opposition. For instance, guessing that a bunch would see Devo as a Chaotic Evil.
Sup, edowd? You've got some pretty wild formatting in your last post, so it's natural I replied to have it as a quick reference, in case I want to get funky.
Edit: Hot dang, my reply didn't work. Let me see if I can adjust it like so:

Sup, edowd? You've got some pretty wild formatting in your last post, so it's natural I replied to have it as a quick reference, in case I want to get funky.
what? it came out weird?
I played d &d.

I'm pretty sure I still have a binder of all the characters on those fancy character sheets. Sadly, no 4, 8, 10, 12, 20 and the all elusive 100 sided dice anymore. Dang.
I was king nerd, sort of a leader bean, always wild. I sure thought I was cool. Voted most wittiest, tied for most humorous with my life long bud who's definitely crazier than me, equally funny. All report cards in elementary school were the same, 99s and 98s, conduct unsatisfactory, shows self control unsatisfactory. Wait, has much changed? ;)
I didn't play a ton of actual PnP DD but I did play some. Baldurs Gate was a pretty bad arse computer game series it used 2nd addition rules I believe.
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Was this our most chaotic backcourt pairing?

Devo Chaotic Evil
Jonny Chaotic Good

Plus they played with Paul who defied any and all possible alignment categories.
Was this our most chaotic backcourt pairing?

Devo Chaotic Evil
Jonny Chaotic Good

Plus they played with Paul who defied any and all possible alignment categories.
Yes, agree. Even coming from an SU fan's perspective, your alignments are spot on. In fact, that would have to make Harris Neutral Neutral.
I'm pretty sure I still have a binder of all the characters on those fancy character sheets. Sadly, no 4, 8, 10, 12, 20 and the all elusive 100 sided dice anymore. Dang.

I was once a drunken monk he was fun to play and had some crazy feats.
I was once a drunken monk he was fun to play and had some crazy feats.
I was usually a druid or wizard. Every now and again would use brute force with a Ranger or other warrior type.
Druids had magic but could fight still. But nothing like getting a new spell with increased experience as a wizard.
Yes, agree. Even coming from an SU fan's perspective, your alignments are spot on. In fact, that would have to make Harris Neutral Neutral.

Yep but at any moment he could switch alignments for 5-10min at a time.
I was usually a druid or wizard. Every now and again would use brute force with a Ranger or other warrior type.
Druids had magic but could fight still. But nothing like getting a new spell with increased experience as a wizard.

I didn't have the patience for wizards. Ranger was the only straight warrior class I ever played and that was fun other than that I was usually a rogue of some sort and the monk once. Oh was a cleric/ranger once slow at first but uber powerful and useful down the line.
Yep but at any moment he could switch alignments for 5-10min at a time.

I didn't have the patience for wizards. Ranger was the only straight warrior class I ever played and that was fun other than that I was usually a rogue of some sort and the monk once.
Yup, Rangers pretty much killed it as did Paladins, but it was hard to become a high level Paladin.
Sometimes when I'm here and have nothing noteworthy to say, I wish I could put on a cloak of invisibility +2 to save myself from embarrassment.
Yup, Rangers pretty much killed it as did Paladins, but it was hard to become a high level Paladin.

Baldurs Gate 2 had some really cool Ranger and Paladin kits. You were pretty much a god level character at the end of that series of you played through the Thrown of Bhaal expansion.
Sometimes when I'm here and have nothing noteworthy to say, I wish I could put on a cloak of invisibility +2 to save myself from embarrassment.

Better to have a cloak of non-detection and sneak around in the shadows.

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