Nassib is a running QB | Page 2 |

Nassib is a running QB

I started following SU football in 1991. I watched Graves, Mason and McNabb all run some variation of an option attack. I watched RJ Anderson, Troy Nunes, Madei Williams and Perry Patterson all run, at times. I don't recall any of them ever being hurt on a designed run.

Am I just forgetting something obvious? Why are we so paranoid about football players getting hurt while playing football?
i don't think that's what marrone is thinking. i think he correctly observes that bench pressing ability in a qb doesn't neccessarily mean they can hang onto the ball when hit.

nassib isn't slow, but he doesn't give marrone enough on the ground to risk turnovers.
I started following SU football in 1991. I watched Graves, Mason and McNabb all run some variation of an option attack. I watched RJ Anderson, Troy Nunes, Madei Williams and Perry Patterson all run, at times. I don't recall any of them ever being hurt on a designed run.

Am I just forgetting something obvious? Why are we so paranoid about football players getting hurt while playing football?
Bill Hurley (though that's a it earlier than 1991). First series in first game of the year in Archbold vs. FL St. What started as a promising season died right there. First game of the last season in Archbold. Not that once over 40 years means anything, but it has happened to SU, a long time ago. Doubt that's the reason people freak about a running QB.
I started following SU football in 1991. I watched Graves, Mason and McNabb all run some variation of an option attack. I watched RJ Anderson, Troy Nunes, Madei Williams and Perry Patterson all run, at times. I don't recall any of them ever being hurt on a designed run.

Am I just forgetting something obvious? Why are we so paranoid about football players getting hurt while playing football?

Because in last year's Akron game, Nassib took off on long run late in the game ... and got hurt.
Because in last year's Akron game, Nassib took off on long run late in the game ... and got hurt.

Yeah? How much time did he miss, I don't recall that at all.
Didn't miss any time, but his leg was sore.

OK, I'll take your word for it.

Look, I'm a numbers guy, so I tend to look at everything in terms of stats and probabilities. I've never seen any data that suggest QBs are more likely to be hurt running, either designed or scrambling, than by standing in the pocket. Maybe those data exist, but I've never seen it referenced anywhere.

And perhaps my opinion is biased because I do fervently believe that Marrone coaches terribly scared. That perception may color the way I look at his use of Nassib. I'll cop to that.

But it's just maddening how we have all these self-imposed limitations. Two seasons ago we couldn't use the shotgun. This past season we couldn't run the QB. Next year it'll be something else, I'm sure.

Damn frustrating.
Nunes took a terrible pounding every time he ran, but he always got back up. Of course he had Anderson behind him just in case.

Nassib hasn't really had a "just in case" behind him. From what I saw of Loeb and Kinder during last Spring, they scared me.

Hopefully Hunt and/or Broyld are ready to go.

If Mike Vick gets hurt ... there's always Vince Young.

If Peyton Manning gets hurt ... you're f***ed.
Is everything okay out there in KC?

Have you guys checked the water out lately?

As far as I know Ryan Nassib ran the Double Wing at Malvern Prep. He was not an option QB, but was regarded as a very solid throwing HS QB.

If you think he is a viable running college QB, then you must think that Jack Mildren was a great thrower.

3/4 of this Board wasn't even alive when he played for Oklahoma
Nunes took a terrible pounding every time he ran, but he always got back up. Of course he had Anderson behind him just in case.

Nassib hasn't really had a "just in case" behind him. From what I saw of Loeb and Kinder during last Spring, they scared me.

Hopefully Hunt and/or Broyld are ready to go.

If Mike Vick gets hurt ... there's always Vince Young.

If Peyton Manning gets hurt ... you're f***ed.

I get it. Again, I just think we need to consider probabilities. If running Nassib more often got us 1 more win, wouldn't that have been worth the risk? I mean our offense was lousy and we didn't make a bowl while we were protecting him. What would have been worse? 3 wins instead of 5? This is why I say Marrone coaches scared, he always tries to minimize risk instead of maximizing reward.. I'm not saying that I know running Nassib more would lead to a better O or more wins. I don't. But I doubt that was Marrone's consideration. He was just scared of him getting hurt because the backups sucked. Well, where did that get us?
Bill Hurley (though that's a it earlier than 1991). First series in first game of the year in Archbold vs. FL St. What started as a promising season died right there. First game of the last season in Archbold. Not that once over 40 years means anything, but it has happened to SU, a long time ago. Doubt that's the reason people freak about a running QB.

Especially when you don't have a relaible back-up. I don't understand why teams don't make more of an effort to develop a back-up with all the quarterback injuries and the impact they ave on their team's seasons. In the NFL, teams would be well advised to have a veteran QB whose prime may be over but who can still play and still wants to, especially if they are a contender. (Curtis Painter?!?)
In your sig pic, Dolph looks a bit like Chief Dan George.
Especially when you don't have a relaible back-up. I don't understand why teams don't make more of an effort to develop a back-up with all the quarterback injuries and the impact they ave on their team's seasons. In the NFL, teams would be well advised to have a veteran QB whose prime may be over but who can still play and still wants to, especially if they are a contender. (Curtis Painter?!?)
anyone who can play is a starter.
Didn't miss any time, but his leg was sore.

McNabb was sore all the time. And the dropoff in QB from McNabb to Keith Downing in some years, or more specifically to Madei Williams in the last year, couldn't have been that much better a situation than the dropoff from Nassib to Loeb or Kinder.

Downing couldn't throw a football (superior athlete though), Madei couldn'

After watching the Pitt game, I realize why Nassib doesn't run more. No idea how to carry a football, he was lucky it was only one fumble, and that fumble the ball was barely breathed upon.

He's no McNabb, McPherson, Graves, Mason in terms of footspeed. But he's no RJ, Cam either. Probably a little faster than Perry and ARob. I used the word useful once, and OrangePa jumped all over me asking what useful means. I, like Webster's, define useful as something you could use. In football terms, that would mean you could use Nassib on some spread option plays or QB draws, or just taking off when there's an alley and gain productive yards. Could be "useful" more than other QBs who don't have the same names as the first 4 guys I mentioned.

Oh well, if he's going to carry the football like a loaf of bread, the point is moot anyway.
It's hard to gauge when they count sacks in your rushing total and you're rarely allowed to run, except as a last resort.

Yes, except in 2009 he was brought in to run the option a bit.

Don't get me wrong, I like him a lot and think he's a decent athlete who has had some very nice moments on the Hill.

But he is not a running QB.
McNabb was sore all the time. And the dropoff in QB from McNabb to Keith Downing in some years, or more specifically to Madei Williams in the last year, couldn't have been that much better a situation than the dropoff from Nassib to Loeb or Kinder.

Downing couldn't throw a football (superior athlete though), Madei couldn'

After watching the Pitt game, I realize why Nassib doesn't run more. No idea how to carry a football, he was lucky it was only one fumble, and that fumble the ball was barely breathed upon.

He's no McNabb, McPherson, Graves, Mason in terms of footspeed. But he's no RJ, Cam either. Probably a little faster than Perry and ARob. I used the word useful once, and OrangePa jumped all over me asking what useful means. I, like Webster's, define useful as something you could use. In football terms, that would mean you could use Nassib on some spread option plays or QB draws, or just taking off when there's an alley and gain productive yards. Could be "useful" more than other QBs who don't have the same names as the first 4 guys I mentioned.

Oh well, if he's going to carry the football like a loaf of bread, the point is moot anyway.

I think useful is an appropriate overall description of Nassib's ability at QB.

Certainly not a bad description.

Are you sure I jumped all over you for that one?
I think useful is an appropriate overall description of Nassib's ability at QB.

Certainly not a bad description.

Are you sure I jumped all over you for that one?

Jump all over might be harsh, but without exaggeration this board would be yawnsville. I do specifically remember your line "what does useful speed even mean?"

But yes, maybe it better applies to Nassib's overall game. He's average. I don't think he's below, but I don't think he's above. Offense could be better with him if everyone around him was a better player. SU, as currently constructed, does not have that, and like you, I think we need to get even more mobile at the QB position.
McNabb was sore all the time. And the dropoff in QB from McNabb to Keith Downing in some years, or more specifically to Madei Williams in the last year, couldn't have been that much better a situation than the dropoff from Nassib to Loeb or Kinder.

Downing couldn't throw a football (superior athlete though), Madei couldn'

After watching the Pitt game, I realize why Nassib doesn't run more. No idea how to carry a football, he was lucky it was only one fumble, and that fumble the ball was barely breathed upon.

He's no McNabb, McPherson, Graves, Mason in terms of footspeed. But he's no RJ, Cam either. Probably a little faster than Perry and ARob. I used the word useful once, and OrangePa jumped all over me asking what useful means. I, like Webster's, define useful as something you could use. In football terms, that would mean you could use Nassib on some spread option plays or QB draws, or just taking off when there's an alley and gain productive yards. Could be "useful" more than other QBs who don't have the same names as the first 4 guys I mentioned.

Oh well, if he's going to carry the football like a loaf of bread, the point is moot anyway.
downing must watch college football these days and think damn i wish i were younger
downing must watch college football these days and think damn i wish i were younger

These days he'd have more schools to pick from.

He didn't seem to care that he wasn't playing. He was just using us to become a doctor. (someone will think I'm being mean).
I started following SU football in 1991. I watched Graves, Mason and McNabb all run some variation of an option attack. I watched RJ Anderson, Troy Nunes, Madei Williams and Perry Patterson all run, at times. I don't recall any of them ever being hurt on a designed run.

Am I just forgetting something obvious? Why are we so paranoid about football players getting hurt while playing football?

Because Marrone still thinks he's coaching in the NFL and Nassib is signed to a $20M contract.

Maybe Nassib is a decent runner on designed plays - we don't really have a sample size to make that evaluation, but he sure doesn't know how to use his feet to buy time in the pocket. The slightest breakdown he panics and crumples. When he does scramble, he doesn't have good ball security. Lousiville's resurgence, by comparison, is all on Bridgewater - kid has the presence to make plays when things break down. Marrone is all in on a quarterback with no pocket presence, suspect running ability, and no touch on any pass that needs to be lofted into the right spot.
I think useful is an appropriate overall description of Nassib's ability at QB.

Certainly not a bad description.

Are you sure I jumped all over you for that one?
nassib starts for the u of lake wobegon. everyone is above average.

he's average in the big east. and the big east is below average.
Jump all over might be harsh, but without exaggeration this board would be yawnsville. I do specifically remember your line "what does useful speed even mean?"

But yes, maybe it better applies to Nassib's overall game. He's average. I don't think he's below, but I don't think he's above. Offense could be better with him if everyone around him was a better player. SU, as currently constructed, does not have that, and like you, I think we need to get even more mobile at the QB position.

We need the stalker poster to find it.
nassib starts for the u of lake wobegon. everyone is above average.

he's average in the big east. and the big east is below average.

A Mutant League Football reference and a Garrison Keilor reference in the same day??!

This board is on fire!

OK, I'll take your word for it.

Look, I'm a numbers guy, so I tend to look at everything in terms of stats and probabilities. I've never seen any data that suggest QBs are more likely to be hurt running, either designed or scrambling, than by standing in the pocket. Maybe those data exist, but I've never seen it referenced anywhere.

And perhaps my opinion is biased because I do fervently believe that Marrone coaches terribly scared. That perception may color the way I look at his use of Nassib. I'll cop to that.

But it's just maddening how we have all these self-imposed limitations. Two seasons ago we couldn't use the shotgun. This past season we couldn't run the QB. Next year it'll be something else, I'm sure.

Damn frustrating.

I would agree. Most QBs seem to get hurt from a hit while throwing in the pocket, not running.

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