New Uniforms Truly Horrible | Page 4 |

New Uniforms Truly Horrible

The updated all blues with the orange helmet wasn't bad, but then the Lefthander was sporting it, and that means there's a waitress in NO who is going to go out and buy it today.

The gray with the blue numbers and long sleeve heatgear underneath made me think Batman. It wasn't platinum, metallic looking. Same uniform WVU has been going with expect Orange trim instead of Yellow.

The white was pretty good except for the VT maroon on the shoulders, where did that come from?
Come on, we all know you can't build a program if you're not a blueblood without being chic. Just look what Maryland, UConn, and Rutgers have all accomplished since they went with cool new jerseys that recruits love.





the only difference between these jerseys and our new ones is the numbers, but do the long numbers really going to make or break Cuse football?
I understand the sentiment but let me respond.

I happen to really like the Oregon uniforms.

So, it's not modernity that bothers me, it's ugliness.

They just look really bad.

And say what you want about tradition - that it only appeals to older fans - but the fact is that part of the appeal of any sports team is the uniform - the established look of the team.

Ultimately, we root for the uniform - the players just pass through, year after year.

So, if you discard what most feel are very attractive traditional uniforms - the ones that saw the program reach great heights - you have to make sure that the new look is attractive and is an extension of the tradition.

These god awful uniforms fail on all accounts.
I don't root for the uniform, I root for the team/University. That said, I don't love the all blue without any real accents, and the Salvadore Dali soft numbers. But I really like the new orange helmet, and the white uniform looks pretty great, and even the grey is passable.

But either way, a uniform choice would have absolutely NO impact on whether I'd root for the team. And if it does keep someone from supporting the team, I don't think that person would be a true fan anyway.

By adding the Virginia Tech maroon accent, they completely wrecked these as well. Did anyone do any research at all before designing these?

I will give props for the helmet designs, which look good, excepting the duct tape abomination.

I also want to give them credit for not including the Penn State uniform as an option as well. They missed a golden opportunity with the all white uniforms...if they did them with dark blue, they could have really done their job well.

The all duct tape unis are going to be endorsed by AARP, who will sponsor Senior Day at the Dome the first game the team wears that flavor. My understanding is that, armed with these senior friendly uniforms, we are going to go after the older crowd market aggressively, with the long term goal of becoming known as Syracuse, Grandpa's Team. The great thing about targeting seniors is that a lot of them forget they already donated and do it again and again and again. We finally have a reason to root for Alzheimer's.

When is the next re-design? Next month, I hope.
These uniforms wouldn't even get off the bench for a Boeheim team.
JB played the first home game with platinum unis. Case closed. Anyone complaining about the uniforms doesn't understand the culture of modern college football.



Sorry, but I find it hard to believe that this kind of ugliness attracts talent.

The indoor facility will attract talent. Enhanced locker rooms will attract talent. Continued participation in the ACC will attract talent. Bowl appearances will attract talent.

Yuck, yuck, and yuck.

Wahhhhh. the recruits love them. It is what it is.
well us grumpy old men are the ones with the $. Keep turning us off and watch as we fade away into SU fans from a distance and spend less up there. I know I'm already there as I guess an old man at 50 because these unis are beyond suck. Beyond

Yup youre the only ones with money. Also are you saying you are no longer going to be a fan because you dont like the jersey? You did see the pumpkins we ran out in the gerg era but you are still here. My suggestion, chill out - donate all of your money to the IPF if you have that much.
Personally, I like the jerseys for the most part. The all blue one with an orange helmet doesn't look right to me. I like the helmet, and I like the blue jersey, but not together. I absolutely love the all-white one though, and I'm excited to see the orange ones. The gray could look alright. I want to see them in person. Don't like the idea of gray jerseys, but the picture looked pretty decent.

I still really want to see a white helmet, orange jersey, and white pants though.
We are more like those programs than you think.

Oregon built a program on the basis of a tremendous financial investment.

The uniforms are a by-product of the spending.

LOL - when we can consistently hit 45K in the dome we wont be half what those schools are. We are Syracuse University, not Alabama University. Dem Facts (Stolen from Bball baord)
btw I dont like the all blue either, they could should have added orange on the shoulders and leg stripe to balance it out


Also side vent would have been a good place, like some of the lax jerseys.
Jake said:
Nike made us drop the name Orangemen so we can focus on being the Orange. And then they design uniforms with out any orange in them. Laughably hideous and embarassing. Is there a rule against wearing more than one color at once.

Exactly. It's not about not having something new or jazzy or flashy. But why can't Orange be the dominant color? Why does it have to be blue or gray? Between blue, gray, white and orange, the orange is used the least. When the new orange pants and jerseys come out, which they better, I really hope they use one if them with any if the other combos.

I better not get an email from SU this year about some damn Orange out and making he Dome look great for TV.
orangeinjersey said:
THERE ARE ORANGE JERSEYS AND PANTS! They said there were, there is a gallery on

And if they are ready this year, they will be the one off uniform, not the regular home or away uniform.
CuseLegacy said:
I watched one of the best Lax games I have seen in years this weekend. And the fact that there was little orange in these unis didn't make it any less exciting. I am cheering on the team not the current fashion statement. And I am older than you.

Why is SU going away from the color orange when that is our schools nickname?
money3189 said:
Acutally the old uni's were ugly. the old school strips down the middle is outdated. these new ones bring swag. Thats a word that some of you wont understand but the new generation thrives on it. It is truly funny how the reception from the younger generation on twitter and all is the total opposite on this forum. Man we are getting old. BTW the numbers are not that bad. A little too jazzy but not that bad.

Do you think they would still like them if orange was more prominent?
I honest to goodness do not get it. I make things look cool and pretty for a living. As such, I work with some of the hippest/fashion forward people on Earth...and they all hated the uniforms when I showed them.

Their response was, "I thought you said Syracuse is called the Orange? Why isn't Orange the focus?"
The first game I saw was in 1959. I like these uniforms. A touch more Orange. Perfect.
My 14 year old son just texted me. He is the kind of kid that loves new uniforms. He spends hard earned dough on the latest USA soccer jerseys and is in tune with all of the changes going on with college unis now. He's always showing me pics and saying how cool some of the new designs looks...

...and he hates the new SU uniforms. Says the numbers look weird.

He's 14 and he hates them. I'm 48 and I hate them.

But if we win...I'll be ok with the white ones.

Shocked that Nike didn't take a bunch of middle aged white guys tastes into account when designing something an 18 year old will wear.

Marketing always skews younger.

Sometimes time + winning = a better perspective on uni's. I hated the current Bball uni's until the final four run.

Really tired of the "we don't let kids eat candy for breakfast argument" against letting the kids who wear the uni's make decisions. If they are old enough to decide what to do with their football careers - they can decide what color pants to wear.

The white and orange chrome look on the helmet is awesome.

Agree on the number font. Kind of odd. I kind of see the appeal as a designer who occasionally does work for younger demographics. But they went a touch too far IMO. I do like the stripes/fade.
come on.

does IBM aka Big Blue...advertise in red??

what i said before...did the kids get to see Orange?? or did they just get to see blue??

and please, dont believe what SS says about the unis. if they told him to roll in shlit for an hour, hed ask if they wanted him to bring his wife too. what he says should be ignored about the unis. you know that.

the #s look stupid, but whatever.
anomander said:
Unfortunately it's not 1995 anymore. The McNabb uniforms aren't coming back, there are old and outdated. When they break out the Orange set it will be much better. There are some pretty cool combo's they can do

You realize that the orange ones may or may not be ready/used this year and more importantly they will be the one off? You see what the home uni's will be right? So putting aside any design likes or dislikes, tell me why the orange pant or jersey or both couldn't be brought out today and introduced as the home uni?

It's tiring listening to people say get with the times. The biggest issue is not design, it's color usage. We already dropped MEN from the Orange. May as well drop the Orange now too.
I agree, I wanted orange jerseys to be our base look for home games. Why? because we are the Orange, but when I think about it, when did syracuse football jerseys ever had alot of orange? For those historians, when have we historically ever worn a abundance of orange in syracuse football? Not talking about the all orange we wore on occasions

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