No way to sugarcoat it that was a terrible loss (warning long post ahead) |

No way to sugarcoat it that was a terrible loss (warning long post ahead)


Renowned lacrosse analyst
Aug 15, 2011
First off go to watch the game with Tomcat, TexanMark, OrangeXtreme, Lincolncuse and a few others. Always a fantastic time watching the game and chatting Syracuse with those guys, unfortunately this was one of the most frustrating Syracuse lacrosse games I have seen in person.

I made several posts this week leading up to the game with some areas I thought would be critical for Syracuse, unfortunately I think we struggled in pretty much everyone and several others as well.

In this game all of the areas Syracuse has struggled in all year reared there ugly head. Syracuse has been mediocre/inconsistent at the X, in goal, and Defensively all year. We couldn't afford to have all three phases struggle in this type of game but not only did we struggle there but the offense way abysmal as well.

X - Not going to get to down on Daddio. Massa is a real tough match up for him and I thought he really battled in the second half and won a couple draws late including the last one. That being said his turnover with the game tied at 7 halfway through the 4th after Syracuse just tied the game is unforgivable. Rather then try to sell a push or tip toe the out of bounds line he just throws the ball wildly over his head and turns it over which of course lead to a Bryant goal. Daddio had an amazing turnaround this season that play and pass pretty much sums up his career at Syracuse. Not to be outdone our wing play evolved back into the dissapearing act we saw earlier in the year. Don't know what the issue is but the last two years our wing play on face-offs has been absolutely horrible. Another total revamp needed.

Goalie - Can't think of a clearer example of where Syracuse was outclassed then the Goalie position. Waldt from Bryant made several tremendous stops throughout the game including a few in the 4th that I am still unsure how we didn't score on. As for Syracuse both are guy were mediocre at best. Lamo had a good 1st quarter but then fell apart in the second and Wardwell was even worse. I didn't see one spectacular save from either of our guys while Waldt made probably a half dozen.

Defense - This unit has been up and down all year and despite only allowing 10 goals it was clear the D was far from good. We lack depth at LSM and close D and our SSDM (outside of Jenkins who again looked good) have been the worst I can recall. We really need to get some size and strength at SSDM, Messina looks slow and Grimm's undersized and struggled mightily this year. We tried Evans in the first quarter and he was getting beat like a drum, good call to get him out of there. As others have pointed out already we struggled to slide at the correct times and twice we let in goals at the end of the 30 seconds stall warning something I specifically noted we could not do. Going to also need to develop more long pole depth, not impressed with Mcdermott or Tait and Harris is graduating. Speaking of Harris he was up and down today just like his play the entire season. Two great caused turnovers.

As bad or mediocre as we were in those three phases a good offensive showing would have had Syracuse winning by at least 3-4 goals instead we had one of our worst performances of the year. For as good as the Syracuse offense has been this year the one issue we have had his mid to long range shooting, Syracuse does a lot of its damage near the cage and a few yards out on cuts and alley dodges. Bryant as expected played a ton of zone and mixed in defenses very well alternating between man and zone all game long. This had us completely out of sync for most of the game and to be honest I didn't see any adjustments at half by Desko and the staff. Bryant paid extra attention to Rice and Staats and really croweded the crease area. When going against any zone you have to either A. Pick it part with crisp passes or beat it from the outside. We tried to find cutters and others finding soft spots in the zone but turned it over multiple times in the first half and then again in the third. We finally abandoned trying to pass into it late in the third. The real issue Syracuse had was that it had no one to shoot from out deep to force Bryant to press out and or go to strictly man. I know Walters struggles to learn plays but he is our best long range shooter, he should have been rotating in at midfield and told to rip when open. Instead we kept passing the ball around the outside and trying to force our way from X with Rice. Galasso took only one real outside shot and Schoomaker also seemed hesitant to shoot. Lecky had a nice rip early but then went completely MIA. Loy is also supposed to be a shooter but he was MIA as well and missed a wide open look by about 20 feet over the cage to start the game that was omen of things to come. Thought Donahue was way to quiet, as good of a player as he is ( he is really good) he disappeared for long stretches this year. Most likely due to the increased Defensive attention, wish he would have forced the issue a little more, he had a nice wrap around goal but didn't attempt to force the issue again.

Intangibles - I gave the coaching edge to Desko based on the fact we had played Bryant last year and should know what to expect. Boy was I wrong. He was completely out coached, it looked like we hadn't played against a zone all year and to often just sat back and let Bryant pass the ball around for two minutes despite the fact Bryant has major issues passing and holding onto the ball and is a turnover machine. The fact Walters didnt play is mind boggling. Dejoe was on the man up but was an absolute disaster missed a couple wide open looks by about thirty feet over the cage and then lost the ball as went to take a shot on the man up.

Speaking of man up, Syracuse was 0-3 and our man up unit looked as bad as it did a few years ago. We were 0-7 against Duke and 0-3 tonight, has to be better. Why we have a crease finisher like Derek Maltz at the top of the offense on the man up and often doing the same when the second mid line is again mind boggling.

To wrap things up this is the second time in 4 years Syracuse has been upset in the first round and frankly its getting old fast. Duke has become the Syracuse of old, 8 straight final fours (or something close to that) and absolutely annihilated Air Force today, I suspect there going to repeat again this year as well. Meanwhile we lost to freeking Bryant, a team that wasn't even Div 1 less then a decade ago. Before the usual excuses start rolling in lets just remind ourselves this is still Syracuse were talking about. The Kentucky bball of Lacrosse, these types of losses should not be happening especially when you consider the fact we just played this same team last year and knew exactly what we would be facing. Extremely dissapointed in the team and in the coaching staff, no way we should have lost this game. Next year could be a make or break one for the Desko regime.
Thought the offense and coaching staff racked up a pathetic goose egg tonight. We didn't win the face-off game but the offense possessed the ball for long stretches without scoring. We had no answer for bryant's zone defense. Give Bryant credit though, wouldn't be surprised if they beat Maryland.
Thought the offense and coaching staff racked up a pathetic goose egg tonight. We didn't win the face-off game but the offense possessed the ball for long stretches without scoring. We had no answer for bryant's zone defense. Give Bryant credit though, wouldn't be surprised if they beat Maryland.

The having no answer for the zone was the alarming part, it was like they never saw a zone before ever. Outside of that I don't think the offense was that bad, and the Bryant goalie played great.
Shades of Greg Robinson here as painful as that sounds. If we played Bryant 100 times we should never lose. Period, full stop. To do so at home in the first round is simply inexcusable. Desko was flat out outcoached by Presser. As Jeremy notes, instead of attacking in an aggressive man to man in the first half he played right into Bryant's hands letting them leisurely pass the ball around for 4 minutes taking time off of the clock until they got their clear scoring chance. Failure of fundamentals in the passing and clearing game again are inexcusable. That's coaching at the end of the day. We are no longer an elite program and its time to make a change. Duke destroyed Air Force and would have destroyed Bryant. Give the keys to Gait after he wins a NC with the ladies. I'm tired of this crap.
Thought the offense and coaching staff racked up a pathetic goose egg tonight. We didn't win the face-off game but the offense possessed the ball for long stretches without scoring. We had no answer for bryant's zone defense. Give Bryant credit though, wouldn't be surprised if they beat Maryland.

I would be surprised if Bryant beats Maryland for a few reasons. 1. Fowler should be able to battle Massa to a 50/50 draw at the X, thats bad news for Bryant. Two - Amato is a great goalie, some of that crap that went in today isnt going in next Saturday. 3. Maryland loves the slow down game and excels at it, they will try and play Bryant's own game back at them. If Rambo and Cannizaro have good games I think Maryland wins comfortably.

As to your other point the offense to me was by far the most dissapointing unit yesterday. Complete cluster F from the beginning to end. Should have been up 3 or 4-1 at the end of the first quarter.
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I would be surprised if Bryant beats Maryland for a few reasons. 1. Fowler should be able to battle Massa to a 50/50 draw at the X, thats bad news for Maryland. Two - Amato is a great goalie, some of that crap that went in today isnt going in next Saturday. 3. Maryland loves the slow down game and excels at it, they will try and play Bryant's own game back at them. If Rambo and Cannizaro have good games I think Maryland wins comfortably.

As to your other point the offense to me was by far the most dissapointing unit yesterday. Complete cluster F from the beginning to end. Should have been up 3 or 4-1 at the end of the first quarter.

and MD can and is not afraid to shoot it from outside. That freshman Chealuck (spelling ???) had a couple of flamers against Cornell.
and MD can and is not afraid to shoot it from outside. That freshman Chealuck (spelling ???) had a couple of flamers against Cornell.

Your talking about Chanenchuk there senior attackmen, good player. Your right though, other teams have shooters that can ping corners on outside shots, our guys couldnt even put the ball on cage against Waldt for the most part. When we finally did start putting shots on cage in the 4th Waldt had 8 of his 13 saves. When a goalie gets locked in like that you have to change angles either going high to low or low to high OR you have to attempt to pick corners. Lack of outside shooting ability and accuracy cost Syracuse the game. Dejoe looked like he would struggle to play for a D3 program and Desko kept Walters on the bench.
and MD can and is not afraid to shoot it from outside. That freshman Chealuck (spelling ???) had a couple of flamers against Cornell.
If you're referring to Chanenchuk (?), he is a senior.
JeremyCuse said:
I would be surprised if Bryant beats Maryland for a few reasons. 1. Fowler should be able to battle Massa to a 50/50 draw at the X, thats bad news for Maryland. Two - Amato is a great goalie, some of that crap that went in today isnt going in next Saturday. 3. Maryland loves the slow down game and excels at it, they will try and play Bryant's own game back at them. If Rambo and Cannizaro have good games I think Maryland wins comfortably. As to your other point the offense to me was by far the most dissapointing unit yesterday. Complete cluster F from the beginning to end. Should have been up 3 or 4-1 at the end of the first quarter.

MD vs Bryant could set lax back a decade. Final score could be 6-5 between the quality of goaltending, use of zone defense and stall ball.

Over/under for "timers on"? I'll go with 10 total.
Shades of Greg Robinson here as painful as that sounds. If we played Bryant 100 times we should never lose. Period, full stop. To do so at home in the first round is simply inexcusable.

Syracuse should beat Bryant but Bryant should also be given some credit. They have a better coach and they are 16-4 on the season. They're a quality team. The beat Albany, Drexel, Hobart twice etc. Bryant outplayed Syracuse in all facets. Their players wanted it more. Syracuse players and coaches just didnt have an answer, some shoddy defense, some shoddy offensive decisions, and some piss poor goalie play by wardwell.
Good post Jeremy. Agree with most. I also noticed on a lot of you 'why' questions they all go back to coaching decisions.

man up has been a problem for years. it's the worst philosophical desing ive ever seen. high school teams coach better ball movement around the perimeter. we run it with our feet to much.

they said on tv repeatedly that the bryant goalie was in line to be named 1st team All American. he sure looked like it. After all the poor play we saw last night Syracuse still had a lot of shots that they typically would have scored on. The Bryant goalie was the differenc in the game imho.
My dad went to Iowa and I've always thought of Syracuse lacrosse similar to Iowa wrestling. Dan Gable , who for my money is one of the best coaches ever in any sport, coached Iowa wresting to 17 national championships and 25 consecutive Big Ten championships. He was succeeded by Jim Zalesky, an Iowa alum who had a spectacular wrestling career himself. His first three years, Zalesky continued the dominance with three national titles. The next few years they were still good but didn't win the national title. Then in 2006, they dropped to 6th place in the Big Ten and an 11-7 record. Sixth place was just an outrage! Zalesky got fired after that year.

While our lacrosse program hasn't quite had that sort of dominance, I was very proud of our Final Four streak. I'm far from a lacrosse expert but it's just really disappointing to lose in the first round again. Similar to Zalesky, Desko has done a lot for our program but sometimes you have to make tough decisions. The bottom line - if you screw up Iowa wrestling, you're probably going to have to answer for it pretty quickly and I think the same standard should apply to our lacrosse program. I agree with Jeremy that next year could be a make or break one for the Desko regime
My dad went to Iowa and I've always thought of Syracuse lacrosse similar to Iowa wrestling. Dan Gable , who for my money is one of the best coaches ever in any sport, coached Iowa wresting to 17 national championships and 25 consecutive Big Ten championships. He was succeeded by Jim Zalesky, an Iowa alum who had a spectacular wrestling career himself. His first three years, Zalesky continued the dominance with three national titles. The next few years they were still good but didn't win the national title. Then in 2006, they dropped to 6th place in the Big Ten and an 11-7 record. Sixth place was just an outrage! Zalesky got fired after that year.

While our lacrosse program hasn't quite had that sort of dominance, I was very proud of our Final Four streak. I'm far from a lacrosse expert but it's just really disappointing to lose in the first round again. Similar to Zalesky, Desko has done a lot for our program but sometimes you have to make tough decisions. The bottom line - if you screw up Iowa wrestling, you're probably going to have to answer for it pretty quickly and I think the same standard should apply to our lacrosse program. I agree with Jeremy that next year could be a make or break one for the Desko regime

Iowa wrestling vs SU lacrosse is a very good comparison. I hope Desko can turn things around because the odds of having a successful replacement after his legendary run are slim. The next 3-5 years could be very difficult transitions for both hoops and lax. Hopefully football will pick up the slack!
Good post Jeremy. Agree with most. I also noticed on a lot of you 'why' questions they all go back to coaching decisions.

man up has been a problem for years. it's the worst philosophical desing ive ever seen. high school teams coach better ball movement around the perimeter. we run it with our feet to much.

they said on tv repeatedly that the bryant goalie was in line to be named 1st team All American. he sure looked like it. After all the poor play we saw last night Syracuse still had a lot of shots that they typically would have scored on. The Bryant goalie was the differenc in the game imho.

Agree with you on the man up and the Bryant goalie. One thing I noticed is that when the Bryant goalie got real hot in the 4th we didnt really try to change angles or do anyting different. Changing angles has become a lost art for Syracuse, I didnt see an high to lows or low to high shots. Waldt excels at stopping low shots, why we didnt try any low to high looks to change up the trajectory is baffling. Also thought we did a bad job of shot placement. As I mentioned before when a goalie is hot you have to to try and hit the corners or execute to one side ie right side high left side low etc. Syracuse had a handful of doorstep looks throughout the game and got stoned each time. Harris and Maltz each had a great look late and couldnt finish, you have to bury those chances, period.

Your also spot on about the man up offense. It looked absolutely absymal. A lot of teams move the ball side to side on the man up but there moving the ball extremely quickly and forcing the D to react which usually leaves someone open. We were out there leisurely passing the ball around like Bryant was just going to part the sea for a goal at some point. Also the personnel out there made no sense. We have Maltz a crease finisher at the top of the box passing the ball from side to side. Why is our crease finisher out up top? Why is Dejoe out there as our long range shooter if he has the accuracy of a 1600's musket. Where was Walters our designated zone buster and sniper? Baffling job by Desko, thought he was awful yesterday and of course he has taken zero blame for the loss.
Intangibles - I gave the coaching edge to Desko based on the fact we had played Bryant last year and should know what to expect. Boy was I wrong. He was completely out coached, it looked like we hadn't played against a zone all year and to often just sat back and let Bryant pass the ball around for two minutes despite the fact Bryant has major issues passing and holding onto the ball and is a turnover machine.

The most disturbing thing about the coaching yesterday was that Bryant had a Wednesday game against Siena! so obviously they were short on prep time for our game. Yet they looked way more prepared than us! Hard to believe no one in the ACC plays a zone defense but still in the post-game they said they knew Bryant would play one and Desko claimed they prepared for it.

Next year looking at who's coming back for us the pressure will be high on Desko/coaching staff. Things used to be so much easier but the title drought continues and this familiar movie of us getting eliminated early in the NCAA's is getting old.
The most disturbing thing about the coaching yesterday was that Bryant had a Wednesday game against Siena! so obviously they were short on prep time for our game. Yet they looked way more prepared than us! Hard to believe no one in the ACC plays a zone defense but still in the post-game they said they knew Bryant would play one and Desko claimed they prepared for it.

Next year looking at who's coming back for us the pressure will be high on Desko/coaching staff. Things used to be so much easier but the title drought continues and this familiar movie of us getting eliminated early in the NCAA's is getting old.

If that was us preparing for a zone then Yikes things are a lot worse up on the hill then I thought because that game felt like I was watching the first game of the year instead of a game in May. Rice all but admitted that they were clueless out there so Desko saying the team prepared for a zone is questionable at best.

The worst part about all of this mess is that barring some sort of unforseen development Syracuse and Bryant are on a crash course for Round 3 next May with Waldt and Massa back together for one last year. The fact that we played Bryant last year and had the media all over the fact that this could be an upset alert game and we still came out and looked like dog sh%t, is what bothers me the most.
JeremyCuse said:
If that was us preparing for a zone then Yikes things are a lot worse up on the hill then I thought because that game felt like I was watching the first game of the year instead of a game in May. Rice all but admitted that they were clueless out there so Desko saying the team prepared for a zone is questionable at best. The worst part about all of this mess is that barring some sort of unforseen development Syracuse and Bryant are on a crash course for Round 3 next May with Waldt and Massa back together for one last year. The fact that we played Bryant last year and had the media all over the fact that this could be an upset alert game and we still came out and looked like dog sh%t, is what bothers me the most.

Yeah, that's why I figured we'd win. We shouldn't have been surprised by anything. Yet we looked like we were playing Bryant for the first time.

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