Noel shortened list |

Noel shortened list


Feb 15, 2012
Jeff Goodman from CBS just tweeted "Nerlens Noel eliminated Providence & Florida tonight. I told Friars fans they weren't in mix A couple weeks ago. Wouldn't believe me." I know Noel has said don't listen to anything unless it comes from his mouth directly, but has anyone heard him say this anywhere?

Hopefully that list keeps shortening until we're the only one left. My pipe dream is Noel comes to an SU Elite 8 win in his backyard in Boston, comes in the locker room (not sure if that'd be a violation) and commits while partaking in the celebration. Lol
Goodman was on the radio today talking Noel and the schools he's interested in. Didn't even mention SU. He also said Noel and Muhammad might both end up at UK.

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Well that certainly puts a damper on things. Although unfortunately I can't say them both going to UK would be a shocker.
Its funny to watch everyone beat themselves up over this kid.
presume Fab leaves for NBA...that leaves: Christmas, Keita, Coleman, CJ, Dirty, and Grant on the front me this is a darn strong mix:
1. Christmas: soph coming in with limited minutes but certainly will know what has to be done and expected...good off season and he will be ready with his athleticism and extra weight
2. Coleman: comes in as Top 15 in class...better than Noel offensive end and a rebounder--two things 'Cuse can use
3. Keita: needs hands and some weight...sometimes shows a flair for the game. Will one more off season get him ready to play and contribute as expected?
4. CJ: believe that he maybe the 'Cuse secret NBA player with smooth stroke, and offensive power...defense pretty good...but think of an extra 10-15 pounds of muscle and this kid will be a STAR. Smoothest stroke on team.
5. Dirty: Eventually the 3s begin to fall again...great stroke...but more importantly has been playing good defense and fighting for boards. A good 2 pt shooter...
6. Grant: Lets put this guy in perspective. Before going down with his leg injury he was ranked right after Harris--TN to pros in one year--and has been moving up the Top 100 since he regained his health. He reminds me of a combo of KJ and CJ...nice stroke and eager to get boards and plays defense...he may follow CJ and KJ as a legitimate great wing at 'Cuse

Even without Fab on the list 'Cuse is in very good shape upfront. Do we get Noel? Not sure but team competition for him probably leans to KY as they have no players also eating minutes in the front court next year...Noel plays as many minutes as he wants at KY (and probably 'Cuse). BUT KY needs him more and CAL will find way to get him...above or below the table.

'Cuse will be very strong with or without Noel...infact; I believe next year's team will be as good as this year's...take it to the Final Four!
Goodman was on the radio today talking Noel and the schools he's interested in. Didn't even mention SU. He also said Noel and Muhammad might both end up at UK.

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That's weird, Goodman is usually pretty good. To not mention SU is a little irresponsible.
I really hope to hell he comes here but I would be absolutely stunned if he doesnt go to Kentucky. I just think in the end its been Kentucky all along and he is just making sure of that. With the success of Anthony Davis is having coupled with the fact that he is gone after this year I dont see how he will turn down that opportunity to slide right in.
I really hope to hell he comes here but I would be absolutely stunned if he doesnt go to Kentucky. I just think in the end its been Kentucky all along and he is just making sure of that. With the success of Anthony Davis is having coupled with the fact that he is gone after this year I dont see how he will turn down that opportunity to slide right in.
I agree and almost a forgone conclusion that he will be going to UK. What holds me back from believing he will go to UK are 2 things. His friendship with MCW and the Syracuse coaching staff. Putting aside the obvious that you go after the best player in the country if he has interest. If Hop knew that there would be no chance at landing him, why even bother? You already have a great class, and are loaded up front. I just don't understand it. I personally believe he comes to SU. Also agree with jr, Goodman not mentioning Noel and SU is not reporting the whole story. Goodman's another one of the 10 or so talking heads I don't like to listen to. It's really hard to listen to him speak.
I agree and almost a forgone conclusion that he will be going to UK. What holds me back from believing he will go to UK are 2 things. His friendship with MCW and the Syracuse coaching staff. Putting aside the obvious that you go after the best player in the country if he has interest. If Hop knew that there would be no chance at landing him, why even bother? You already have a great class, and are loaded up front. I just don't understand it. I personally believe he comes to SU. Also agree with jr, Goodman not mentioning Noel and SU is not reporting the whole story. Goodman's another one of the 10 or so people I don't like to listen to. It's really hard to listen to him speak.

Add a third. And maybe it won't come into play before next year or at all, but Pete Thamel is out there with his magnifying glass.
presume Fab leaves for NBA...that leaves: Christmas, Keita, Coleman, CJ, Dirty, and Grant on the front me this is a darn strong mix:
1. Christmas: soph coming in with limited minutes but certainly will know what has to be done and expected...good off season and he will be ready with his athleticism and extra weight
2. Coleman: comes in as Top 15 in class...better than Noel offensive end and a rebounder--two things 'Cuse can use
3. Keita: needs hands and some weight...sometimes shows a flair for the game. Will one more off season get him ready to play and contribute as expected?
4. CJ: believe that he maybe the 'Cuse secret NBA player with smooth stroke, and offensive power...defense pretty good...but think of an extra 10-15 pounds of muscle and this kid will be a STAR. Smoothest stroke on team.
5. Dirty: Eventually the 3s begin to fall again...great stroke...but more importantly has been playing good defense and fighting for boards. A good 2 pt shooter...
6. Grant: Lets put this guy in perspective. Before going down with his leg injury he was ranked right after Harris--TN to pros in one year--and has been moving up the Top 100 since he regained his health. He reminds me of a combo of KJ and CJ...nice stroke and eager to get boards and plays defense...he may follow CJ and KJ as a legitimate great wing at 'Cuse

Even without Fab on the list 'Cuse is in very good shape upfront. Do we get Noel? Not sure but team competition for him probably leans to KY as they have no players also eating minutes in the front court next year...Noel plays as many minutes as he wants at KY (and probably 'Cuse). BUT KY needs him more and CAL will find way to get him...above or below the table.

'Cuse will be very strong with or without Noel...infact; I believe next year's team will be as good as this year's...take it to the Final Four!

I'd like to see someone there emerge as a legitimate power forward. Coleman could do the scoring and rebounding but with his heft, I can't see him covering the wing. I also think he could have a difficult freshman year like Fab had. It's a different game and level of conditioning. People may be expecting too much of a local kid. Maybe Rak will develop in the PF JB obviously wants him to be.

I have a feeling Grant could be a young Wes Johnson. But remember that Wes emerged as the player he became in his third year on the collegiate level.

I think the stars of next years team will be CJ Fair and Michael Carter Williams. Triche will continue to be a complimentary player just as he has been, (and his uncle was). Cooney will be instant offense off the bench. I had hopde Southerland would emerge the way D-Nic did in his junior year. Now I think he will remain a talented head case who can help us at times.
I think we'll be a top 25 team but if the young big men emerge, we could be a top ten team. The beat goes on.

In an interview with, the 6-foot-11 star from The Tilton, N.H., School said he is now just looking at Kentucky, Georgetown, Syracuse, Connecticut and North Carolina. He’ll sign with a college in April.

In the interview with Scout, Noel said he had “no timetable” for a decision.

I am hoping Noel pulls a Vick (in the recruiting process only). If you remember, a big thing that bothered Vick about coming to SU was the fact that all the coaches continually told him he could be the next McNabb. Hopefully Noel feels the same way about Kentucky selling him on being the next Anthony Davis.

In an interview with, the 6-foot-11 star from The Tilton, N.H., School said he is now just looking at Kentucky, Georgetown, Syracuse, Connecticut and North Carolina. He’ll sign with a college in April.

In the interview with Scout, Noel said he had “no timetable” for a decision.


It still seems like SU or UK to me. Reclassifies and takes a vist to each while he has yet to schedule any other visits. just makes me think those were the tw he was most interested in all along. I hope it helps that we are ahead of the game with Nerlens as far as our staff having a good relationship with him, seems Gtown and UNC are a bit late to the party on him and Uconn will be a tough sell with no NCAAT this year and no garantee of Calhoun next year.
Add a third. And maybe it won't come into play before next year or at all, but Pete Thamel is out there with his magnifying glass.
If he can somehow find enough dirt that will put the UK program on ice, he will be forever on my "Good Guy" list.
If he can somehow find enough dirt that will put the UK program on ice, he will be forever on my "Good Guy" list.
eh, don't think they would get burned in any time frame that would help. Only thing it could do is steer NN away from controversy, but ultimately its the school that gets punished.

I have an unhealthy desire to land this kid. It's gonna suck to finish second, if that is the ultimate conclusion.
I'd thought he was extremely likely to come here in 2013, but when he changed to 2012, the likelihood dropped, simply due to the numbers SU would have in the frontcourt with (at the
time he reclassified) Fab, Rakeem, Baye, and Dajuan; also the fact JB likes to play with two
SFs, so you need to at least account for CJ, James, and maybe Jerami too.

While he is the #1 recruit, and would get time, JB may continue using a deep bench, and
rotating 4-5 guys among the PF-C spot (here) means fewer mins than 1-2 guys someplace
else. The numbers would change if Fab leaves, if Baye decides to (is forced to) redshirt,
but is Noel going to wait out Fab's decision? He could, no doubt, because any school will
find a way to get him in.

He will play wherever he goes. Does he want to play 20-25 mins on a team that will
compete for a title with MCW and close to home, or does he want to play 35 mins on
a team that will compete for a title? That's what he'll base his decision on.

I'd thought he was extremely likely to come here in 2013, but when he changed to 2012, the likelihood dropped, simply due to the numbers SU would have in the frontcourt with (at the
time he reclassified) Fab, Rakeem, Baye, and Dajuan; also the fact JB likes to play with two
SFs, so you need to at least account for CJ, James, and maybe Jerami too.

While he is the #1 recruit, and would get time, JB may continue using a deep bench, and
rotating 4-5 guys among the PF-C spot (here) means fewer mins than 1-2 guys someplace
else. The numbers would change if Fab leaves, if Baye decides to (is forced to) redshirt,
but is Noel going to wait out Fab's decision? He could, no doubt, because any school will
find a way to get him in.

He will play wherever he goes. Does he want to play 20-25 mins on a team that will
compete for a title with MCW and close to home, or does he want to play 35 mins on
a team that will compete for a title? That's what he'll base his decision on.


Actually, we may have a better chance with Rak coming off a disappottning freshman year, Keita regressing and DC2 being an unknown quantity at this level. If he had waited until 2013, Coleman may be an established starting center and Christmas an established power forward. Fair may be an All-American and Grant a coming star by then.
I'd thought he was extremely likely to come here in 2013, but when he changed to 2012, the likelihood dropped, simply due to the numbers SU would have in the frontcourt with (at the
time he reclassified) Fab, Rakeem, Baye, and Dajuan; also the fact JB likes to play with two
SFs, so you need to at least account for CJ, James, and maybe Jerami too.

While he is the #1 recruit, and would get time, JB may continue using a deep bench, and
rotating 4-5 guys among the PF-C spot (here) means fewer mins than 1-2 guys someplace
else. The numbers would change if Fab leaves, if Baye decides to (is forced to) redshirt,
but is Noel going to wait out Fab's decision? He could, no doubt, because any school will
find a way to get him in.

He will play wherever he goes. Does he want to play 20-25 mins on a team that will
compete for a title with MCW and close to home, or does he want to play 35 mins on
a team that will compete for a title? That's what he'll base his decision on.

One of the coincidences of the timing of Noel's reclassification is that it was after Fab's academic issues. It has been rumored that the reclassification came after Fab has determined he was NBA bound.

I don't think Baye, Rak, James or Jerami scare Noel at all.

I don't think it is a fact that JB likes to play 2 SFs. It's just what he has had this year. And just really this year, remember last year was RJ, all the time at the PF. Prior years of DC, Wallace, Hak suggest this year is an anomoly. I say JB prefers having a back to the basket PF and Noel may liket that idea.

If Noel is as good as advertised he will get mega-minutes here. I don't think minutes are much of a factor.
One of the coincidences of the timing of Noel's reclassification is that it was after Fab's academic issues. It has been rumored that the reclassification came after Fab has determined he was NBA bound.

I don't think Baye, Rak, James or Jerami scare Noel at all.

I don't think it is a fact that JB likes to play 2 SFs. It's just what he has had this year. And just really this year, remember last year was RJ, all the time at the PF. Prior years of DC, Wallace, Hak suggest this year is an anomoly. I say JB prefers having a back to the basket PF and Noel may liket that idea.

If Noel is as good as advertised he will get mega-minutes here. I don't think minutes are much of a factor.
yes it was very strange timing. I think he has always been a Syracuse lean.
One of the coincidences of the timing of Noel's reclassification is that it was after Fab's academic issues. It has been rumored that the reclassification came after Fab has determined he was NBA bound.

I don't think Baye, Rak, James or Jerami scare Noel at all.

I don't think it is a fact that JB likes to play 2 SFs. It's just what he has had this year. And just really this year, remember last year was RJ, all the time at the PF. Prior years of DC, Wallace, Hak suggest this year is an anomoly. I say JB prefers having a back to the basket PF and Noel may liket that idea.

If Noel is as good as advertised he will get mega-minutes here. I don't think minutes are much of a factor.
I would agree. I think using two small forwards is due to JB's lack of trust in freshman Christmas. I am sure he would like nothing more than a long, mobile power forward that can block shots on the weak side and rebound. Any added offense would be a bonus, especially with a strong offensive center in DC. I am hoping that Noel looks at the front court and realizes how competitive practices will be and how they will prepare him for the NBA far more than tons of minutes in games. Banging bodies with other highly skilled McDonalds All-Americans every day would make games seem tame.

In an interview with, the 6-foot-11 star from The Tilton, N.H., School said he is now just looking at Kentucky, Georgetown, Syracuse, Connecticut and North Carolina. He’ll sign with a college in April.

In the interview with Scout, Noel said he had “no timetable” for a decision.

Any other good information from that interview?
Noel will announce for Kentucky the day after Davis hires an agent.
I am sure Calipari made it very very clear that Davis will not be back when he visited, just like JB made it very clear that Fab will not be back, he is not waiting for either to get an agent

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