If there is a golf course there I'm sure he'll find it.Trump is investigating.
Hate OSU with a passion but their band is amazing script Ohio always gives me chills.
I was going to say that as impressive as these college marching bands are. The NYS Field Band Championships will be at the Dome in 2 weeks. My son is a 4 year member of the ESM band, in 10th grade. They have finished 2nd, 1st, and 3rd respectively during his tenure. These kids do two boot camps during the summer where they practice 5 days/week from 1-9pm. Two weekly 3 hour practices, and 2 dry runs, equipment loading and performance on Saturday. These kids blow my mind with what they are able to accomplish and the effort put in. My son just left this morning for a regional competition in Boston. I leave tomorrow at 2:30.My daughter is with the Air Academy High School Band (on the Air Force Academy's campus). They've won 14 state titles and 8 out of the last 10. 200 members in a school that only has 1200 students. Their formations last year included a aerial dogfight and a parachuting pilot being rescued to "Bring Him Home," from Les Mis. This year they're doing a dystopian theme with the music of Metallica and Black Sabbath. I played football and I never practiced as hard as these kids do.