Okie/Pac 12-What happened 1st? | Syracusefan.com

Okie/Pac 12-What happened 1st?


Nunzio Prophet
Aug 14, 2011
Did Pac-12 decide they're not expanding so Oklahoma decided to return to the Big 12 or vice versa?
It sounds like fear of lawsuits is paralyzing the consolidation process. The SEC doesn't want to take Mizzou until the Pac 12 takes UT, TT, OU and OSU, etc. The Pac 12 wants Mizzou to accept an offer from the SEC first, etc. No one wants to be the conference that killed another conference.

The schools that get shunned from the Big 12 are going to sue someone...they are just waiting to see who it will be.
Most likely had to do with complications with Texas and the Longhorn Network. OU is not as appealing to the PAC-12 without UT.
Did Pac-12 decide they're not expanding so Oklahoma decided to return to the Big 12 or vice versa?

This is exactly what I've been wondering.

It seems to me that there are two schools left that will drive expansion - Texas and Notre Dame.

Then there are several schools which are what I call "seat fillers" these are good schools that offer something but will not drive expansion themselves, they will get taken along for the ride to ensure conferences end up with a nice even number of teams. These are the UConn, Rutgers, Kansas, West Virginia's etc. of the world.

There are also the teams that just dont have a place in any expansion conversation; such as South Florida, Cincinnati, Iowa St., and Bayor.

The team I cant figure out, and the one that I'm guessing will inspire everything to shake down into its final formation, is Oklahoma.

I cant figure out why they would want to stay in a Big 12 conference that is now built to give Texas a competitive advantage, when they could go to the ACC, Pac-12, SEC, or B1G, and make more money while playing on an even playing field with the rest of the conference.

And if they dont want to stay, I cant figure out why any of the ACC, Pac-12, SEC, or B1G would not want them.

Eventually I think Oklahoma (and probably Oklahoma St.) end up somewhere, and that is what finally forces Texas into a mega-conference and what makes all the other dominoes fall.
It sounds like fear of lawsuits is paralyzing the consolidation process. The SEC doesn't want to take Mizzou until the Pac 12 takes UT, TT, OU and OSU, etc. The Pac 12 wants Mizzou to accept an offer from the SEC first, etc. No one wants to be the conference that killed another conference.

The schools that get shunned from the Big 12 are going to sue someone...they are just waiting to see who it will be.

I think I have read so much about this subject my brain has stopped. The question is more rhetorical than anything else.

If Conference A states it has openings and Team X requests admission and will live up to the by laws of it's current conference what is the basis of a lawsuit?

Same question even if it involves multiple teams from Conference A leave for a variety of other conferences?
This all stops when the Big 12 finally comes to a deal to keep themselves together, and it seems that's what Oklahoma wants, with certain stipulations.

This is what I'm rooting for and then we can carry on with our lives in a nicer neighborhood.
Did Pac-12 decide they're not expanding so Oklahoma decided to return to the Big 12 or vice versa?


It appears the whole process was a fiasco. Scott and Boren have been talking for who knows how long. They should have come to a meeting of the minds one way or other before going public.
Here's my answer.

I wonder why Oklahoma isn't enogh by themself. How about Oklahoma and Okie State for the last 2 spots in the ACC?:)

I dont know why Oklahoma is not enough by themselves either. They make sense for the B1G (if they brought in Nebraska, why would they not want to bring in Oklahoma?) and they make an awful lot of sense for the SEC (who could they realistically add as a 14th that would be more attractive than Oklahoma?).
I read (can't remember where) that the SEC would love OU but won't take Okie lite with them. I give OU credit for standing by their little brother (unless it's being forced by the politicos).

It appears the whole process was a fiasco. Scott and Boren have been talking for who knows how long. They should have come to a meeting of the minds one way or other before going public.


Re: "what happened":

"A high-ranking source from OU told The Oklahoman on Wednesday that both schools have actually been working behind the scenes to sell Big 12 reform to other schools in the conference.
“But frankly, we wanted the impression out there that we might go to the Pac-12 because that gave us some leverage,” the source said. “We were using that as leverage to say, ‘Hey, you want us to stay? Let's have some of these reforms"

If true, and probably only Scott and Boren know, seems like OK may have been playing some wierd double game.

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