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Aug 20, 2011
From my vantage point, a lot of the issues are coming from the C position. Can not run up the middle, and I see defenders blowing by Mackey -- at times he looks lost out there.

Next week is going to be brutal -- USC will punish the middle with attackers
That's my impression with an untrained eye - we seem weak up the middle.
You guys really need to look at game again today (I think it's being replayed on YES), Mackey wasn't the issue, it was Chibane.
You guys really need to look at game again today (I think it's being replayed on YES), Mackey wasn't the issue, it was Chibane.
both mackey and chibane looked to me like a couple of 6x4 doggie doors who let the rabid 300 lb big doggs like timmons and mcginness run straight thru unimpeded to nassibs' milkbone jockstrap. the turnstiles at gate B actually offered more resistance than our o-line yesterday.
people need to watch the game.. macky is not the issue for the plays failing. he may be an issue on why we dont call some plays but thats something only coaches can say
people need to watch the game.. macky is not the issue for the plays failing. he may be an issue on why we dont call some plays but thats something only coaches can say
Im just saying, middle of our OL is terrible
I think if the guards were playing better the perception of macky would be different.
You guys really need to look at game again today (I think it's being replayed on YES), Mackey wasn't the issue, it was Chibane.
Chibane was fine last year, what happened? When everyone returns but one guy and the line gets worse, makes sense to look towards the new guy.
Chibane was fine last year, what happened? When everyone returns but one guy and the line gets worse, makes sense to look towards the new guy.

Maybe he had Bart to help him out ... double team etc ... and they aren't putting that responsibility on Macky ... I watched the replay and Macky wasn't nearly as bad on his own as you would think ...
people need to watch the game.. macky is not the issue for the plays failing. he may be an issue on why we dont call some plays but thats something only coaches can say
I have no idea what you are watching but Mack has been terrible. He is missing assignments needs to be helped gets bull rushed easily and we are calling plays to hide his weakness which is a lack of strength and size. On a positive note he is quick when we move the line and plays his arse off but the bottom line is that he is physically in over his head and will be eaten alive by good NTs
I have no idea what you are watching but Mack has been terrible. He is missing assignments needs to be helped gets bull rushed easily and we are calling plays to hide his weakness which is a lack of strength and size. On a positive note he is quick when we move the line and plays his arse off but the bottom line is that he is physically in over his head and will be eaten alive by good NTs
Yes, a run up the middle definitely is "calling a play to hide his weakness". Thanks for the insight.
Good thing I taped the game. If I watch the game and people are talking out of their asses, which is probably the case I'm going to be pretty annoyed. I better watch the game and see Mack getting blown up all over the place, standing there while people are running past him, and just getting absolutely abused. My guess is that I don't see anything this crazy but I'm willing to watch the game again b/c that's what some of you posters are telling me is happening.

What I expect to see is a Center who may not be the ideal size, playing in his 2nd game and maybe having difficulties with all of the responsibility. Good thing playing center is so easy because otherwise we would be in real trouble.
Yes, a run up the middle definitely is "calling a play to hide his weakness". Thanks for the insight.
I have no idea what your are talking about. What run up the middle the one on fourth down and six inches that mac got blown up on. Or the three or four that baily was knocked on his ass on. Pick one play that we ran off center that went for more than a yard or two. Also pick a passing play other than a three step drop that allowed Nassib time to stay centered in the pocket and make throw other than a quick out or slant. In short we are moving the pocket to hide a weakness up the gut. Watch the game on replay and tell me what you. I see a weakness that we are trying to hide
You guys really need to look at game again today (I think it's being replayed on YES), Mackey wasn't the issue, it was Chibane.

Agreed. I watched it twice. The first time, my initial impression was that the problem had to be Mackey because he's the new guy. The second time around, I paid a lot more attention to the line and Chibane's struggles were what really stuck out. Mackey wasn't superb or anything (the entire middle got blown up a few times) but I didn't notice Mackey getting beat individually very often.

Didn't help anything that Rhode Island had eight or nine guys in the box the entire game. Well, it may have helped Nassib and the receivers a bit, at times.
macky did not get blown up on the 4th down call. he might have been the only oline guy who didnt on the play.. and on the 3rd down play later in the half Chibane got beat thru the hole killing the play. As to whether we are hiding him by calling plays to cover weaknesses I dont think many here would know..

As for guys running up the middle on pass plays , they were not because he was getting beat 1 on 1.. And many of the time Nassib was running were on designed rollouts not running for his life.

I do think we have assignment issues causing some problems.. we are letting guys come free when we have enough bodies but as a whole I think the entire line struggles with speed rushes and when we see USC it probably will struggle with speed and power..
I'm not thrilled with all the blocking and I hope that the kids that are hurt will be able to come back soon. I think it will improve but if USC can just rush 4 and get penetration it might be a tough day for Nassib. At times I saw O-Line guys standing and looking for someone to block and they seemed to have had the wrong read because Nassib was under pressure.

What was the deal near the end of the first half between Nassib and Macky? Nassib seemed to want the ball earlier but it wasn't hiked and Nassib appeared to look away and then the ball was hiked. That could have been a disaster in that end of the field.
On our first touchdown pass to Chew...Chibane blew an assignment (Macky was pulling right and Chibane stood up and gave a nice clinic on air blocking). Nassib was so lucky to hit Chew on a quick one which he took to the house. If I was Nassib I would be so pissed as the RI defender had a clear shot at him and took it.
I said this during the game chat, it is a shame that people are so quick to blame Mackey. He wasnt the main issue. I watched him specifically becuase he was getting hammered by peeps. Like it was siad before he wasnt a world beater out htere...but he did a better job than he is getting credit for.
I said this during the game chat, it is a shame that people are so quick to blame Mackey. He wasnt the main issue. I watched him specifically becuase he was getting hammered by peeps. Like it was siad before he wasnt a world beater out htere...but he did a better job than he is getting credit for.

I agree, it was a team thing not just Macky.
Overall, out entire O-line as a unit, not individually, is not good right now. If they play like that against USC, Nassib might come home in a coffin.
I took a look at the 4th down play. Harris led to the left and made a solid block on the outside. Looks like Jerome Smith thought about hitting the hole to his left but then cut back to the right directly into to at least 2 Rhody defenders. It was Jerome Smith's first touch of the season, and he made a bad read. The hole was there for a first down.
It was Jerome Smith's first touch of the season, and he made a bad read.

Herein lies one of my biggest "coaching" complaints 2 games in. There is no excuse for Jerome Smith and Gulley to not have had at least a handful of carries so far. Yes, the line has sucked, but Bailey is not an every down back and these guys could provide a spark. I know they're redshirting AAM now, but the other two need some freaking touches

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