So many choices? CNY has one sports entity that represents CNY - Syracuse University (football and basketball). There are no other choices. If CNY's are too dumb to understand this, then that's too bad.
The NYC teams do not represent CNY. The Red Sox, Patriots, and Celtics don't represent CNY. There's no reason for SU fans to be fickle or spoiled.
Represent? What has that got to do with it? If you didn't go to the school or aren't a life-long fan, why would you support a consistent loser? Fans in CNY root for winners and won't support a loser, period - they never have. They will turn on the tube and sit on their ass and have a brew before they will spend a few bucks to see us get whipped in the Dome. In the past 4 years we have gone 12-15 at home. We beat Northwestern, Northeastern, Maine twice, Akron, Colgate, Toledo, Rhode Island, Rutgers, Louisville, Wake Forest and West Virginia. Realistically three games were worth the money. You can hardly blame folks for staying home and watching someone else play on the tube. They have plenty of football options on the tube. Even NFL teams can't fill the stadiums anymore. So, if you are not located in a football crazed state college town, you have an uphill battle for fans. After all "fans" is short for fanatics.
For many years, I belonged to Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin, OH and I remember going there one October to visit one of my daughters (who was at Kenyon College). At 9:00 on a beautiful October Saturday morning, the place was deserted - two cars in the parking lot (one was mine) - even the golf pro was gone. (Every club in NY would have been packed.) When I asked the locker room attendant where every one was he looked at me as if I was from outer space and said, "It's the Iowa game." Tailgating had already begun. Columbus and every suburb was basically closed for the game. In Columbus is the most populous city in Ohio but has no professional teams. It is a booster sort of town and could care less about the Bengals and the Browns. OSU is it.
SU is a medium sized private institution with 230,000 living alumni (or about two sell outs at Ohio Stadium) while OSU has 250,000 in OHIO alone. Meanwhile, SU can't put 40,000 in the Dome. It is simply the numbers. SU has to win to draw the fan support (as defined by actually showing up). It is just the way it is.
SU can be a consistent top 25 program or even better but we will never have even half of the fan base support of the big state schools, which is why the ACC is a perfect home for us. We have to win to draw.