One more thing that pisses me off about the "Hood got fouled" whining... |

One more thing that pisses me off about the "Hood got fouled" whining...


Living Legend
Aug 15, 2011
...not all contact automatically results in a foul [well, unless you're playing Duke, apparently, based upon the reactions of many of their fans--but I don't want to get off on a tangential rant].

In fact, in instances of incidental contact the foul should probably only be called if the contact adversely impacts the shooter or alters the release. Or of course, if the defender comes barreling into the shooter after the shot has been released.

None of those things happened, which is why it was a very understandable, sound non-call. Hood following through on his missed dunk that he had zero chance of making anyway and lightly brushing against Rak's arm after he already got blocked doesn't constitute a foul. It constitutes incidental contact that had ZERO bearing on the shot or how it was released.

Not all contact = a foul.
Unbelieveable whining on the Duke forum for what was a borderline call either way, though probably not a foul.

Here is a link to a Duke forum thread:

http://mbd.At their request, this this site./mb.aspx?s=167&f=1386&t=12648571

What is interesting is that OP in that thread shows two stills, one of Hood approaching Rak and the other of the block itself. What I find interesting in those pics is:

1. Hood came into Rak, clearly. Rak is entitled to maintain his space and his verticality, which he did. Any body contact was clearly initiated by Hood.

2. Any arm contact itself is very minimal. You can see the clean block up high, and some incidental contact of vertically extended arms. Rak is not shown to be coming down on the Duke plyers arm in any way.

Of course, the mere fact that somebody dared to touch a Dookie constitutes a foul down ther on Tobacco Road.
It was a call that could go either way, right or wrong. If the game is at Cameron, Hood is probably shooting 2. I think if the roles were reversed we'd probably be pretty angry about the no call though.

Edit: And, by the way, don't want to take away from what Rak did there. Awesome challenge at the rim, regardless of the call. And also credit to Coach K for his comment about how the game was too good to complain about that call.
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It was a call that could go either way, right or wrong. If the game is at Cameron, Hood is probably shooting 2. I think if the roles were reversed we'd probably be pretty angry about the no call though.

Exactly. We'd be acting the same way, same amount of threads calling for the refs head for not calling the foul
I would not be calling for the ref's head if the situation was reversed. That was a nice block by Rak. And if Jefferson had made it instead for Duke, I would have said the same thing. What would have angered me is if we had one of those refs who loves to make anticipation calls and whistles it almost before the play happens.
it doesn't matter at all. you are not going to convince any Dukies, and vice versa. the only thing that matters is the scoreboard. if they want to hold onto a "we were screwed" meme to comfort themselves, that's their business. It doesn't change the fact of 91-89.

And, if the players & situation had been reversed, we all know that there would be an equal amount of whining on this board.
it doesn't matter at all. you are not going to convince any Dukies, and vice versa. the only thing that matters is the scoreboard. if they want to hold onto a "we were screwed" meme to comfort themselves, that's their business. It doesn't change the fact of 91-89.

And, if the players & situation had been reversed, we all know that there would be an equal amount of whining on this board.

Yup, almost like the 2012 regional final never happened
Yup, almost like the 2012 regional final never happened
That was a bit different though.. nearly 75% of the fouls we were called for in the second half against Sullinger ended up being clean blocks on all angles of replays. Each time he whined he went to the free throw line, single-handedly killing us. Keita was a monster against him. I have always thought that was the best defensive game Keita has ever given us, and we paid for it dearly.
Well it's the first time a close call has ever gone against them.
Yup, almost like the 2012 regional final never happened

At best, this is a terrible analogy.

We were a better team than Ohio State. Ohio State edged us by a few points because they shot more than 40 free throws--many of which were complete bail out calls. Oh Lord
They aren't the same situations at all. Just that it's easy to say take the tact of telling the other team to deal with the calls when we win and then complain about the refs when we lose. We can take the Michigan game from last year instead if you want; we had a couple of tough calls go against us down the stretch.
They aren't the same situations at all. Just that it's easy to say take the tact of telling the other team to deal with the calls when we win and then complain about the refs when we lose. We can take the Michigan game from last year instead if you want; we had a couple of tough calls go against us down the stretch.

Nonsense. Much of the Duke fan / some of the sports media talk has focused on that one call, as if that one play determined the outcome of the game. Which it did NOT. Even if they'd called that foul, in that situation, there is no guarantee that Duke wins the game--the whole ending of the game would have changed. So focusing on that one thing as if it was a last second call that determined the outcome of the game isn't intellectually honest. Not only that--it's insulting. As if the refs handed us the win in a game where we played so well. As if the only way we can beat Duke is if the refs steal the game from them.

And it is a completely different thing than telling them deal with it and complaining when we get disadvantaged by bad calls.

And no offense, but this referee apologist shtick is tiresome. For years, a resolute group of posters have expressed the same sentiment you have defending officiating while others were critical of the way that the game was being officiated and suggested that it was ruining the college game. Which group was right?

Turns out, those critical of officiating were vindicated when the NCAA implemented rules changes designed to take the scrum out of college hoops, while the ref defenders have egg on their face.

Complaining about the way refs officiate is a completely different thing than blaming the refs for a loss.
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And no offense, but this referee apologist shtick is tiresome. For years, a resolute group of posters have expressed the same sentiment you have defending officiating while others were critical of the way that the game was being officiated and suggested that it was ruining the college game. Which group was right?

Turns out, those critical of officiating were vindicated when the NCAA implemented rules changes designed to take the scrum out of college hoops, while the ref defenders have egg on their face.

I've 100% been on the side of the people not happy with the way the game has been officiated in the last few years, so I'm not sure where you're going with that. (Especially since in this thread you're the one defending the ref) I don't know how many posts I've made over the past few years saying that and I've totally supported the change in the way the game has been officiated.

I wouldn't say I'm defending refs at all. More the way the refs are viewed on the board. The refs blow calls all the time. They blow them both ways. The call at the end of the game didn't totally decide the game, sure, but if they decided to call a foul Duke has a lot better chance of winning. And by the way, I agree with you; I've looked at the play a few times and I don't think it was a foul. But if the teams were switched I think the consensus on the board would be that they should have blown the whistle. Agree or disagree?

Complaining about the way refs officiate is a completely different thing than blaming the refs for a loss.

Think you edited this in; totally agree.
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Every one of our tournament losses the past 4-5 seasons has been blamed on the refs.
I don't think people are blaming the losses on the refs. But to say they were not a significant factor in the losses is just as incorrect. From the blown call in the Marquette game which the NCAA came out and said was incorrect to the 3 straight bad calls by one ref at the end of the semifinal game last year and the fiasco that was the Ohio Sate game, the refs were a significant factor in a negative way in each game.
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Well in all fairness, you guys remember the national outrage after the Suplex no call right? The one that destroyed one of the best seasons we had had in a decade to that point? Oh and the media crying absolutely foul over the Ohio State calls that fouled out a 2 guard in like 16 minutes of playing time and cost us a shot at the Final Four? Plus, remember that time that they completely changed the rule emphasis for the following season over a preposterous call that fouled out our last remaining guard in a national semi final game. The media championed our cause on all those. Remember? Do ya? Do ya?
I don't actually care about fairness or if other teams get hosed by refs.

I care if I feel Syracuse gets hosed by the refs. I think in the tournament recently we've lost in recent years in large part because of terrible officiating.

I don't care if other teams have too. I don't care if other teams think it's unfair. I just don't.

This isn't a situation where I'll take the high road. F the high road. I only care when Syracuse gets crap calls, and I don't have any sympathy when other teams suffer from bad calls.

That's the coddam honest truth.
There are some posters here who have literally blamed the refs for all of our losses in big games

So you DO read my posts!

*kidding. I'm not "that guy."*

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