Orange46R, you're famous! | Page 2 |

Orange46R, you're famous!

I hope it wasn't her father. I hope no father would allow their kid to do this. I'm near 30 and if i did this my dad would disown me.
The article about the witness made it sound like the father was so engrossed with the game that he didn't notice till the buzzer and was then horrified when he did notice.
The article about the witness made it sound like the father was so engrossed with the game that he didn't notice till the buzzer and was then horrified when he did notice.
lol holy crap?? how does the person sitting next to her not notice.

i hope there is nothing mentally wrong with her.
I think the larger issue is about potential defamatory content within the threads. I would assume she is still a private figure, or at the very least, a semi-private figure. Coupling that with the fact that no one knows how she came to be partially undressed, statements about her and her character could range from slightly funny to downright libelous.

If people could sue others based on what's posted on random internet message boards, the internet would shut down over night. 80% of message board content is people making fun of other people. There is no libel here.
This was already bizarre and now after reading the Axe link it's just super bizarre. What was going on??

(I'm still going with she lost a bet with someone)
no way. after reading that I think she has some type of mental issue.
1. First people who saw the pic after I snapped it were Marsh01 & GothamCuse as I immediately texted it to them. Second person was my wife when we met at the car postgame (we sat separately on Tuesday she was in our season seats I was up high with a buddy from work).

2. I feel very uncomfortable with the way it blew up original intent was to simply share the humor with the fine folks on this board. It was so bizarre and the fact that it was happening as Indiana was getting a beat down just added to the hilarity. How could one keep that to themselves! I am an occasional reader, infrequent poster who greatly enjoys some of the info and banter that goes back and forth on here. Do not have the time myself to contribute or engage much but I do try to add a little to the community here when I can. A while back I posted this one: which I think is an even better/funnier story and it stayed here, folks had some laughs and I figured it would have been the same with the pic from Tuesday night.

3. The amount of material mainsteam media pulls off the internet is scary. For all anyone knows I could have staged the pic or photoshopped it (I didn't). Brent Axe is a chronic abuser of this and it amazes me the amount of information that goes straight from this site into his articles (sometimes he credits SyracuseFan as a source, often he doesn't). One thing for a site like Nunes to run it, but this doesn't belong on Did they run it in today's print edition? Are they saving it for Sunday?

4. I heard the guy yesterday who was sitting in front of the girl call in and describe his take on the situation and specifically mention that the man sitting next to her looked like her father (which is what I kind of thought but couldn't really tell from my angle). So who knows what was going on. She wasn't jumping up and down looking for attention was just sitting there looking sad. So yea I started to think twice about it and ended up killing the original post (with the complete awareness that once its out there its out there). Wasn't like I was Zapruder sitting on something historical. Just a kid in her 20's doing something stupid most of us have been there unfortunately you do something like that these days everyone is going to see it (including everyone left up in section 317).

5. I am no lawyer but I believe I must have some sort of copyright interest in the photo. Tom Emery contacted me earlier as ESPN was looking for permission to clear the use of the photo on all their shows and platforms. I politely declined.

You're a good guy Orange46R and I agree about Brent Axe, he's a serial abuser of stealing material from Syracuse message boards and not giving proper credit.
You're a good guy Orange46R and I agree about Brent Axe, he's a serial abuser of stealing material from Syracuse message boards and not giving proper credit.


i think he sees that you are a girl... and thusly is asking.. how you doin?
hahaha, thanks now I get it. I'm a dumbass most of the time but I do like my sports
This was already bizarre and now after reading the Axe link it's just super bizarre. What was going on??

(I'm still going with she lost a bet with someone)

That was my top guess on the in-depth analysis on the now deleted thread. But there are other possibilities.

(EDIT: for those just skimming, this is less about this actual "story", than our individual and collective reactions to it, and how such media legends are spawned. To repeat, I have no beef with the original post, other than a wish the word "why?" had been uttered. The reactions illustrate ourselves far more than this young person in the picture).

While I respect the OP's right to delete regardless of whatever the real reason may be, I still want t to humorously chide the OP(as I did in my original post) for not taking the the moment to ask "why?". For the OP I'm just asking jokingly, for anyone else who would have ran this story on a different outlet I'd call it irresponsible. As I joked earlier, it was very reflective of American(Western) mainstream journalism in general. For all I know the chick was an SU fan, or just got given a ticket for something to do on an otherwise dull night. I have no proof otherwise, save for my belief in the story of someone in a compromising situation which is now far more compromising. But my intention isnt the focus on the OP or this in general, but rather how readily we take for fact something based on little to no evidence. This particular story itself can kick rocks compared to that overall point I'd like my friends here to consider. I mean what about the folks who see this from other outlets and accept it as truth, along with people calling in claiming to have been sitting in front of her(the odds? reminds me of those Captain Jenks or the other howard stern guy who would fool Peter Jennings and the like for a minute or 2 and then say "baba boey" to give themselves away. Here's one from the Dorner story not that long ago ).

I'd say maybe I'm wrong and that maybe the original assumption was right, except there wasnt one. We came up with our own after choosing to believe she was an IU fan, and was also terribly distraught about the game. That was the one thing that made her the "them" to our "us" vs all the other things that make us alike as humans. I imagine if the same photo had the "same" (1 sentence) story that she was an SU fan who was finding the action too hot, the reaction on the thread would have been a lot different. I'm just saying we should make note on the assumptions we make based on limited information.

I don't as of yet have reason for feel sorry for this girl other than empathy if she really was an IU fan, as I dont know that she wants any more sympathy than the many millions who have purposefully stripped down across time and borders(in some cultures that's ample clothing). Who I do have sympathy for are the consumers of Western journalism who often swallow stories hook, line, and sinker, with little to any critical thought...even if I didn't wait for the perfect example to illustrate it. Maybe Sbarro's will get a short spike in revenue, at least.
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i heard KAte upton was coming to the Bingo game dressed like that Saturday. marketing should jump on that.
don't raise my blood pressure with rumors like that
I think that to complain about someone using material posted on a publicly available advertising driven social media website is unrealistic. You can't count on protection from what you post on facebook, let alone something like Yes this is a cozy community, and yes it sucks that people cherry picked something from the site that was intended for just the audience of regular users. But it's just further evidence of the obvious truism - don't post anything ANYWHERE on the internet you wouldn't want the whole world to see. Same applies to email - this stuff never goes away.

Sadly, given what has been written about this girl/father, it seems likely she has serious mental health issues. No one meant to make fun of someone with issues - but I am pretty sure this is a complete disaster for her. I hope it goes away quickly.

Good on you for not allowing ESPN the rights.

I don't say any of this to make the poster feel bad, it was all in good fun - but just think this is something for people to learn from. When I retire and make my run for 3rd selectman I am sure everything I ever wrote on the internet will come back to haunt me :).
If it was her father shame on him. If she does has mental issues, shame in him more, if she's done something like this in the past, lock this damn guy up because he really need to figure out when and where it's appropriate to bring somebody like this out in public.

It really doesn't bother me personally but if I had kids and was sitting near by I would have flipped my lid, how ushers or any sort of stadium personnel didn't see this is astounding, I'd understand if this was the student section but it wasn't. No excuse for anything like this to happen.
If it was her father shame on him. If she does has mental issues, shame in him more, if she's done something like this in the past, lock this damn guy up because he really need to figure out when and where it's appropriate to bring somebody like this out in public.

It really doesn't bother me personally but if I had kids and was sitting near by I would have flipped my lid, how ushers or any sort of stadium personnel didn't see this is astounding, I'd understand if this was the student section but it wasn't. No excuse for anything like this to happen.

All the stories I've heard about nazi ushers are from the 1st level. The 3rd level is the wild west compared to downstairs.
I think the larger issue is about potential defamatory content within the threads. I would assume she is still a private figure, or at the very least, a semi-private figure. Coupling that with the fact that no one knows how she came to be partially undressed, statements about her and her character could range from slightly funny to downright libelous.

I would be free of libelous if my comments were about Indiana fans in general and not her specifically correct? Also, Crean is a public figure so he's fair game as well I'd presume.
I just read the article and a handful of comments. People look way too far into things and need to get a life.

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