paying more taxes?
Now it’s the 18 year instead of the 12 year pappyFrom what I’ve heard about his tenure, if it’s anything like he was doing while he had the job, the answer is drinking.
Thank god for progressive tax rates. He'll still get to take home plenty of money.paying more taxes?
I get them by the dozen. Around here we call them wingsTwo chicks at one time.
Two chicks at one time.
Very few will get thatPlastics
It's pretty deep cut.Very few will get that
anyone over 40 would have to remember it. I was playing in a poker tournament and a guy that was sent from our table was sent back. The dealer said welcome back and I said his dreams were his ticket out. No one had any idea what I was talking aboutMeh, anyone over 40 should get it and I’d wager that 2/3 of all semi-active posters fit that demographic.