Pat Forde nails what is going on |

Pat Forde nails what is going on


Sep 17, 2011
nothing but insatiable greed by BT and SEC.

Best quote: "The two most powerful conferences in America are scared to compete. They want to begin every season with advantages built in—the most bids, the easiest playoff path—without proving it on the field. They might well end up with those benefits, but at least earn them. Instead, the richest of the rich want the biggest tax breaks."
nothing but insatiable greed by BT and SEC.

Best quote: "The two most powerful conferences in America are scared to compete. They want to begin every season with advantages built in—the most bids, the easiest playoff path—without proving it on the field. They might well end up with those benefits, but at least earn them. Instead, the richest of the rich want the biggest tax breaks."
Yeah that about nails it. But I’d also put this in the whaddya know file of same ole same ole extending to life in general itself. More of the same extending, finally but inevitably, to the game we love. Yuckk.
we can all say this is more of the same, but that would fail to recognize that college sports is about to be irreparably fractured. truly sad imho.
Yep it’ll soon become a misnomer and be time to remove the word “college” from the name/discussion at this level of sport.
Hate giving pat clicks but he is right.
How hard is it to implement an objective playoff where 4 conferences operate their own mini playoff to the conference championship and the 4 winners face off in a final 4. Removes subjectivity, encourages equitable distribution of talent, makes conference champ games meaningful, and rewards winning.
Hate giving pat clicks but he is right.
How hard is it to implement an objective playoff where 4 conferences operate their own mini playoff to the conference championship and the 4 winners face off in a final 4. Removes subjectivity, encourages equitable distribution of talent, makes conference champ games meaningful, and rewards winning.
When the two richest demand to get even more money and control ove4r who gets in and how and where, it is impossible. That's the point. They are super rich and are using all that wealth and the power it generates to totally take over.

They need to be banned from everybody else - not just for football, for all sports such schools sponsor. I doubt that more than 10 or 12 of the 18 BT members would want to make such. total move, and maybe 15 of the 16 SEC schools. Then toss in FSU and maybe ND. Let that new category be its own thing for all sports each schools sponsors. They do not get to be part of our basketball or baseball or lacrosse or soccer, etc. tournaments.
Um yeah. Water is wet, the sun is hot and college football conferences are greedy. True but not ground breaking concepts.

Sorry, but this is next-level selfishness.
When you put the whole enterprise at risk because you want a disproportionate amount, how will you feel when you wind up with 100% of nothing?
Sorry, but this is next-level selfishness.
When you put the whole enterprise at risk because you want a disproportionate amount, how will you feel when you wind up with 100% of nothing?
Everyone else should just tell the Big and SEC good bye and enjoy your life.
Oh by the way we won't schedule you in any sports.
Also you aren't invited to the NCAA basketball tournament. And all other NCAA championships will take place without you.
Sorry, but this is next-level selfishness.
When you put the whole enterprise at risk because you want a disproportionate amount, how will you feel when you wind up with 100% of nothing?
It’s so funny how some of these people are so blind. For years people have begged for college football to have an actual tournament to put the best teams against each other. We finally are to a place where that is about to happen. And the Big 10 and SEC are trying to completely arrange it to where no other teams have a chance. And there are only roughly 3 at large bids.


Everyone else should just tell the Big and SEC good bye and enjoy your life.
Oh by the way we won't schedule you in any sports.
Also you aren't invited to the NCAA basketball tournament. And all other NCAA championships will take place without you.
Agreed. Push back. Force their hand.
For some reason the PAC still has a vote. But even without them it is still 8 votes against 2. So why cave?

Sure the B18 and SEC might leave the NCAA, but that is like the ACC caving into FSU because they will eventually leave. The other conferences should call their bluff.
They have 34 teams just vote them out of all NCAA activities, and tell them to start their own association.
For some reason the PAC still has a vote. But even without them it is still 8 votes against 2. So why cave?

Sure the B18 and SEC might leave the NCAA, but that is like the ACC caving into FSU because they will eventually leave. The other conferences should call their bluff.

Let them go, it's what they want anyway.

Everything either turns out fine, or the grass is not quite as green, and they just add a bunch more teams, or come back to the fold.

I don't have the energy to care anymore.
Let them go, it's what they want anyway.

Everything either turns out fine, or the grass is not quite as green, and they just add a bunch more teams, or come back to the fold.

I don't have the energy to care anymore.
They are going to leave one way or the other. The pound of flesh isn’t fsu it’s the other 3-4
Teams that leave right after. We will be in conference accounts receivable for a few years until we find our home. Hoping ND looks out for us. They hold the key to us remaining viable
Football wise
Let them go, it's what they want anyway.

Everything either turns out fine, or the grass is not quite as green, and they just add a bunch more teams, or come back to the fold.

I don't have the energy to care anymore.

Exactly. Before we hired Fran I was so close to just being done caring about college sports. At this point, what’s going to happen is going to happen and it won’t be for any fans benefit. It’s amazing that it’s the NFL not CFB that has the most appeal. I’ve always watched the NFL but it was CFB that had always got me excited. Before Fran I was barely clinging to being excited for SU FB.
we can all say this is more of the same, but that would fail to recognize that college sports is about to be irreparably fractured. truly sad imho.

One of the things I remember from a history class I took was how often the peak of empires has been followed within a generation or two by its collapse. It’s possible the massive revenue increases from TV over the last 20 years were fools gold which ensured college sports are actually near end of life.
They are going to leave one way or the other. The pound of flesh isn’t fsu it’s the other 3-4
Teams that leave right after. We will be in conference accounts receivable for a few years until we find our home. Hoping ND looks out for us. They hold the key to us remaining viable
Football wise
Notre Dame looks out for their own interest 100% of the time. If Syracuse helps them with that aim then we'll get a magic ticket. Unfortunately, I see Notre Dame leaving when the ACC needs them most.
The current state of college football has me real close to washing my hands of college athletics entirely. Saturday golfing is about to become my favorite pastime.
Notre Dame looks out for their own interest 100% of the time. If Syracuse helps them with that aim then we'll get a magic ticket. Unfortunately, I see Notre Dame leaving when the ACC needs them most.
In this matter it all hinges on if ND hs enough sense to realize that's bets interests are not being bound tom and thus under directed all the 'we wanna go Prop' BT and SEC Major football powers. I am convinced that Swarbrick was a key figure in all this process who wanted ND in the BT, and he was willing to act against ND in order to create a situation in which ND would feel it must go BT.

New management? No idea.
This is a high stakes gamble. They feel they have the high ground and lots of leverage, so they are flexing. I’d be inclined to tell them to jump off a cliff and see how serious they are about leaving the NCAA. If everything turns to dog crap, they will be blamed and will have deserved it.

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