syracuse program goals: win
portal player goals: get as much money as possible and set self up for as much future money as possible
aligning both of these goals is difficult although not impossible
Hurley from UCONN talked about turning down better talent for this reason
lets take heed
lets just acknowledge that a lot of players are going to act out of selfish motivations...thats just what this is...and the portal facilitates that like never before. imo, the players who are acting most out of self interest are more likely to play selfishly in the end...although the overlap is not 100%.
there may indeed be players who drag out recruitment, leak false info, play shcool against each other to up their NIl, etc...who are great team players and selfless when it comes to on the court play...but I would bet they are in the minority
most of them are going to be headaches who ower their teams ceilings even if they put up "good" stats
a player who will have no NBA chance or cannot command much NIL...otoh will likely play for the jersey ijs
my guess is that the coaches are targeting team players and avoiding prima donnas like the plague