Philosophical Question... |

Philosophical Question...


Aug 26, 2011
Admins here have a real problem... trying to balance these forums... between a place with free-form discussion that can turn into the sewer that is or a place with pro-active moderating.

During the past few days.. we've had several threads assuming the worst abut the NCAA investigation, and postulating the worst, with a lot of piling on, regarding Jim Boeheim and possible sanctions/scenarios.

We also have repetitive negative posts by certain posters... including, most notably, cuse4ever... who has no history here and who has come out of nowhere to be the leading proponent of what he considers the end of the world. .

We have let folks vent... and let the discussion go on. I think we have deleted all of two posts (out of several thousand) because they overstepped the bounds of decency.

The result has been a forum that says SU basketball is nothing but atrocious penalties waiting to befall us. It sure must look cheerful to SU fans looking for a sane SU forum, to prospective recruits, to parents of recruits, to the folks from NCAA, etc.

All we know is that the NCAA is looking at stuff. We are not quite sure at what they are looking... and we are not quite sure what the they are considering. Posters here, however, are postulating everything up to. and including, the death penalty.

So what should the Admins do? Should we just allow these repetitive, sometimes off-the-wall, discussions to continue? Should we try to contain the the repetitive nature of some posters? Should we just say... enough is enough.. let's wait and see what the NCAA does?

We saw the same thing a few years ago... during the Bernie Fine mess. People were calling for Jim Boeheim's head... and predicting the end of the earth. The outcome, of course, was that the FBI, the Secret Service, and no one else... could find any reason to bring any charges. Back then, most people assumed the worst... and weren't willing to wait until how things turned out. Just saying.
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I think you all have been doing a fine job moderating the recent events. I don't think things have gotten out of control around here, and everything is still pretty civil compared to the Fine stuff. But, if things don't go well come Halloween, and the board is in meltdown, then I'd have no problem with grip being tightened. As for cuse4ever, I think he's currently harmless.
I'm a little surprised to have seen no appeals to the First Amendment--but that may be because you and the others have generally been letting things slide. Given the robust line of sane old-timers here who are ready to inflict some corrections and rationality on the resident pot-stirrers, panic-howlers, and Chickens Little, I am not terribly concerned with letting the conversations develop organically--even if Syracuse is the Land of Fatalists, and it can be irritating to watch people rant and rave like hormonal teenagers. At the same time, though, I don't have much problem with the Powers That Be vaporizing the truly rankest excrement. It's a private forum, and I trust y'all's judgment. Especially when you delete all posts by Fishy.

Thanks to you and the rest of the moderators for helping this place stay out of the sewer. As others have remarked in the past couple of years, the halcyon first few years of this forum look pretty rosy in comparison to what we sometimes see here, but it's still a great online community. And that's largely because of The Guardians around here. Someday, maybe I'll be invited over to the pay side.
The mods have done well - I know it's a thankless job and they've kept a lot of material that although questionable, was not obscene. I Read most (but admittedly not all) of Cuse4ever's posts on the subject. I didn't read any predicting a bad outcome, only his feelings if this happens. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm always a fan of as minimal moderation as possible.

The good posters will rise up and overcome the bad. The doom and gloom speculation here is usually met with multiple calm and rational responses. This way people that may have these worries can be comforted until the NCAA shuts down Syracuse University forever and Obama banishes the city from the United States.
first let me say that as a pretty new poster in these parts I think you guys run a decent ship. My interweb experience ranges from cutting my e-teeth in one of the biggest viper pits of a bulletin board ever to currently being about to launch a full featured social networking website that includes forums & groups.

my posts here are entirely intended to be (hopefully) entertaining and hopefully none of it comes off as trolling of the various situations a long time Cuse fan is subject to (terrible offense scheme, impending NCAA doom, Georgetown existing, etc.). In my brief time here I think I've had 1 thread pulled, probably because of the phrase "suck ripple from the Gerg era". If you and the crew were really over reactive I could see 2 on the hoops board right now that would be gone.

Given the crap sammich the NCAA is prepping in the kitchen, a chicken little mentality is not only understandable but something would be wrong if it wasn't happening. Over reaction on the internet? Next someone will try to convince me that water is wet. It would be defrayed a bit if we were celebrating wins over Notre Dame and Clemson or could talk about how we want the 9th rotation guy to get more burn after he looked so good for those 7 mins against Colgate, but alas...reality.

If the verdict is quick then the board, along with the rest of the community, will go through the stages of grief and soon enough move along. If the NCAA drags this out, the swirl of BS that trails behind it will do likewise. its your board and you guys will do what you feel is right but imho talk about what is actually going on won't drive SU folks who happen across this board, in fact it would probably do the opposite. If someone is deep searching for orange tinted convo these days, its probably because of the nearing hearing. When a last second dagger 3 rips out some higher ranked ACC opponent's heart or Coach Jimmy becomes a meme again, they will come here for that.
In nature, what seems to work well is to ban all bans. I like the gang here and think we're among the best of all bands. Rock on, I am grateful for this place and for all you do, this bud's for you.

To get serious, at this point there doesn't appear to be enough turmoil to make any drastic moves. Could that change? Sure. If it gets to that point, I'd say reevaluate it then. Right now I hadn't even considered it near that level until I saw this thread. I'm beyond certain I'm not alone.
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I have no problem with letting people rant, as long as they don't personally attack another poster for their opinions. You admins do a great job of nipping that in the bud when it does occur. I totally agree that some posters go way overboard with their chicken little approach, but it is their right to freedom of speech. I don't get the need for them to attack a guy who has done so much for Syracuse B-ball, the university and the community. I for one will support our coach to the very end, support our players to the very end and support this site to the very end. This site is set as my home page and always is the first place I turn after getting my cup of coffee. Admins, continue with the approach that you are taking and I trust your judgment when you feel things go overboard and you need to remove posts or suspend/ban certain posters for their responses.
Admins here have a real problem... trying to balance these forums... between a place with free-form discussion that can turn into the sewer that is or a place with pro-active moderating.

During the past few days.. we've had several threads assuming the worst abut the NCAA investigation, and postulating the worst, with a lot of piling on, regarding Jim Boeheim and possible sanctions/scenarios.

We also have repetitive negative posts by certain posters... including, most notably, cuse4ever... who has no history here and who has come out of nowhere to be the leading proponent of what he considers the end of the world. .

We have let folks vent... and let the discussion go on. I think we have deleted all of two posts (out of several thousand) because they overstepped the bounds of decency.

The result has been a forum that says SU basketball is nothing but atrocious penalties waiting to befall us. It sure must look cheerful to SU fans looking for a sane SU forum, to prospective recruits, to parents of recruits, to the folks from NCAA, etc.

All we know is that the NCAA is looking at stuff. We are not quite sure at what they are looking... and we are not quite sure what the they are considering. Posters here, however, are postulating everything up to. and including, the death penalty.

So what should the Admins do? Should we just allow these repetitive, sometimes off-the-wall, discussions to continue? Should we try to contain the the repetitive nature of some posters? Should we just say... enough is enough.. let's wait and see what the NCAA does?

We saw the same thing a few years ago... during the Bernie Fine mess. People were calling for Jim Boeheim's head... and predicting the end of the earth. The outcome, of course, was that the FBI, the Secret Service, and no one else... could find any reason to bring any charges. Back then, most people assumed the worst... and weren't willing to wait until how things turned out. Just saying.
I think if the discussion stays civil and respectful that the discussion should continue. When it crosses the line then it should be dealt with, I wholeheartedly disagree with cuse4ever and think he should be more respectful because he is new to our forums but I think he is entitled to his opinion. I just don't want a syracusedotcom forum type of discussions.
I see nothing wrong with deleting anything that the mods feel oversteps the bounds of decency. I would add to that the repetitive posts from individuals who seem to have their own agenda. I have already learned to avoid opening their threads, but they still sneak nasty posts into otherwise constructive threads (which I find to be irritating). Is that censorship? Maybe, but then they don't own Syracusefan or do the work--you do that work. I trust your judgment and will support whatever you decide to do, including moving those posts to a separate forum.
I too think that the discussion should continue. I also think its a great idea to move these threads to a separate forum a la Bernie

Discussion is one thing.

Right now it's all mindless speculation and rumor mongering.

The meeting is set for Oct 30-31.

It could take anywhere from 30-60 days after that until the NCAA releases its' findings.

So, what are we going to talk about until then? Uniforms? The 2-3 Zone?
I honestly get tired of reading the endless negative responses. I have stayed away from the board mostly as a result.

However, I have never been for heavy handed mods, either. Though, truthfully, my experience with boards of this sort is nil. I have been on this board for many years, and through many iterations. I think the mods mostly do a great job. I don't really have any experience with any other boards.

I would prefer that the discussions on the infractions be placed in their own location ala the fine discussions. That way, it allows the discussions to continue for those who are interested, but allows those who are not interested, to focus on the actual activities of the different sports.
Discussion is one thing.

Right now it's all mindless speculation and rumor mongering.

The meeting is set for Oct 30-31.

It could take anywhere from 30-60 days after that until the NCAA releases its' findings.

So, what are we going to talk about until then? Uniforms? The 2-3 Zone?

Considering this.

I think that is why we should start talking basketball, and this years Syracuse Basketball team.

Because regardless of how/and when this situation plays out there is gonna be a season.
Considering this.

I think that is why we should start talking basketball, and this years Syracuse Basketball team.

Because regardless of how/and when this situation plays out there is gonna be a season.
Amen. No matter what happens, I am looking forward to SU basketball. All this other nonsense doesn't concern me. It is humorous at times, but mostly panicky and annoying. I ignore certain people that follow this pattern. If people think me or others are too positive, let them sulk and carry on. I'll still smile. Anyway, on to hoops!
First off, this site is no where near the cess pool of The fact that you are even asking shows the concern and the fact that you and the other admins feel a sense of responsibility to make sure it doesn't become that. Personally I'm not really worried about it because I am confident that anything really over the top will get deleted. Censorship is a slippery slope that I feel the admins do a good job of avoiding. Credit must also be given to the many posters that make this site an enjoyable read and discussion of Syracuse sports. I'm probably not being very helpful but I guess for the most part I'm just saying to keep on keeping on and if you or any other admin feel something is over the top use your best judgment I and I'm sure many others trust your judgment. 1st amendment and freedom of speech do not mean you have a right to say or type anything you want anywhere you want. I may not be the best to comment on this specific subject because as I've already stated it doesn't interest me or concern me so I haven't been reading any of the comments regarding it.
first let me say that as a pretty new poster in these parts I think you guys run a decent ship. My interweb experience ranges from cutting my e-teeth in one of the biggest viper pits of a bulletin board ever to currently being about to launch a full featured social networking website that includes forums & groups.

my posts here are entirely intended to be (hopefully) entertaining and hopefully none of it comes off as trolling of the various situations a long time Cuse fan is subject to (terrible offense scheme, impending NCAA doom, Georgetown existing, etc.). In my brief time here I think I've had 1 thread pulled, probably because of the phrase "suck ripple from the Gerg era". If you and the crew were really over reactive I could see 2 on the hoops board right now that would be gone.

Given the crap sammich the NCAA is prepping in the kitchen, a chicken little mentality is not only understandable but something would be wrong if it wasn't happening. Over reaction on the internet? Next someone will try to convince me that water is wet. It would be defrayed a bit if we were celebrating wins over Notre Dame and Clemson or could talk about how we want the 9th rotation guy to get more burn after he looked so good for those 7 mins against Colgate, but alas...reality.

If the verdict is quick then the board, along with the rest of the community, will go through the stages of grief and soon enough move along. If the NCAA drags this out, the swirl of BS that trails behind it will do likewise. its your board and you guys will do what you feel is right but imho talk about what is actually going on won't drive SU folks who happen across this board, in fact it would probably do the opposite. If someone is deep searching for orange tinted convo these days, its probably because of the nearing hearing. When a last second dagger 3 rips out some higher ranked ACC opponent's heart or Coach Jimmy becomes a meme again, they will come here for that.
nice avatar
We all have free will. Every morning I first go to the NY Times website and take a gander at the headlines. Occasionally, I will click and read a little bit. I have an idea about what is going on in the world but I am not going to dive head first in to the cesspool of all the terrible things that are happening around and to our planet. I am most certainly not going to click on headlines that say, "You should be afraid of..."

For the vast majority of us posters, the forum is a safe place where we can express our joys and worries and receive validation for our love of Syracuse football and basketball. We are all a little nutty, and it's good to be with other nuts! The sword of the NCAA hanging over us is stressful to us all, and this is a place where we also come to be soothed and reassured, as well as reasoned with. I appreciate the large variety of perspectives. I appreciate the integrity of the admins. Thank you, CTO, for writing to us about your dilemma. Carry on!

4 more days!
Admins here have a real problem... trying to balance these forums... between a place with free-form discussion that can turn into the sewer that is or a place with pro-active moderating.

During the past few days.. we've had several threads assuming the worst abut the NCAA investigation, and postulating the worst, with a lot of piling on, regarding Jim Boeheim and possible sanctions/scenarios.

We also have repetitive negative posts by certain posters... including, most notably, cuse4ever... who has no history here and who has come out of nowhere to be the leading proponent of what he considers the end of the world. .

We have let folks vent... and let the discussion go on. I think we have deleted all of two posts (out of several thousand) because they overstepped the bounds of decency.

The result has been a forum that says SU basketball is nothing but atrocious penalties waiting to befall us. It sure must look cheerful to SU fans looking for a sane SU forum, to prospective recruits, to parents of recruits, to the folks from NCAA, etc.

All we know is that the NCAA is looking at stuff. We are not quite sure at what they are looking... and we are not quite sure what the they are considering. Posters here, however, are postulating everything up to. and including, the death penalty.

So what should the Admins do? Should we just allow these repetitive, sometimes off-the-wall, discussions to continue? Should we try to contain the the repetitive nature of some posters? Should we just say... enough is enough.. let's wait and see what the NCAA does?

We saw the same thing a few years ago... during the Bernie Fine mess. People were calling for Jim Boeheim's head... and predicting the end of the earth. The outcome, of course, was that the FBI, the Secret Service, and no one else... could find any reason to bring any charges. Back then, most people assumed the worst... and weren't willing to wait until how things turned out. Just saying.

I'll preface my thought by saying that I think you and the other admins do an excellent job making this place the gold standard for SU basketball discussion on the internet.

I think cuse4ever's post was absolutely harmless. The first word of his post was "if", he was merely posing a hypothetical. But because it's a hypothetical that we're all extremely afraid of, many had a negatively visceral reaction to it. Plus he's an easy target because he's a new poster.

Boeheim is a legend and icon in every sense of the word, but, if the penalties we face are severe, he deserves to be scrutinized heavily like any leader of an organization (be it a country, corporation, or basketball team) should. If the penalties are minimal/negligible, then we will go back to idolizing him like before like business as usual.

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