Pitt 0
Syracuse 2 (safety)
This checks out.Pitt 3
Cuse 0
18 penalties for Cuse
Carlos Del Rio shows improvement and throws for 55 yards and only 3 interceptions and two fumbles.
Dino tries a 70 yard field goal with 20 seconds left and misses. Pitt gains possession and gets first down. Attempts 45 yard field goal with one second left and misses but Cuse jumps off sides. Cuse jumps offsides again . Pitt misses 35 yard field goal but Cuse runs into kicker. Next possession Cuse jumps off sides again. Refs and announcers can’t stop laughing. Pitt kicks winning 20 yard field goal. Yankee stadium rescinds all future offers for Cuse and demands money back.
Pirates 7
Mets 3
Dino gets angry at postgame presser when questioned about the 16 offsides penalties by our OL, blaming the crowd noise in a 15% filled stadium and blaming Narduzzi yelling “Noonan” before every snap
It never gets old.
The video or the pain we experience as Syracuse football fans?It never gets old.
YesThe video or the pain we experience as Syracuse football fans?![]()
We’re favoredWe’re horrible vs Pitt
Cuse 13
Pitt 48
Worst loss of the Dino era
Im not sure that makes any difference in how i feelWe’re favored
First team to score a TD winsIm not sure that makes any difference in how i feel