Props to AD Wildhack - he's better at his job than we are!! |

Props to AD Wildhack - he's better at his job than we are!!


Living Legend
May 21, 2012
To all the geniuses who dumped on the guy before he had even made a decision, I say enjoy the crow.
His 30 years hiring and firing high-priced talent prepared him for this job. He knew what he wanted and when he saw it he didn’t hesitate. That's why we pay him the big bucks.
Courageous risky decision that might just be the most important hire in the last 19 years.
Thanks John!!
Go Cuse!
Go Coach Brown!
Go Wildhack!
To all the geniuses who dumped on the guy before he had even made a decision, I say enjoy the crow.
His 30 years hiring and firing high-priced talent prepared him for this job. He knew what he wanted and when he saw it he didn’t hesitate. That's why we pay him the big bucks.
Courageous risky decision that might just be the most important hire in the last 19 years.
Thanks John!!
Go Cuse!
Go Coach Brown!
Go Wildhack!
While it’s been fun watching Fran do the part of the job that no one questioned, he still has the same number of head coaching wins as me. You may want to slow your roll a bit or risk eating crow yourself. Let’s hope for all our sanity you are right.
Im pretty excited i just put my 100.00 deposit down in two tickets for next year whenever they go on sale for newbies or people like me coming back, but the new coach hasnt taken the field yet so little early for some of the jargon. I hope you are right but i want to see with my eyes wins on the field or at least a product that is watchable
While it’s been fun watching Fran do the part of the job that no one questioned, he still has the same number of head coaching wins as me. You may want to slow your roll a bit or risk eating crow yourself. Let’s hope for all our sanity you are right.
Exactly. Encouraging start, but not ready to do the TD dance yet before he's coached a single game.
To all the geniuses who dumped on the guy before he had even made a decision, I say enjoy the crow.
His 30 years hiring and firing high-priced talent prepared him for this job. He knew what he wanted and when he saw it he didn’t hesitate. That's why we pay him the big bucks.
Courageous risky decision that might just be the most important hire in the last 19 years.
Thanks John!!
Go Cuse!
Go Coach Brown!
Go Wildhack!
Coach Brown is our best hope for turning the program around. That much should be obvious to everyone by now.

Whether he can pull it off remains to be seen but I would argue he has made more progress in 2 weeks than any SU football HC in decades.

Let’s go!!! War Damn Otto!!!!
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Honestly before we knew Dino’s fate I really didn’t care either way about next season. I planned on watching games but wasn’t feeling it. Now I’m insanely excited and can’t wait to see what the future holds.
While it’s been fun watching Fran do the part of the job that no one questioned, he still has the same number of head coaching wins as me. You may want to slow your roll a bit or risk eating crow yourself. Let’s hope for all our sanity you are right.
Well, he has more high level recruits than you or anyone since Coach P.
I am perfectly willing to go out on this limb with Coach Fran as well as putting my money on him.
well like Justin Pugh i put my deposit down for the two seasons straight off the couch because i think there is a lot of buzz and potential, I dont care if they bring back the freeze option if it means they run a serviceable offense , Im betting with my money that we are going to be better and i already started the topic that i had to eat the whole crow lol. I just want to not get to overblown with my expectations yet
While it’s been fun watching Fran do the part of the job that no one questioned, he still has the same number of head coaching wins as me. You may want to slow your roll a bit or risk eating crow yourself. Let’s hope for all our sanity you are right.
If you are judging Coach Fran by wins at this point, then I think you may not be doing it right.
While it’s been fun watching Fran do the part of the job that no one questioned, he still has the same number of head coaching wins as me. You may want to slow your roll a bit or risk eating crow yourself. Let’s hope for all our sanity you are right.
I, for one, am not a complete pessimist. My roll has no intentions of slowing nor should it. It might surprise some but far better athletes make for much better coaching. Not only is he a superior recruiter but you may have noticed the staff he is building has both great recruiting and coaching resumes.
Why is eating crow a saying? Does crow taste bad? Real question.

I’d Google it but internetting on phones sucks.
If you are judging Coach Fran by wins at this point, then I think you may not be doing it right.
With better players, we should win games we lost in the past...regardless of coaching. Players win games, schemes and coaching strategy can cover some talent deficiencies for the short term, but in the long run, it is the Jimmy's and the Joe's..not the X's and the O's. At this point, there should be no negativity concerning the new coaching hires.! Let's all just enjoy this moment...I am posting a sign on all these threads that read: Orange Fans: Help wanted: Seeking Encouragers Only, we already have enough critics and haters...
If you are judging Coach Fran by wins at this point, then I think you may not be doing it right.

If you are handing him the national championship because he is recruiting well you’re not doing it right. Jimbo Fisher just got fired and he had the greatest recruiting class ever.
Why is eating crow a saying? Does crow taste bad? Real question.

I’d Google it but internetting on phones sucks.
It supposedly goes back to Napoleon. When the French Army got stuck in Russia over the winter they were literally starving to death and resorted to eating crows to stay alive. The crows had fed on the bodies of the dead French soldiers. Hence the term eating crow as a negative connotation. Thus could be BS but what I learned.
If you are handing him the national championship because he is recruiting well you’re not doing it right. Jimbo Fisher just got fired and he had the greatest recruiting class ever.
Yeah, no one can say how this will play out. But he's getting quite a few wins right now. Like he said, winning is hard, and he's putting in the work to do it.

I think Jimbo lacked motivation, his guaranteed contract was a home run win or lose, that contract was assinine.

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