Props to JB and the team |

Props to JB and the team


Living Legend
Aug 28, 2011
People want to win games.
When you play well you get love and credit.
When you play poorly the legitimate problems can’t be discussed by some without it being a narrative they disagree with.
Props to the team for playing well and when the shots fall we can beat anyone.
If posters want to call out posters either do it directly or shut the hell up.
Enough passive aggressive crap.
The problems discussed are discourse ignore or debate it.
Props to the coach, and players for getting better.
If we are going to become a team that gets better over the course of a season rather than being a finished product early that is good.
If we make shots we can beat anyone.
Hughes has proven the staff right. Gotta eat that L. I am sure that will satisfy the people who need it:
If we had a post presence this team could win it all as I haven’t doubted the defense. It’s all about half court offense.
Give this team 70 points in every tournament game it could win a NC.
People want to win games.
When you play well you get love and credit.
When you play poorly the legitimate problems can’t be discussed by some without it being a narrative they disagree with.
Props to the team for playing well and when the shots fall we can beat anyone.
If posters want to call out posters either do it directly or shut the hell up.
Enough passive aggressive crap.
The problems discussed are discourse ignore or debate it.
Props to the coach, and players for getting better.
If we are going to become a team that gets better over the course of a season rather than being a finished product early that is good.
If we make shots we can beat anyone.
Hughes has proven the staff right. Gotta eat that L. I am sure that will satisfy the people who need it:
If we had a post presence this team could win it all as I haven’t doubted the defense. It’s all about half court offense.
Give this team 70 points in every tournament game it could win a NC.

In the spirit of Alsacs admission regarding Hughes. I will admit that I was frustrated with Buddy playing minutes while struggling. I was completely wrong and very happy to admit it. Once again the Hall of Famer shows he knows what he is doing.

Is this a poem?
No it’s just giving the team and coach credit.
Also because the annoying people need to realize that I give credit when it’s warranted and that the discourse they don’t like is all about the performance and nothing is personal. You are the type of poster I like you have a take and don’t care if people disagree and realize it’s all subjective but everyone wants to win.
No it’s just giving the team and coach credit.
Also because the annoying people need to realize that I give credit when it’s warranted and that the discourse they don’t like is all about the performance and nothing is personal. You are the type of poster I like you have a take and don’t care if people disagree and realize it’s all subjective but everyone wants to win.

Coach deserves a ton of credit for putting Marek in positions to make plays. I'd like to see him touch the ball at least once on every possession. Putting him on the foul line when teams zone us is great coaching. I thought Obrissy should be that guy, but he just doesn't know what to do with the ball other than passing it back to Tyus or Frank. MD is like a quarterback, quickly going through his progressions, and finding the right guy at the right time, in a position to score. Dare I say, Brady-like (that one's for you alsacs) And it's been contagious.
Buddy wasn’t an issue for me. He was a freshman who had no expectations.
Give the staff credit for Hughes. The NBA hype was off but he is here for atleast another year probably 2 years which is why his play is great.
We will have some wing scoring then next few years.
When you play poorly the legitimate problems can’t be discussed by some without it being a narrative they disagree with.

If posters want to call out posters either do it directly or shut the hell up.

Enough passive aggressive crap.

The problems discussed are discourse ignore or debate it.

Just my opinion but there is a big difference between you and some other posters.

You criticize. They condemn.

You criticize the offense. You do so very aggressively, No doubt. And just, MHO, but given all the injuries and changes, I thought your criticism came a little early and often but I never went after you for it because you were criticizing a specific part of the program.

But when a poster says that Boeheim has to go or that the game has passed him by or that a player is awful and will never be any good, or that the coach is only playing a player because of the name on the back of his jersey, that is a blanket condemnation.

Big difference.
Why anyone plays us zone is a mystery to me. I get Miami was short guys but when Marek is in we can get shots against the zone much easier than we do against a tough man. Beating people off the dribble is this teams weakness.
Why anyone plays us zone is a mystery to me. I get Miami was short guys but when Marek is in we can get shots against the zone much easier than we do against a tough man. Beating people off the dribble is this teams weakness.

I would have zoned us before last night as well. Outside of Hughes and Buddy/Howard recently we have struggled shooting. Battle and Brissett are not nearly as effective against zone. All of Battles best games have come when teams play man.
Why anyone plays us zone is a mystery to me. I get Miami was short guys but when Marek is in we can get shots against the zone much easier than we do against a tough man. Beating people off the dribble is this teams weakness.

Because prior to the last few games, all we did was swing the ball around the perimeter and then take threes late in the shot clock, which are often low-percentage shots. We didn't push the ball in transition much, the ball rarely went inside, and our guys didn't excel taking it to the hole. So teams zoned us to force us to execute half court offensive sets, when we had a tendency to keep the ball outside swinging around the perimeter, but not doing much purposefully to "probe" the defense or make them react.

The past several games, we're scoring more in transition. We're hitting jump shots. The ball is going inside more, and both Chukwu / Dolezaj are providing us with a modicum of scoring from the 5 that we lacked for the first 10+ games. Playing Dolezaj in the high post where he can both shoot or pass is a nice new offensie wrinkle. And we're passing the ball better, collectively.

Earlier in the season, teams would zone us and dare us to execute -- and we often didn't. Lately, we're executing our half court offensive sets much more effectively, and we're shooting a lot better. Even yesterday we saw a dichotomy -- the first 11 minutes or so we didn't do much other than hit threes, and we struggled a bit against their zone. Then, when we got on a roll, we carved up the zone.
The OP is a good poster. Other people have agendas against certain players and coaches.
The OP is a good poster. Other people have agendas against certain players and coaches.

i agree, he is at least honest; but this post is a quagmire of eating crow and self-defense; as some may say, take the L and move on
Why anyone plays us zone is a mystery to me. I get Miami was short guys but when Marek is in we can get shots against the zone much easier than we do against a tough man. Beating people off the dribble is this teams weakness.

four games ago, ga tech's zone ate us alive
Just my opinion but there is a big difference between you and some other posters.

You criticize. They condemn.

You criticize the offense. You do so very aggressively, No doubt. And just, MHO, but given all the injuries and changes, I thought your criticism came a little early and often but I never went after you for it because you were criticizing a specific part of the program.

But when a poster says that Boeheim has to go or that the game has passed him by or that a player is awful and will never be any good, or that the coach is only playing a player because of the name on the back of his jersey, that is a blanket condemnation.

Big difference.

Interesting post from you considering how you came after me yesterday in that Hillsman thread and what it turned into because of it. Not to mention, I don't recall us ever really engaging in much dialog ever, let alone one of such apparent discontent towards me.

I've not condemned here, but I have criticized, I believe I do so in a constructive and generally objective way, or attempt to at least. I don't believe I've been overly aggressive, let alone "very aggressive" or aggressive at all for that matter, although, I imagine that's subject to one's interpretation. I haven't posted anything saying the game has passed JB by, that he has to go, Buddy, etc. or along any of those lines.

You recently, and so cleverly, showed the board your astute searching prowess in your apparent attempt and motivation to annihilate another poster/SU fan here. Possibly, it made you feel as good deep inside of you as you hoped it would, along with achieving the reaction you seemingly coveted. Whatever it was, I don't believe you'd find such "condemnation" type remarks you're referring to in which I've made here that would qualify, or that should've triggered you to come after me in the fashion in which you did.
Just my opinion but there is a big difference between you and some other posters.

You criticize. They condemn.

You criticize the offense. You do so very aggressively, No doubt. And just, MHO, but given all the injuries and changes, I thought your criticism came a little early and often but I never went after you for it because you were criticizing a specific part of the program.

But when a poster says that Boeheim has to go or that the game has passed him by or that a player is awful and will never be any good, or that the coach is only playing a player because of the name on the back of his jersey, that is a blanket condemnation.

Big difference.

Then you should reply to the specific post saying those things instead of the dramatic “THIS IS WHY THE BOARD IS BAD” style post you had the other day.
Interesting post from you considering how you came after me yesterday in that Hillsman thread and what it turned into because of it. Not to mention, I don't recall us ever really engaging in much dialog ever, let alone one of such apparent discontent towards me.

I've not condemned here, but I have criticized, I believe I do so in a constructive and generally objective way, or attempt to at least. I don't believe I've been overly aggressive, let alone "very aggressive" or aggressive at all for that matter, although, I imagine that's subject to one's interpretation. I haven't posted anything saying the game has passed JB by, that he has to go, Buddy, etc. or along any of those lines.

You recently, and so cleverly, showed the board your astute searching prowess in your apparent attempt and motivation to annihilate another poster/SU fan here. Possibly, it made you feel as good deep inside of you as you hoped it would, along with achieving the reaction you seemingly coveted. Whatever it was, I don't believe you'd find such "condemnation" type remarks you're referring to in which I've made here that would qualify, or that should've triggered you to come after me in the fashion in which you did.

I read your response last night.

The thread was locked so I could not respond.

Here is how I took it:

Hillsman's statement was all about personal accountability - a coach standing in front of the mic and taking personal responsibility for the poor play of his team.

Your question was then would JB EVER do such a thing ie. would JB ever stand up and hold himself accountable for his team's play - the implication being that JB does not hold himself responsible for his team's poor play. That is a pretty damning statement.

Having explained that, if you did mean something much more benign then that, I apologize.

My perception of you is that you are not particularly favorably inclined towards JB but you are also not someone who is just looking to hammer him at every opportunity so, you are correct, I should have asked you exactly what you meant before jumping down your throat.
I read your response last night.

The thread was locked so I could not respond.

Here is how I took it:

Hillsman's statement was all about personal accountability - a coach standing in front of the mic and taking personal responsibility for the poor play of his team.

Your question was then would JB EVER do such a thing ie. would JB ever stand up and hold himself accountable for his team's play - the implication being that JB does not hold himself responsible for his team's poor play. That is a pretty damning statement.

Having explained that, if you did mean something much more benign then that, I apologize.

My perception of you is that you are not particularly favorably inclined towards JB but you are also not someone who is just looking to hammer him at every opportunity so, you are correct, I should have asked you exactly what you meant before jumping down your throat.

I think you misread it. I thought he was asking if JB would say it publicly. I personally have no doubt that JB knows when he didn't hit his own personal coaching milestones between and during games.

Then again, it would be boring if he did it all the time after a loss like Belichek does - need to be better in all three aspects, coach better, blah, blah blah.
I read your response last night.

The thread was locked so I could not respond.

Here is how I took it:

Hillsman's statement was all about personal accountability - a coach standing in front of the mic and taking personal responsibility for the poor play of his team.

Your question was then would JB EVER do such a thing ie. would JB ever stand up and hold himself accountable for his team's play - the implication being that JB does not hold himself responsible for his team's poor play. That is a pretty damning statement.

Having explained that, if you did mean something much more benign then that, I apologize.

My perception of you is that you are not particularly favorably inclined towards JB but you are also not someone who is just looking to hammer him at every opportunity so, you are correct, I should have asked you exactly what you meant before jumping down your throat.

I appreciate you responding, and apology...thank you.

I'll admit, I was somewhat taken aback, again considering you & I have really not engaged in any dialog over the years, and certainly not anything of discontent. Moreover, I'm not, or have been, a poster who posts condemning things, etc., but rather if criticizing, attempting to do it from an objective and constructive point of view.

In regards to your implication remark and your ensuing damning sentiment, this is part of the problem here at times, some are so quick to jump to conclusions rather than 'seeking to understand.' My last post in that thread prior to it being deleted (due to one small sentence about another past poster I was a fan of) along with a few subsequent posts related to it, and afterwards ultimately locked, I had said as much. And, quoted a great saying from Dr. Stephen Covey, perhaps you saw it, but here it is:

"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply."

That perception you have of me that I'm not favorably inclined towards JB is misunderstood. Honestly, it couldn't be further from the truth. I have been a huge JB supporter, and this program, for over 40 plus years. It's apparent, however, since we are dealing here with text dialog, etc. vs. audio or face to face, that what is being interpreted by you, along with a few others as well, contributes to that perception.


Go Orange!
In regards to your implication remark and your ensuing damning sentiment, this is part of the problem here at times, some are so quick to jump to conclusions rather than 'seeking to understand.' My last post in that thread prior to it being deleted (due to one small sentence about another past poster I was a fan of) along with a few subsequent posts related to it, and afterwards ultimately locked, I had said as much. And, quoted a great saying from Dr. Stephen Covey, perhaps you saw it, but here it is:

"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply."

100% correct.

We had had a good week on the board and then the Stewart thing put the board back into meltdown mold.

That caused me to immediately assume the worst...
Because prior to the last few games, all we did was swing the ball around the perimeter and then take threes late in the shot clock, which are often low-percentage shots. We didn't push the ball in transition much, the ball rarely went inside, and our guys didn't excel taking it to the hole. So teams zoned us to force us to execute half court offensive sets, when we had a tendency to keep the ball outside swinging around the perimeter, but not doing much purposefully to "probe" the defense or make them react.

The past several games, we're scoring more in transition. We're hitting jump shots. The ball is going inside more, and both Chukwu / Dolezaj are providing us with a modicum of scoring from the 5 that we lacked for the first 10+ games. Playing Dolezaj in the high post where he can both shoot or pass is a nice new offensie wrinkle. And we're passing the ball better, collectively.

Earlier in the season, teams would zone us and dare us to execute -- and we often didn't. Lately, we're executing our half court offensive sets much more effectively, and we're shooting a lot better. Even yesterday we saw a dichotomy -- the first 11 minutes or so we didn't do much other than hit threes, and we struggled a bit against their zone. Then, when we got on a roll, we carved up the zone.
The point about Delazaj in the high post is an interesting one. Given, over the years, we have had our ears bleed out from any number of announcers screaming that the opponent needs to get the ball to the logo against our zone, why did it take JB to add this wrinkle to the zone offense? My guess is that it's not a new wrinkle, we have been trying it but with Brissett in the middle and Brissett is completely lost when he gets the ball at that point. The reality is if you had to create a player to play at that spot Brissett would be exactly what you would look for. His lack of progression as a basketball player has really hurt us this year
Props to the coach, and players for getting better.

Exactly. Boehiem has done a great job making changes, managing the lineup and helping this team get better. The players have gotten better as well. The staff deserves some credit here. It’s a long season, and think we will continue to get better, especially on offense.

Can’t give up on Boeheim-coached team 10 games in and declare “it’s time”. JB has shown the ability to get his teams ready to go on a run, especially at the end of the year. Clearly, the game hasn’t passed him by, he’s not too old, or too stubborn, etc..

Hopefully, we continue to play well and compete for the ACC title.

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