Provided a major collapse are we basically a lock for 1 seed in East? |

Provided a major collapse are we basically a lock for 1 seed in East?


2nd String
Aug 30, 2011
Even if Florida somehow surpasses for the number 1 seed they would get put in the south, I can't see Wichita State getting it even if they run the table and Zona already has 2 losses and I can't see why they would be put out west. It looks like well at worst finish 4-2 and I feel like we have really distanced ourself to getting that seed barring a major collapse.
Yes. Said this to my buddy last night. With 6 games to go, even if we lose @ Duke, @ Virginia and @ FSU, but beat Maryland, BC and GT, we'll be 28-3 heading into the ACC tourney. Even if we lose in our first game of the ACC tourney, we'll still only have 4 losses total. Now granted, that's not a good scenario, but I would say is the absolute worst case scenario. Who is going to jump us to get a #1 seed in the East?

Of course, nothing surprises me with this team anymore. I could conceivably see us winning our last 6 regular season games to go into the ACC tourney 31-0.
if we lose our first game in the ACC tourney..that would be pathetic..the caliber team we will have to play is fairly low
In my opinion if we lose 2 of our last regular season games and win at least one in the ACC tourney we have the best shot for the East #1. If we only lose one remaining regular season game and/or win two in the ACC tourney then it's a lock. Losing 3 or more of the remaining regular season games and not winning the ACC tourney will "possibly" leave the door open for the committee to consider another team.

I personally think the first of my above three scenarios is where we will be.
We're lucky this year that the east coast is pretty weak. Nova is probably the second best team and we beat them head-to-head. One scenario that potentially worries me is if Florida and Duke both win out. Florida is virtually a lock for #1 in the south. If Duke beats us twice (next weekend and the ACC tournament - both basically home games) it wouldn't completely sock me shock me if they got the #1 in the east. But I think a lot of things would have to fall in place for them for that to happen.
Maybe this is crazy, but I would much rather be a 2 seed in the East than a 1 seed anywhere else due to the incredible home court advantage we would have at MSG. I think lock is too strong of a word, but we're in fantastic shape for 1 seed in the East.
if we lose our first game in the ACC tourney..that would be pathetic..the caliber team we will have to play is fairly low

Our first game is likely to be NCSt, MD, Clemson or FSU. Not a cupcake.
I didn't realize Nova only had 2 losses... for whatever reason all my prior comments on them vs an SU had them at 3 losses already. But they are losing tonight at Creighton by 11 nearing half-time. They needed this win.

I still think the main threat is a 5 loss Duke team getting MSG over us a 3 loss team... I think we have a better resume in this case, but it is close enough that it could go Duke way.
Maybe (probably) I'm wrong, but there seems to be a better distribution of teams geographically for the top line this year. Wichita in the midwest, Florida in the south, Arizona in the west, and us in the East.
Well, Lunardi said if we had lost at Pitt this week, we were still a 1 Seed, just most likely not the overall #1. If we were to lose @ UVA and Duke, but win the rest, and go on to win a the ACC tournament, I would expect to still have that #1 Overall, since the only other team in the country with less than 2 losses is Wichita St.
We need 5-1, beat Virginia, and at least 2-1 in the ACC tourney to be assured a 1 seed. If we go 4-2, finish second to Virginia, in regular season, and either Duke, or Virginia win the ACC tournament, we will be a 2.
We're lucky this year that the east coast is pretty weak. Nova is probably the second best team and we beat them head-to-head. One scenario that potentially worries me is if Florida and Duke both win out. Florida is virtually a lock for #1 in the south. If Duke beats us twice (next weekend and the ACC tournament - both basically home games) it wouldn't completely sock me shock me if they got the #1 in the east. But I think a lot of things would have to fall in place for them for that to happen.
Agreed, I think Duke would be best positioned to take the 1 in the east. It would have to be a pretty specific confluence of events (SU losing 3 games in the regular season, Duke pretty much winning out, and Duke winning the ACC tourney). If that happened it is fairly possible they could get the 1 in the East. But if they lose more than 1 more game, even if we were to lose 3 in the reg season and then in the ACC, I think we are in good shape. As of now I don't see anyone else positioned to grab that 1.
We need 5-1, beat Virginia, and at least 2-1 in the ACC tourney to be assured a 1 seed. If we go 4-2, finish second to Virginia, in regular season, and either Duke, or Virginia win the ACC tournament, we will be a 2.
No way. If we lose only 2 games the entire regular season we are an absolute lock for a 1. Virginia is not getting it no matter what. They top out at a 3 possibly 2. Their OOC was pretty terrible. Duke is a threat is they run the table but again, if we lose only two games the committee is in no way going to give us a 2 seed.
We need 5-1, beat Virginia, and at least 2-1 in the ACC tourney to be assured a 1 seed. If we go 4-2, finish second to Virginia, in regular season, and either Duke, or Virginia win the ACC tournament, we will be a 2.

Sigh. Theres only a miniscule chance that a three loss Syracuse team doesn't get a 1 seed...and a ton of things need to break wrong for that unlikely senario to occur. Virginia "winning" a non existent ACC regular season championship would have absolutely no bearing on anything after seeding for the ACC tournament is over. It's absolutely clear that imbalanced conference schedules has rendered regular season conference standings irrelevant to NCAA tournament seeding for the committee.
I think the biggest threat to us getting the #1 at MSG is a scenario where Duke runs the table right through the ACCT wile we lose 3 in the regular season and take a 4th in the ACCT. Duke would end up 29-5 and SU would be sitting 29-4 but possibly with 2 loses to them. In that scenario Duke would probably edge us out. A lot has to go right for them and wrong for us...but it can happen. If it did and we slipped to the #2 line we would most likely get sent to the South (with Florida as the #1).
I think the biggest threat to us getting the #1 at MSG is a scenario where Duke runs the table right through the ACCT wile we lose 3 in the regular season and take a 4th in the ACCT. Duke would end up 29-5 and SU would be sitting 29-4 but possibly with 2 loses to them. In that scenario Duke would probably edge us out. A lot has to go right for them and wrong for us...but it can happen. If it did and we slipped to the #2 line we would most likely get sent to the South (with Florida as the #1).
I just don't see Duke sweeping UNC. Of course it could happen but UNC is playing well. I think another situation would be Virginia winning out including the ACCT. If they beat us twice and Duke in the ACCT they could possibly sneak in. They're numbers might not be there but that would be 17 straight wins for them which might impress the committee.

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