PSU Presser cancelled... |

PSU Presser cancelled...

Terrible. (Note, sorry about the typo in the thread title. Wrote it too quickly.)

jimrome Jim Rome

Penn St., showing the type of accountability and responsibility they're now known for, cancels Joe Paterno's presser.
HORRENDOUS crisis management move. Lying and/or running & hiding is the WORST thing an org can do in this situation.
Wow. They need to hire a PR firm quickly to do some damage control. I can't believe they've botched every statement and presser thus far. As I watched the AG's conference yesterday I was impressed by her PR skills and slide stepping the moral questions.

I was in Scranton Sunday-Monday and that was all townies were talking about and it was on TV the entire time ala OJ Trial. Sadly a lot of them still believe JoePa isn't at fault which blows my mind. To quote Pedro Serano from Major League Baseball 'you have no marbles'.

I'm friends with a current Penn State Footballer so I'm waiting to hear what his reaction will be.
My guess on Spanier:
1. Cancel press conference;
2. Fire/force Paterno to resign at the end of the season;
3. Administrative leave for McQueary;
4. Announce a thorough investigation by a third party that reports to the Board of Trustees;
5. Have press conference later in the week after taking steps 1-4; and
6. Try to ride it out for a bit.

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