Quick SU-Pitt thoughts | Syracusefan.com

Quick SU-Pitt thoughts


Nunzio Prophet
Aug 14, 2011
  • As bad as Chuckie was in the 1st half, he was that good in the 2nd half. First half, he reverted to holding the ball like it's a bomb, kinda soft. I did like that play where he ran over the guy and dunked it-would have been the offensive highlight of his career if he didn't shove the defender over and get the Offensive foul. Second half, he was Dikembe Mutombo-blocking everything in his path. He has generally been excellent the last 8-10 games.
  • Needed Buddy and Hughes to step it up and step it up they did. I still would like to see Hughes diversity his offensive game a little more, though yesterday he was hot from 3.
  • Though Howard played a good game. He's always going to make a few cringeworthy mistakes, but he actually might be our most consistent shooter outside of Boeheim. Maybe it comes together again for him this postseason.
  • Dolezaj takes another charge-Don't recall an SU player who took more charges than him.
  • Nice to see Carey get on the board. He can really run. Just doesn't look like he can shoot, though a big part of it may be a confidence issue
  • Surprised we didn't go through Brissett last night. Will be interesting to see if he can step up tonight. Will need that to have a shot tonight. Don't see us shooting as well as last night, though I do like surprises.
  • Needed that win last night to finally be able to relax on selection Sunday. Anything else in this tournament is gravy!
  • many of buddy's turnovers are cringe-worthy - if he can cut those out, his game will go to the next level.
  • frank-buddy-eli - are the shooters - not sure what that says about tyus but playing him iso for the second half as has been JBs wont doesnt seem like the best way forward - really not a fan of iso 1 on 1 at all for any player even james harden definitely not for anyone on Su - quick decisions, quick passing is the recipe
  • chukwu has been stepping it up lately - wanna see him fed in the post - he's a good enough free throw shooter to try it out a bit more.
  • dolejaz needs to stop with the dumb fouls - seriously dont get it for such a "smart" player...also he needs to keep driving the ball - he's done it at times but needs to look to score more.
  • OB needs to stay in and around the paint all game and do work.
  • eli's 3s are all footwork...when he fades on 3s he misses more often.
  • carey is ready - when the team needs more athleticism in the game - he should be an option - especially if tyus is out...he's ready.
  • pick and roll with ob instead of chukwu.
  • post=up tyus when and if he comes back
I think we should sit Tyus and let him get treatment until next weekend.
Beating Pitt means we are certainly in.
Beating Duke even with a banged up Tyus is a long shot.
We're playing with house money tonight.
Sit Tyus so he feels better for the NCAAs.
  • many of buddy's turnovers are cringe-worthy - if he can cut those out, his game will go to the next level.
  • frank-buddy-eli - are the shooters - not sure what that says about tyus but playing him iso for the second half as has been JBs wont doesnt seem like the best way forward - really not a fan of iso 1 on 1 at all for any player even james harden definitely not for anyone on Su - quick decisions, quick passing is the recipe
  • chukwu has been stepping it up lately - wanna see him fed in the post - he's a good enough free throw shooter to try it out a bit more.
  • dolejaz needs to stop with the dumb fouls - seriously dont get it for such a "smart" player...also he needs to keep driving the ball - he's done it at times but needs to look to score more.
  • OB needs to stay in and around the paint all game and do work.
  • eli's 3s are all footwork...when he fades on 3s he misses more often.
  • carey is ready - when the team needs more athleticism in the game - he should be an option - especially if tyus is out...he's ready.
  • pick and roll with ob instead of chukwu.
  • post=up tyus when and if he comes back
Agree with almost everything, except for the part about Carey. Think he has a ton of potential, but right now, has no outside shot and is a Turnover waiting to happen.

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