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I think Hackett may have great upside but I am not sure that anyone knows if he was ready to be a head coach (at 33) or not. I think it was a gamble we simply could not afford to take at the moment.
Hackett had a very difficult learning curve and an inconsistent history of play calling. IMO he really needed a couple more years experience to be a top notch OC. His most impressive attribute was his ability to make objective analysis and criticism of his own work and make changes. He was still a work in progress - a very good work but a w-i-p nevertheless.

TGD had a tough choice to make and he made the safer bet. I have no argument with that.

I really like you idea of John Reagan. Everybody should take a look at this:

I agree. My hope, like most others was that promoting Shafer, and giving sufficient incentive to Hackett, would keep him. I have to admit, I did not expect DM to hire Hackett as OC for the Bills.
think Anselmo will retire.

I know that DM was the connection to Anselmo, but this would be a good year to keep him around.

That said, I believe HCSS will bring in a guy or two from his previous tenures at the directional Michigans, or Stanford, or UM.
Hackett has only been at SU since 2010 (two seasons), and prior to this year, many on this board were calling for his head. What a short memory some of us have, lol. I am 100% ok with Shafer as our new HC. He was an MVP QB in college and players say he throws a tighter spiral than anyone on the roster. We will be ok -- he knows offense and will find a good OC.
2010, 2011, 2012 = three seasons...
There is no way I believe Hackett should have been handed the keys to the program as Head Coach.

As for Reagan, maybe I'm way off base here but he seems like a run first OC. I love a physical running game but I'd rather we cater to our fast track. I think we need to look in the vein of the spread - look at guys who are already coaching the type of offense we're currently running.

In terms of OL coaching he's as good as it gets but he's not the type of OC I want to see here.
Im sure that Hack is a rising star but there is no way that TGD or any AD should have made him HC. I believe that Hack works hard that he studies film... good personality all of that but lets be honest. He was average at best until the second half of this season. Hack didnt decide to go fast pace Nassib talked him into it. As Doug says all play calling goes through him. No what Hack is to Doug is what Doug was to Sean Payton. A good mind, hard worker who will do exactly what he is told by his boss. Doug set the O tone here and im sure had a huge impact on play calling as well, Doug was the one who decided to go more run to take the pressure off of Nassib not Hack and Doug will continue to do the same thing in Buffalo. Hiring Hack would have been a huge gamble and possibly mistake on Docs part. Just because you have a great programmer doesnt mean for one second he can run your company.
Exactly - hell, he was average until Pugh and Trudo entered the lineup. Perhaps he should send them both a nice FTD bouquet for helping him move on to a $750K a year job.

Pugh and Trudo are to blame for all of this!
2010, 2011, 2012 = three seasons...
Tom you are respeted as much if not more than any poster on this board. Would you really have made Hack your HC?
LOVE the idea on Reagan, think Anselmo will retire.

I agree...I can drive over to Houston this AM and give him (Reagan) a lift to IAH.

I disagree with tomcat a bit...I think Shafer will make a better longterm HC for Cuse than Hackett. I see Shafer as a guy willing to stay here...Hackett would be a 3 and fly. Shafer doesn't seem like an NFL guy and I think tOSU is the only school he would leave us for in a heartbeat. Also, Shafer at 45 will have an easier time working with journeyman assistant coaches than a 33 year old guy.

We have Ohio/Michigan well covered for recruiting. Get me some more Tri State/VA/FL/GA coaching contacts. I like the idea of offering Cody the TE Coaching Position/Asst STs. Cody I'm sure would be a homerun recruiting Central and Western PA. Not sure about Coach Anselmo staying...he might tell Shafer he'll give him 1-2 more years to help in transition. You know sometimes when folks move from LI/NYC move to CNY they fall in love with the 12 minute commutes, lower stress, $150k homes and outdoor recreation in high supply in Upstate NY. His JUCO/NY contacts are vital for the coaching regime transition. He never seemed too involved on the sidelines but his players seemed improved. I doubt DM brings him to the Bills. Atkins is a mystery...anyone who is geographically separated from his family is a high flight risk. Here is a blast from the past: How about Coach Browning speaking of Motel guys. He seemed pretty good as an OL Coach.

There is an absolute homerun hire out there for STs...I hope HCSS is pursuing him. I can't divulge the name yet but he could immensely help recruiting.

We need to save Wheats and hopefully Moore. I hope Rob has improved this year in the recruiting game. HS Coaches are some of the biggest prima donnas around and you have to stroke their egos.
There is now way I believe Hackett should have been handed the keys to the program as Head Coach.

As for Reagan, maybe I'm way off base here but he seems like a run first OC. I love a physical running game but I'd rather we cater to our fast track. I think we need to look in the vein of the spread - look at guys who are already coaching the type of offense we're currently running.

In terms of OL coaching he's as good as it gets but he's not the type of OC I want to see here.

I completely agree. Tomcat, if Hack was named HC, we don't know that Shafer would have stayed he probably wouldn't have. And then how long would Hack have remained HC if he was successful here? He's a coach on the rise and it's clear SU was a stepping stone for Hack, whereas Shafer seems to be more loyal with better odds of sticking around. I think this factored in TGD's decision making. If Hack stayed in any capacity OC or HC, if the offense was good again next year, he'd probably be gone at the end of next year anyway. Shafer hopefully would stay, as was stated in the DO article on him, he wanted to get in a good coaching situation and stay there while his kids were in high school. Seems to have that now.

Also I don't get the love for Reagan as OC. From what everyone's saying, his offensive philosophy would be a 180 for what we've been doing. Also, when was the last time he coached/recruited in the east? How good of a recruiter is he if everyone's saying his offenses never have talent?
There is no way I believe Hackett should have been handed the keys to the program as Head Coach.

As for Reagan, maybe I'm way off base here but he seems like a run first OC. I love a physical running game but I'd rather we cater to our fast track. I think we need to look in the vein of the spread - look at guys who are already coaching the type of offense we're currently running.

In terms of OL coaching he's as good as it gets but he's not the type of OC I want to see here.
Is that because he's stuck on a physical run game or is he flexible enough to change styles. After all, DM and Hackett weren't always running this year's style of offense.
I think Shafer will do well here and is much better prepared to be HC than hack at this point.

I think OC in the NFL is overreaching by a couple of years, and so would HC over Shafer at this point.
Agree on Reagan. Hoping Anselmo will wait one yr to help with transition.

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I agree on Anselmo. I think he is a key player in the transition. He has been a HC before at the JUCO level. He was also the other have of the NYC/LI team with DM and would be valuable to maintaining those contacts / intros for HCSS.
Is that because he's stuck on a physical run game or is he flexible enough to change styles. After all, DM and Hackett weren't always running this year's style of offense.

It's a good question and I don't know the answer. Not enough data on Reagan.

That's just it to though, it was not Hackett solo, it was Hackett and Marrone. Marrone was the brains behind our offense.

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