That doesn't have anything to do with it... although to the contrary, I think your pro-Bron at all costs bias is showing! ; )
Re-read that quote in context. Strahan asks him if Lebron's decision influenced his decision to stay with NY. Carmelo says no, if anything my decision to come here a few years ago and have a good experience may have indirectly weighed into his decision now, years later, to return home. Nowhere does he come anywhere close to claiming that he "inspired" Lebron's decision to return to Cleveland, or that he was directly involved in any way. People read what they want to see [not calling you out--just making a general observation], but I think that interpretive spin on Carmelo's comments constitute really reading into what he was saying, and ignoring the context of the question in lieu of focusing only on one statement in a vacuum.
Just my two cents. Carmelo is a lightning rod for a variety of reasons [perceived as a selfish gunner / volume scorer who hasn't had great postseason success up until this point in his professional career, has never really been able to "coexist" with another star effectively, and of course--he self-selected his way into the most brutal city of media introspection that there is], but this to me seems like a lot of ado over nothing.
On a much more important note, how are things with you??? How are you feeling? I'm in the dementia stage of chronic sleep deprivation with an 8-week old who's a sleep fighter...
Otherwise, all is well! Hope the same is true on your end, my man.