Respecting vs hero worshiping HNHCSS | Page 2 |

Respecting vs hero worshiping HNHCSS

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why wouldn't the fan base have been "all in" with Marrone. We went from the bowels of college football to a Bowl game win in 2 years with very limited talent. What the man did was a minor miracle. I forget what the exact quote was, but it was something like get me average talent and I will win with that. In a way the man did deserve to be worshiped. So what he took a job in the NFL, or didn't draft his college qb, he left this school in a far better spot then it was when he took over. Not many people could do what he did, and definitely not in the relatively short time.
All in on the coach is fine. I'm saying lets let Shafer be a coach. Some people understand what I'm saying.

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why wouldn't the fan base have been "all in" with Marrone. We went from the bowels of college football to a Bowl game win in 2 years with very limited talent. What the man did was a minor miracle. I forget what the exact quote was, but it was something like get me average talent and I will win with that. In a way the man did deserve to be worshiped. So what he took a job in the NFL, or didn't draft his college qb, he left this school in a far better spot then it was when he took over. Not many people could do what he did, and definitely not in the relatively short time.

Bowels to Bowls... I like it!!!!:p
Fantastic new avatar, let's just make that clear up front.

I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't be all in on believing that Shafer will be successful as a coach. We absolutely should.

My main point is that we shouldn't let that bleed into misrepresenting who Shafer really is in an unfair manner. Separate the coach from the man. We don't need to deify him. With Marrone, it wasn't enough for some fans to express confidence in him as a coach - they also felt the need to make him Superman. He was supposed to be a lifer, someone perfectly loyal, someone that's exceptionally high moral character was a product and representative of attending Syracuse University. That makes the way some recent things can be perceived out to be so much worse. He didn't fail anybody as a coach, but for some fans he arguably failed them by not being something more that they thought he was. That's not really on him. That's on us fans for letting expectations get out of whack. Let's learn from it and do better by Shafer. I understand that people feel after Robinson we needed someone to believe in, I just think it went too far and hope we don't collectively make the same mistake.
well even Superman eventually left Smallville for the big lights of Metropolis :noidea:
Your a little too late on this one Otto, last report I heard he already walked on water and was turning the water to wine in the process, but I agree.
Lets see what happens when someone starts a thread criticizing HNHCSS. I don't know of any posters who are already against him for whatever reason, unlike other coaches who have an established board nemesis. In his limited time, he seems to have made all the right moves, so their aren't any legit items for criticism that I can think of. That will surely change once the games start. Will the flock gang up on whoever casts the first stone?
I think so far that Shafer is doing the right things to win people over and establish the right tone for a rising program, and has an awesome fan friendly sidekick in Cool Kid McDonald. I had some big reservations about naming him HC without a sufficient search for external candidates, but I just have to trust that the AD carried out proper due diligence and that Shafer really was the best choice. So far, everything looks good.

In the past I haven't been afraid to be critical of Marrone. Part of it was because there were things that appeared unsettling that I felt merited criticism. A really big part of it was also because I felt there was a really unbalanced level of adoration for the guy. He was put on a pedestal and received a lot of accolades and trust very early on that frankly was undeserved. This high level of praise combined with immediate excuse of many criticisms really warped how Marrone should be viewed and the context for evaluating him as a coach. People were viewing him in the same light as Boeheim - problem was, he didn't have JB's accomplishments. It made expectations for performance unfair, and we're seeing now the fallout from how unfair certain expectations for character and personality became, since so many are now so disappointed in Marrone for not being what many thought he was.

That's not his fault. We're responsible for that. I think overall we'll be a happier fan base if we claim Shafer as our guy, but leave it at that. He's our guy. He's not our program savior. He's not the next Schwartzwalder. He probably won't be the Jim Boeheim of SU football, longevity wise and that shouldn't be expected of anybody. He's a passionate guy that is happy to be at Syracuse with his family. He seems to be a pretty good coach that has assembled a pretty good staff that is trying to bring pretty good players in to represent the University on the field. He's a fun guy to support. He's ready to be a head coach.

He's not worthy of worship or blind faith. He'll make mistakes, and it's ok to talk about them. We should all bask in the success he brings. He is a football coach that we can and should admire.

Let's get this right as fans this time.
Thank you so frigging refreshing to hear other comments about dougie. HCSS does still have his work ahead of him. But at least he beathes normally!!
Thank you so frigging refreshing to hear other comments about dougie. HCSS does still have his work ahead of him. But at least he beathes normally!!

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