RIP, Igor ... | Page 3 |

RIP, Igor ...

A very longtime and legendary poster of many handles, I never stopped thinking of him by his AOL name in the 1990’s. RIP WBonn123

How many names? These are the ones that I can recall: WBonn123, LBonn123, Goose, Moose, igor, StudIgor ... Anybody have any others?
Although he never used Goose or Moose on the board.
Are you sure he never used Goose back in the early days of this board ... 20-22 years ago? I vaguely remember him changing his name a few times ... with Goose being one of his names. Unfortunately, we have no records of posts prior to August 2011 when we migrated from Rivals and some other hosting sites to this independent board.
Are you sure he never used Goose back in the early days of this board ... 20-22 years ago? I vaguely remember him changing his name a few times ... with Goose being one of his names. Unfortunately, we have no records of posts prior to August 2011 when we migrated from Rivals and some other hosting sites to this independent board.

Of course he may have since I have no real memory that far back. I just don’t recall it.
Are you sure he never used Goose back in the early days of this board ... 20-22 years ago? I vaguely remember him changing his name a few times ... with Goose being one of his names. Unfortunately, we have no records of posts prior to August 2011 when we migrated from Rivals and some other hosting sites to this independent board.
He definitely used goose. Whenever he changed his name, he was instantly recognizable by his style: the e. e. cummings all-lower-case style of writing plus the adherence to one of two constant themes: 1) zone=bad, man=good, and 2) JB=idiot, igor=genius. I don't remember him using moose, however.
wow, just saw this now.

he was one of the original originals.

some of you still dont understand the value of a controversial protagonist.

RIP Igor!!

i'll raise a glass to you tonight.

not sure what i liked better, going head to head against you, or posting alongside you as we destroyed some fool.

good times, good times...
RIP Igor.

Agree or disagree with him, he truly helped to make this a unique place for Syracuse fans, especially for those of us remote from Syracuse who rely on this forum to get our daily dose of Cuse and insight into all that is going on.

Igor, StudIgor, Goose, Moose you will be missed. Though I don’t believe I ever met him in person, interacting with him here over the years makes me feel like I’ve lost a “family member.”
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RIP Igor... I loved his takes on JB and the hoops program in general. I always appreciated that his opinions went against those of the masses.

Getting old sucks when you start losing people who you've known virtually or in real life for decades.
StudIgor was just the best of all of them IMO. Like others, have been wondering where he has been. RIP made a hugely positive impact on this place.

My summer visits to the board are infrequent, but I couldn't stay silent on this occasion.

Igor was an expert provocateur. Overstepped the line often, but only drew me out a couple of times. Added great flavor to the board. His fights with the various versions of Tristan were epic, and I sometimes suspected that he invented both online personas. But then it became clear that Fishy had invented Tristan out of whole cloth. Someday Fishy will confess to this. I'm sure of it.

All this reminiscing took me back to a time when this message board stuff seemed pretty new, and we were all suffering and burning with desire for that "one before the grave" that we got in 2003. He drew a lot of us old folks out to post--then and now on the occasion of his passing. I loved finding out above in this thread that he was a teacher/coach and friend to a couple of longtimers around here, and that he supported BocaDoug and others around him with a less controversial persona IRL. It is such a small world sometimes.

Igor, if you can track down a 14.4 baud modem in the afterlife, log the hell on, you troublemaker. You made the ride much more interesting, and I wish I'd gotten to meet you in person.
I don't post much but have lurked for quite a long time. Igor made me laugh on more than occasion as he would purposefully say things just to piss someone off. He was one big long run on sentence of a poster and made the five minute wait of connecting to the internet then to the board worth it.
Never knew him but enjoyed his posts. I remember his grandson would type for him. Shows what a passionate fan he was that he found a way to participate even after a stroke...Does anyone know how old he was?

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