Class of 2021 - S James Williams (FL) Decommitted from Miami |

Class of 2021 S James Williams (FL) Decommitted from Miami

Way too early for a commitment in my opinion. The kid could end up being great or could already have reached his potential. Early commits led to Mack Brown's downfall.
Way too early for a commitment in my opinion. The kid could end up being great or could already have reached his potential. Early commits led to Mack Brown's downfall.
I don't like kids committing this early either, especially as they usually don't stick.
His younger brother Ronnie just committed to a school that hasn’t even been built yet.

Dude can say it whatever way he wants on the Twitter
I don't know if this is literally true. Thinking that he wants to say it in a way that many understand it. Or he could say it in reverse logic notation and have no one understand it.
Maybe go for an English degree?

What's wrong with what he said? It's Twitter. The way I type online isn't how I speak at work. At least this kid wants to go to school and knows that he may never make it to the NFL. That in itself is commendable. He doesn't want to be put in Communication and Rhetorical Studies like the other athletes at SU.

Stanford tied for #1 (with M.I.T.) followed by Michigan (#5), Illinois (#7), and Purdue (#8, tied with Cornell) in the top 10 as far as major football schools. I won't comment on his twitter capabilities as a (dis)qualifying factor in pursuing his dreams, as it doesn't mean much of anything so long as he doesn't post anything controversial (I will leave this intentionally vague), that could disqualify him from a scholarship program.
If anyone would like to discuss Twitter etiquette, take it to the main board or the OT forum. This thread is about the recruitment of James Williams. Thanks.
Stanford tied for #1 (with M.I.T.) followed by Michigan (#5), Illinois (#7), and Purdue (#8, tied with Cornell) in the top 10 as far as major football schools. I won't comment on his twitter capabilities as a (dis)qualifying factor in pursuing his dreams, as it doesn't mean much of anything so long as he doesn't post anything controversial (I will leave this intentionally vague), that could disqualify him from a scholarship program.
It says he wants to be a Mechanical Engineer not necessarily a Mechanical Engineer from a top engineering school. What is the difference between a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Stanford or Syracuse? ...Nothing. They're both Mechanical Engineers.
It says he wants to be a Mechanical Engineer not necessarily a Mechanical Engineer from a top engineering school. What is the difference between a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Stanford or Syracuse? ...Nothing. They're both Mechanical Engineers.

Well, I can't speak to this young man's motivations as far as going to "any" engineering program versus a top engineering program, or what means more to him, the football program or the academic program. But if he get's a scholarship to attend a top program, and that is his priority, why wouldn't he? Any engineers on the board may comment as to the veracity of the following statement, but I believe doctoral programs tend to be more important for job/career placement, and they may consider where you did your undergraduate work and how well you did.
What you're saying is similar to what we heard in Medical School: Do you know what they call the person who graduates last in his medical school class? "Doctor." Well, that's all well and good, but do you want to trust that person with you or your family's health/life?
I hope SU can provide the proper mix of both athletic and academic pursuits that this young man is pursuing. If not, I really like that he has the foresight to consider a career that may not be the NFL. Pursue one dream and pocket the other in case it doesn't work out.
It says he wants to be a Mechanical Engineer not necessarily a Mechanical Engineer from a top engineering school. What is the difference between a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Stanford or Syracuse? ...Nothing. They're both Mechanical Engineers.
About $40k per year?
It says he wants to be a Mechanical Engineer not necessarily a Mechanical Engineer from a top engineering school. What is the difference between a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Stanford or Syracuse? ...Nothing. They're both Mechanical Engineers.
It's widely known that the B1G has the top engineering programs. I think Rutgers while likely lowest ranked among its B1G peers at #48 is still ahead of SU. In fact, engineering is probably the only place the B1G outclasses the ACC in academics and stands toe to toe with the Ivy, and probably comes out ahead. If it's that important to him, he may be looking at the B1G.

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