The Matalas family thanks the Syracuse online community for all the kind words written about long-time Syracuse devote Chris Matalas, aka, CaliCuse. His love for Syracuse and Syracuse sports were clearly second to none.
Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers, but most especially, for being there for CaliCuse for over a decade. His terrible health situation prevented him from having the mobility and freedom he once enjoyed. His extended online family allowed him to have glimpse of a social life that he could not otherwise have due to his inability to leave the house.
The Syracuse forums were always there to allow him to express himself and share his thoughts about sports, politics, and how proud he was of his family.
Thank you all for your support during this difficult time. For those asking about where to send flowers for services, we have set up a Chris Matalas Memorial Fund for St. Jude’s. Please
click here to donate.
With much love, The Matalas Family. Go Orange!