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Same old discussion

After reading the replies, I think that many miss my point. I was not complaining the use of 7.5 man roataion just commenting on it. It seems that every year, many 0f the overly optimistic faithful insist that the coming year will be the "deep". There will be a 9 man if not a 10 man rotation. Watch out for "X" surprising and getting a lot of minutes, etc, etc. And when I or many other long timers express a wait and see attitude, we get staked. Yup, JB has changed over the years but he still usually goes with 8 guys and usually that is dictated by how well they play defense in his zone not offense. I see that this year things have worked out well. I have complained about how Colman was progressing but now it looks like he is moving to a very usefull 10-15 minutes, usually early on in both halves where his offense more offsets his defense deffenentices. But because of those deffentcies, he is not going to be the center there to finish the game. Xmas has progreesed too in that there seems to have more energy in his game. He has to be active or he isn't effective. If anything BMK seems to have take a step back but then again last year he started a little slow but brought it on in the tournies. The one guy I am really disappointed in is Silent G. He is getting only about 12 minutes a game and that is putting a lot of pressure on Cooney (who has stepped it up) and Ennis. Another comment would be that while people complain about the "cup cake schedules" I would say that without the cupcakes, you wouldn't get to see the freshmen play.
Not too many cupcakes on the schedule this year. We are on a lo-cal diet.
Lot to be said for that. Our OOC isn't filled with heavy hitters or anything, but it feels like this year we're playing a lot more legit teams (ie not schools from conferences that will only send their AQ to the tournament).
Not too many cupcakes on the schedule this year. We are on a lo-cal diet.
And I guess my point was that there is +/- to that. Really good games to watch against good/decent teams but you don't get to see the freshmen play (much). This is a good schedule. I can't think of too many who could complain. Of course no top 10 team or on opponents court but still plenty to like. Wonder what the OOC ranking is going to be at the end of the season?
hes won once. he had Carmelo. is his post season record commensaurate with his talent.
Wow. He's only won once? Who knew?
Those of us that haven't been long time die-hards like some of the other members here like hearing and knowing questions and answers like this. I understand it can be like a broken record sometimes but it's invaluable information for new fans.
Fair enough. My bad on that snappish response- a little too much Thnxgiving "cheer" dealing w/ certain fam members! :).
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The past couple seasons we were abnormally deep. This is simply a return to form with 8 players.
The problem is not the talent of the freshman per se. It's the talent of the guys in front of them. Who are you going to sit amongst cj/grant/rak in favor of Roberson? Seriously?
Well I think it is also the inexperience of the guys ahead as well. Ennis, Cooney, Gbinije, Grant, and Coleman do not have much game experience.

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